
Articles from ‘January 2011’ Issue

All You Need Is Love

By Dr. Alethea Eller


I am a huge fan of New Years resolutions.  It isn’t often in life that we get the opportunity of a clean slate.  No matter what happened last year, here it is, the chance of a new start.  No strings attached, no looking back, a total commitment to make some sort of […]

Andrea’s Offers Delicious Baked Goods & Information On Gluten Allergy & Intolerance

If the aroma of freshly baked bread tempts your taste buds, step into Andrea’s Gluten Free!

“Our mission is to provide delicious gluten-free food,” states owner and Chief Taste Officer Andrea Kosinski.  “We produce great savory and sweet baked goods in our dedicated gluten, peanut and tree nut-free kitchen.  Several members of my team must eat […]


St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts

Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor


Celebrating My Fifth Year With Healthy Planet


With a new year comes a new calendar, always a good time to review the past year.

Anniversaries, however, encourage us to think over a longer period of time.

I wrote my first ARTful Living column for The Healthy […]


With Cathy Burkemper


What About Sinus Problems?

How Much Vitamin C?


Q: I heard something about using Xylitol for sinus problems.  Isn’t Xylitol used as a sweetener?


A Yes.  Xylitol is an all natural sweetener that offers many health benefits, such as; reducing the amount of dental cavities, and to help prevent chronic sinus and ear infections.  When used […]

Bi-State Green Expo Set For Jan 21-23 In Belleville, Illinois

St. Louis area premier green event is happening January 21-23 at the Belle Clair Fairgrounds in Belleville, IL.  Eco-friendly vendors, businesses, and companies will showcase products and services to clientele who are interested in cost-saving and earth-friendly life styles.  With free admission, all attendees can browse, shop, learn, and network while discovering what is available […]

Cancer and Animlas: Part 1

By Ava Frick, DVM


One of the most feared words to an animal owner is “cancer.”  We know what it has done to family and friends and we cringe at the thought of that happening to our dear animals.  The word rings with emotions of pain, helplessness, hopelessness, and sooner than later the inevitable, death.

What happens […]

Cheese From Contented Cows

By Nancy Smith,

Secretary, Farm to Family Naturally


I admit it.  I’m a huge fan of cheese–any cheese.   But really high quality local cheese made from creamy Jersey cows who are grass-fed and free to roam in sunny pastures?  Now that’s good cheese!

If you came to our Food and Farms Expo in September, you probably had […]

Dental Allergies: Truth or Myth?

By Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN

(Certified Clinical Nutritionist)


When an individual discovers they have a food allergy, the obvious thing to do is eliminate that food choice from their diet. Continual exposure to these sensitive foods could create symptoms like itching, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain. More severe cases can cause general weakness, immune suppression, lightheadedness, […]

Disappearance of the Universe as We Know It for WIMPs: What If Cancer Patient Doesn’t Really Have Cancer?

By Simon Yu, MD


In case you are not familiar with the history of our Universe, NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Spacecraft expedition in 2003 revealed vital information about our universe. The age of the universe is estimated at 13.7 billion years old. The universe is made-up of: 4 percent matters consisting of stars, planets […]

Eagle Days Set To Take Flight Jan. 15-16

Eagle Days is set to take flight in just a few short weeks!  Eagle-lovers of all ages are invited to the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge, 10950 Riverview Drive, St. Louis, MO 63137, January 15 and 16, 2011 to watch eagles fishing, riding ice floes, soaring overhead or roosting in nearby trees. Eagle Days runs […]

Earthworms’ Castings

By Jean Ponzi


Onward! into a New Year


Behold the vast and open space

Of twenty-ought-eleven!

Another cycle’s starting-place

En route to heck or heaven.


It’s time for reinvigoratin’

Values dear that guide my way

And for reconfiguratin’

How I dance the path, each day.


Because some habits, methods, thinking

Tend to leak efficiency

Progress depends on my un-kinking

Modus operandi me.


What needs to change? What should I […]

Fashion-Forward Non-Profit Seeks Artists & Volunteers

Rung, St. Louis’ newest non-profit resale boutique, is accepting applications from area female artists interested in exhibiting work that supports their mission of outfitting women in affordable and beautiful professional attire. The boutique is also in need of friendly and dependable volunteers to assist with events, inventory management and customer service.

The boutique is especially interested […]

Green Light Program Offers Intensive Outpatient Plan For Overweight & Obese

By Cherie Massmann, MA, LPC, NCC

Webster Wellness Professionals


As we say good-bye to 2010, many are making New Year’s Resolutions.  A common resolution for many people is to lose weight.  Regular gym members will tell you that the longest lines for the treadmill occur after the New Year and begin to fade by early February.  For […]


With Craig Jung • StLouisGreen.com

Healthy Planet Green Living Editor


The StLouisGreen.com Holiday Light Recycling Drive is off to a great start and will continue through Jan 31 at several locations including 18 Car-x locations, 22 Goodwills, Kirkwood Recycling Center, Schlafly, Whole Foods (Town and Country location only), Mungenast Lexus Dealership and others.  Locations are on the […]

Happy New Year To All: Time To Make Your Health A Priority

By Rosa Kincaid, M.D.


Happy new year to all!  The season for giving is a special time for me to give thanks to all those who have entrusted me with providing medical care to their family members and other loved ones.   Your confidence in me as your doctor, has inspired me to strive to work even […]

Irresistible Community Builders Presents: Is Living In An Integral Ecovillage For You?

By Tom & Carol Braford


Looking for water, food, energy, health care, housing and employment security?  Integral Urban Ecovillage living may be for you!

Of course, it isn’t for everyone, at least not at this point in time.  That may change as it is perfected and becomes better known and even a standard housing, employment and lifestyle […]

Lose up to 30 lbs in 40 days… Results are typical at TransFigure Total Health… A Great New Year’s Resolution!

By Jane Arrington RN


Jill and Cathy came to TransFigure Total Health to lose weight that had crept up on them in recent years.  For Cathy, increased stress and greater inactivity were the culprits.  Both quickly discovered that doing the diet with a friend or partner leads to greater dieting success.   Jill stated that although she had […]

Nature Wisdom

With Pat Tuholske


Pondering Pond Ice


We are blessed with an enchanted pond.  Its woodland setting is embellished with a sunset bench and a quaint rowboat.   A walk down to the pond is part of my daily routine and I often feel as if I am visiting the legendary Celtic Pool of Wisdom – a portal […]


January 8-February 6


Photography exhibition; Framations Art Gallery, 218 N. Main in St. Charles; for info, call 636-724-8313 or visit www.framations.com.

January 11-February 13



Museum of Contemporary Religious Art (MOCRA), on the St. Louis University campus, 221 N. Grand; for info, call 314-977-7170.

Through January 14


Works by […]

New Pure Power option makes it more affordable to support Green Power in Missouri!

In response to customer demand for a more affordable commitment to green power, Ameren Missouri is proud to introduce the Pure Power Half-Block participation option. This 500 kilowatt-hour per month option makes it even easier and more affordable to support the development of new green power sources in Missouri… and reduce your carbon footprint at […]

Notes From The Wildlife Rescue Center: The Missouri Black Widow and Brown Recluse Spiders

By Kristin Clayton, volunteer


Just the name, Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus mactans) sends chills up your spine. The Black Widow is characterized by its jet black body with the signature red hourglass shape on the underside of its abdomen. The abdomens are normally much larger than the rest of the body and females are larger than […]

Once I Was Sharp As A Tack

By Dr. Dave Peterson, DC, DCCN


Do you have “brain fog?

Brain fog, though extremely common, is not normal.

Unfortunately, the disorder is not yet widely recognized among medical professionals, and is often misdiagnosed or ignored.  Brain fog may be described as feelings of confusion or lack of mental clarity. Brain fog may include difficulty concentrating and paying […]


New Year Alterations Instead of Overhauls


The New Year brings new hope for many who are looking for a change. A change in diet, a change in love, a change in finances, a change in politics, the list of hopeful change goes on and on. Aspirations to “change” bad behavior or bad habits are something worth […]

Saint Louis Auto Show Goes Green With EcoCity

In addition to hundreds of the newest and most exotic cars on the planet, the 2011 Saint Louis Auto Show, Jan. 27-30, will be making their mark without leaving a print—their carbon footprint.

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions and promote a carbon-neutral lifestyle, the Saint Louis Auto Show is teaming up with Ameren Missouri […]

TAI CHI CH’UAN For Health & Fitness

By Paul MacFarlane and Bill Grivna


You’ve probably heard something about T’ai Chi, have seen people practicing it in a park, or watched it on a television special about China.  You know it’s some kind of slow moving, graceful exercise that is supposed to be beneficial for your health.  You may also know that at advanced […]

Taking The Mystery Out of Yoga

By Gretchen Karros


The article for this month is quoted from a wonderful book “Gateway to Wisdom” by John Blofeld.* He was a prolific writer, having written more than 20 books and specializing in Eastern Religions.  He lived in China for most of his adult life only returning to the U. S. in 1937, therefore, he […]

The Art Of Relating

With Christine Kniffin

LCSW, Therapist & Relationship Coach


New Attitude, New Year, New You


Sign up for my new Art of Relating Newsletter for relationship tips and info on upcoming articles & radio show topics www.ChristineKniffen.com.


How do you really feel about yourself and what type of energy do you put off?  Things don’t just change on their own.  […]

Tias Little Yoga Workshop Intensive Feb. 4-6 Sponsored by YogaSource

By Lynn Rosemann


I first met Tias almost two years ago attending a workshop of his in Chicago. He seemed kind, attentive, engaged and knowledgeable. At the time, I didn’t realize that I would be so drawn to this unassuming, Buddha-nature-like yogi.  I was at a point in my own yogic path where I was searching […]

Visit BUILDstlouis.org Locally-Owned Independent Businesses Need Your Support More Than Ever

By Ed Mantels-Seeker


Spend your money wisely during these tough times. Don’t let the St. Louis area become just another generic Anytown, overloaded with non-local chain stores and franchise businesses that drain money from our local economy and diminish St. Louis’ unique local character. Most consumers believe the myth that national chain businesses are always cheaper, […]

Web-Enabled Phone Apps Now Available For Home Automation & Energy Savings

By Travis Seeger


Who would have imagined it could possibly be 2011 already?  Well as my grandma used to tell me the years just go by faster and faster. That really seems impossible, however, I’m sadly finding it’s true.

With time flying by, one of the things we also see speeding up is the pace at which […]

What Gluten-Free Is and Is Not

By Elizabeth Cowie, MS, RD, LD


The New Year is a time that many consider making resolutions resolving to eat well and start a new diet plan.

One diet that is a recent topic of conversation is the gluten-free diet. Here is an overview of what gluten-free is and what it is not.

Gluten is a protein found […]

What’s Coming: Food Trends 2011

By Gretchen Morfogen


2010 was a year of retro food. Local, local, local. Food, farms, beverages and menus designed with local focus. Well, that’s getting back to a reality prior to global schlepping of our foods from anywhere to anywhere. I know it can present a challenge to many retailers and restauranteurs due to logistics and […]

Winter Dreams & Garden Seeds Plant Them Both Now

By Linda Wiggen Kraft


January is when a gardener begins to plant dreams of the soon-to-be growing garden.  Daydreams, wishings, and yearnings are all necessary preparations for a garden’s growth.  The imaginings that take place in a gardener’s mind and heart dig deep into the soil and soul of the garden itself, readying it to receive […]

Winterizing Your Pet for Safety & Well-Being!

By Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM


A very weather report I have heard recently predicts a very cold winter this season.  Yikes!  So what do we need to be aware of to protect our pets until the winter disappears and spring sets in? The first obvious issue regards our pets’ direct exposure to prolonged cold , and/or […]