
All You Need Is Love

By Dr. Alethea Eller


I am a huge fan of New Years resolutions.  It isn’t often in life that we get the opportunity of a clean slate.  No matter what happened last year, here it is, the chance of a new start.  No strings attached, no looking back, a total commitment to make some sort of personal transformation.  I really love it!

This year as you take the plunge to a “new you,” let’s take one minute to check your motives.  What is calling you to change your ways?

Is it because you are tired of other people telling you “you should” do it.  Do you have a burden of guilt lying heavy on your shoulders and you just “can’t take it anymore”.  Do you feel like something is wrong with you?

If your reasons line up with any of these, ask yourself how motivating this is to you?  Sure, it may make you hit the gym for about 30 days or so.  You may quit smoking until that next “stressful” event.   It is very difficult to run any program like this.   Your body needs inspiration to feed and fuel your will power but all it may be getting to run on is shame and guilt.

If you look at your body in the mirror with complete disgust as your motivation to eat better, the road before you will be very stressful and not nearly successful.

After 10 years in private practice, I have seen patients make total transformations in their health.   It is why I love what I do.  My commitment is to create new health for people in ways that truly inspire them.   We get breakthrough results when we move away from the mindset of “I just don’t want to be where I am” and move towards what inspires you.  It fuels your will power with something far greater than shame and guilt.  Somewhere from deep within, we call ourselves to be what we know we were created for.  It is nothing short of inspiring.

Even though you may not be pleased with where you are now, try throwing a little love in your own direction.  Give yourself some grace for past decisions and tap into what truly inspires you.  You just may enjoy the journey of your transformation.  Many blessings to you this New Year!

Dr. Alethea Eller practices at the Alternative Medicine Center in Chesterfield MO.  For more information go to www.thealternativemedicinecenter.com.