The Healthy Planet magazine is proud to host its 30th Natural Living Expo, Sunday, Sept. 27, 10 am to 4 pm, at the Webster Groves Recreation Center in Webster Groves. “We are very excited to be holding our 30th event in 18 years,” said J.B. Lester, Publisher of The Healthy Planet magazine. “ We love […]
Archive for August, 2015
A Word To The Wise
With Kate Schroeder, M.Ed, LPC, NCC
Building Emotional Intimacy In Relationships
What is intimacy? Contrary to popular belief, emotional intimacy is more than sharing time or space together or including each other in daily decisions and activities. True intimacy has much less to do with the quantity of time spent together than it does the level of […]
ARTful Happenings August 2015
Through August 15
Featuring the work of 7 local artists; Cathy Gregory Studio Gallery, 2000 S.39th Street; for info, call 314-773-3935 or visit
Through August 16
Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis; 3750 Washington; for […]
ARTful Happenings September 2015
September 2-October 29
Opening reception Sept. 18, 5-9 p.m.; Green Door Gallery, 21 N. Gore; for info, call 314-402-1959 or visit
September 4-23
Opening reception, 6-8 p.m.; variety of fabric media; The Gallery of University City Public Library, 6701 Delmar; for info, call 314-727-3150 or visit
Through October 8
Juried […]
ArtFul Living
St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts
Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor
September is a Month of Diversity of Art…
The Amherst Park Peace Festival on Saturday, September 12, 2015 is a gathering for diverse local groups in a cross-cultural event designed to promote peace and harmony. Near Skinker and Page Boulevards, the 11 a.m.-2 p.m. […]
Ask The Herb Lady
With Cathy Schram
What To Do About Colds and Shingles?
Q: My kids seem to always get colds at the beginning of the school season. Is there something that I can do to do help prevent them?
A: The key to prevention is to keep the immune system strong so that it can fight off anything that starts […]
Back To School Pet Basics
By Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM
Students are racing back to school during August and September each year. Whether you are heading to junior or senior high school; or, onward to college, there are considerations regarding pet management, and more.
First of all, note that many times, changes in our home schedules may directly impact our pets. Your […]
Back-To-School Nutrition
By James E. Meyer, Nutrition Specialist,
University of Missouri Extension
As a new school year approaches, parents should be reminded of the important role nutrition plays in assuring kids a successful school year. Nutrition and learning go hand in hand. Kids who are nutritionally fit are more likely to have the energy, stamina and self-esteem that enhance […]
Biomats & Far Infrared Portable Saunas: Quantum Tools for Your Health, from A to Z
By Clint Willett,
Far Infrared Medical Foundation
The Far Infrared Biomat helps with 1,800 Medical Issues from A to Z, with the Biomat’s technology based on a Nobel Prize In Medicine. The Quartz Enhanced Biomat allows the Infrared to gently go into your body 6-8 inches, whereas most all other Infrared Devices and Saunas only go 1-2 […]
Bountiful Fall Gardening
By Crystal Stevens
Gardening is something that is typically associated with spring and summer but fall gardening can be very bountiful, especially if you enjoy a myriad of fresh greens and roots. It’s not too late to plant a fall garden. If you have a large garden space that gets plenty of sun, prepare your space […]
Can a Mattress Be Eco-Friendly?
You can have a conscience as green as the sky is blue, but it’s still hard to sort out what’s real and what’s “greenwashing.” Some terms are vague and some evidence is fuzzy. Let’s look at different ways mattresses are described, so you can sort out what’s real and what’s just a pale shade of […]
Cheers to 35 Years
Young Friends of Operation Food Search Host Wine Tasting Celebration September 26
By Karen Klaus,
Director of Development
Operation Food Search
Join the Young Friends of Operation Food Search as they host “Cheers to 35 Years,” an anniversary wine tasting event (with beer for those who prefer hops to grapes) from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, September […]
Coalition Report
By Brad Walker
Missouri Coalition
For The Environment
This is a story about an unrelenting water project that should never have been approved.
The Missouri Bootheel, once one of the largest bottom land forests and wetlands (some call swamps) in the country, is home of the New Madrid Floodway. The Floodway is 133,000 acres and the first of a series […]
Earthworms’ Castings
With Jean Ponzi
Non-Toxic Mosquito Nix
Our soaked late spring has boosted early fall mosquito populations. Wet soils and persistent pockets of standing water are ideal breeding conditions for generations of insects.
More than just a nuisance, mosquito bites can infect humans with West Nile Virus. This tropical disease affects most people with only mild flu-like symptoms, but […]
Finding A Garden Paradise Within
By Linda Wiggen Kraft
It was ten-year-olds who turned my world upside down as a garden designer. For years I had designed gardens in a traditional way. I found out what a person wanted in a garden by the inspirations they had seen in magazines, books, at public gardens and gardens of others. Then I would […]
Going Green For The GENIUS: An Action Guide to A Healthy & Sustainable Future
By Dr. Katie Belisle-Iffrig
Author and Sustainability Consultant
What People Are Saying
“Dr. Katie Belisle-Iffrig has written an engaging book that clarifies our connection to our living planet and what we must do to help it (and us) survive. She explains sustainability and “green living” with humor and an array of informative sidebars that clarifies facts, provides activities, […]
Green Dining Alliance Brings Sustainability to St. Louis Restaurant Scene
The Green Dining Alliance (GDA) is a restaurant certification program that collaborates with restaurants and community leaders to increase local, sustainable dining options. Created by the nonprofit St. Louis Earth Day, the GDA works with restaurants to lower their environmental impact by improving practices, reducing and recycling waste, and sourcing better products – creating more […]
Guide to Green Dining in the St. Louis Area
Visit for a complete list of participating restaurants – be sure to use our site when choosing where to dine out. This Green Dining Guide is cosponsored by The St. Louis Jefferson Solid Waste District.
4 Hands Brewing Company1220 S. 8th Street314-436-1559 •
Atomic Cowboy,4140 Manchester Road, 63110,
Avenue Restaurant,12 N. Meramec, 63105,
Bailey’s […]
August 1 & 3
Lead: The Unseen Burden
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 08/01 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 08/03 at 8:00 p.m. Lead poisoning damages the kidneys and central nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Don Fitz, Jed Hawkes Koball, and Bob Criss, discusses inherent problems with lead. Trade agreements, such as the […]
September 7-October 18
During this fun 6 week challenge you will be inspired to adopt the Habits of Health with others who want to do the same. Dr. Rebecca Gould DC from The Healing Center is your team leader and coach. This is an all online challenge where you earn points by establishing […]
Here’s The Reason You’re Fat…
By Dr. Raj Banerjee, DC
The reason you can’t lose weight has nothing to do with your will-power, over-eating or the Right Diet!…
The Reason you are fat and unhealthy is because you have disgusting plaque and horrible little ‘CRITTERS’ living in your guts!
This is harmful Plaque (below) – Everybody has it. But to keep from getting […]
Invisible Peril
Excerpt from the June 2006 article given by a Master of the Wisdom through Benjamin Creme, editor of Share International Magazine
Great as is the peril posed by global warming, this, unfortunately, is not the greatest, or most hazardous, faced by man today. Did he but know it, man is engaged in a slow but steadily […]
Make Plans Now To Attend Sept. 11-13 — Curing the Incurables
The Gateway Foundation For Biological & Integrative Medicine Conference
Energy Medicine covers the cutting edge of science based Alternative and Integrative Medicine, and attends to the broader spectrum of Energy Medicine.
Most people may know acupuncture as an ancient medical system from China. It can be used for pain relief as well as for a quite extensive […]
Natural Health Insights: Truth About Cholesterol
Brought to you by the clinicians of The Institute of Natural Health.
This month we would like to address a topic that is discussed in almost every visit to our clinic. The topic is cholesterol. Most people know that their cholesterol level gets checked when they go to the doctor, but very few people actually know […]
Natural Medicine From The Kitchen
The Digestive System: An Energetic Pathway
By Thomas Duckworth
Doctor of Kototama Life Medicine
“Diet is the most important way to control physical life and activity. The wrong diet puts the entire body out of balance. Eventually the unbalanced circulation of energy causes illness. Those who are interested in studying medicine are obliged, first of all, to clearly […]
Nature Wisdom
With Pat Tuholske, Naturalist
The Call
Every year for the past decade, we’ve had large cocoons dangling from our tulip tree. I remember the first one I discovered. It had a huge impact me in many ways. All winter I watched it hanging on the tulip tree. Suspended by a thick silken band, the cocoon was bigger […]
New Dierberg’s Cooking Class Brochure Provides Inspiration for Fall Entertaining
Dierbergs School of Cooking’s 2015 September-October cooking class brochure, which features an extensive line-up of classes blending traditional fall flavors with today’s trends, is available in stores and online. Register now at
“I’m always excited for the release of a new brochure because it gets people in the kitchen and cooking,” Dierbergs School of Cooking […]
Pruning Wounds: Paint or No Paint?
By Phil Berwick
Living Tree Care
Once upon a time, when a branch was pruned off, the wound was covered with a ‘tree paint’. ‘Tree paints’ at that time were petroleum based and could inhibit callous growth formation from sealing over the wound.
A government research forester in the 70’s, Dr. Alex Shigo set out to show the […]
Publisher’s Corner: 30 Expos Later & Summer into Fall
On Sunday, September 27, we will be celebrating our 30th Natural Living Expo. That does not mean we have been in business for 30 years, since we hold two of these events per year. I think we started hosting these expos back in 1998 against my better judgment. When someone approached me about hosting an […]
Publisher’s Corner: Linked For Life!
Our grandson Jackson turned two recently. Now that he’s around other kids a lot, we are teaching him to share. Sharing, what a concept. We are all taught at a young age to share and yet it’s something we as adults find difficult to do. And I am not talking about the obvious political issues […]
Ripoff Report on Stress and Negativity: Third Tuesday Evening to Crack the Healing Codes
By Simon Yu, MD
We live in a society perpetually engineered by an artificially generated fear, stress, and negativity. Many people are unfortunately naturally attracted to the negative publicity. Sensationalism and fear mean making a fortune for those who can benefit from it. There are also many professionals, including physicians, who are afraid of negative reviews […]
Seasonal Staples For Back-To-School Meals & Snacks
By Kari Hartel, RD, LD
Program Coordinator, Cooking Matters, Operation Food Search
With the excitement of picking out school supplies and getting the kids fitted with some stylish apparel slowing down, the charge of packing lunches and planning out tasty after-school snacks continues! Kids need nourishing meals and snacks to best prepare them for learning and playing […]
Senioritis – Super Senior
By Dr. Rosa Kincaid, MD
I am a “senior citizen”. People my age tell me that they are having “senior moments” and feel like they are breaking down. They have whole lists of things they don’t do because they are “seniors,” like: thinking about sex, checking out the latest fashions, riding in bicycle marathons, etc. As […]
Songs of a Summer Garden
By Linda Wiggen Kraft
“In summer the song sings itself”
– William Carlos Williams
The songs of a summer garden are many. There is the song of sound itself with the choir of cicadas, birds, bees, insects and wind through the leaves. It is there from that sacred time of morning before the sunrise when birds call […]
Staying Hydrated & Healthy
By Kari Hartel, RD, LD
Program Coordinator, Cooking Matters, Operation Food Search
Summer’s hottest months are upon us, and with the heat and humidity comes the risk of dehydration. It’s easy to get dehydrated in these summer months, especially since everyone is so busy with tons of outdoor activities. Compounding the risk for dehydration is the fact […]
Summer Bummer? Feeling Bloated or Sluggish? You Can Feel Better!
By Angie Smith, Clinical Director
Summer can be wonderful — it provides opportunities to get outside and see family and friends. However, these activities can encourage us to eat junk food, often leading to bloating and constipation.
A Common Problem
Surveys indicate that constipation is one of the most common GI problems in the United States, affecting 42 […]
The Art of Relating
Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW
Making It Happen
How to get there is simple, but it’s the execution of those steps with which we all struggle.
See You at the EXPO!!!!!!!
Visit the Web –
A great relationship always guarantees one thing. You are happy. Otherwise, you just wouldn’t call it a great relationship, as these interpersonal issues tend […]
The Art of Relating: Real Change Through Real Action
By Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW
When it’s This Hot Outside,
Make Productive Use of Your Inside Time
by Preparing for Real Change Through Real Action.
Plenty of us have periods in our lives when we are simply taking some time out to just rest. We have ventured out towards our endeavor, only to seemingly hit a brick wall, […]
The Role Of Self Compassion In Building Self Esteem
By Vera Gabliani, Ph.D.
Every day I talk with parents about their daughters and self-esteem. We are all aware of how preoccupied pre-teens and teens are with fitting in with friends. One of the most common and painful scenarios that I encounter is the girl who feels left out of her peer group.
Although this is a […]
The Water Energy Nexus: The Connection Between Water Use and Energy
By Marla Esser, USGBC-Missouri
Gateway Chapter Education Committee
I am sure every parent has said it more than they can possibly remember… “Don’t waste the water!” It is an important habit to instill in children. But not wasting water has other implications that even we adults need to be more aware of. Water has a lot more connection […]
This Fall, Give Your Lawn A Facial
Top Dress With Compost!
By The Experts at St. Louis Composting
Your lawn was good to your family this summer. Reciprocate this fall by giving it a top dressing “facial” using the ultimate 100% natural lawn care product – STA-certified compost.
Just as a spa facial restores a healthy glow and smooth texture to your skin, top-dressing – […]
Travel Options For Pets
By Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM
Many families rush away for a final summer vacation prior to the onset of the school season. In many cases, people enjoy bringing their pets along, if they are traveling by car. There are a number of issues to address to be sure you have a safe trip, free of safety […]
Urban Farmers Cultivating Eight Acres in Berkeley Eager To Deploy Mountain of Compost Donated by Schnucks
Donation Marks Success of Grocer’s Food Waste Recycling Program
Berkeley’s celebrated band of urban farmers know exactly what to do with the mountain of compost being donated to them by Schnucks, the area’s largest grocer. “It comes in real handy,” said Richard Austin, 79, of Berkeley. “We haven’t had anything like this compost before. It will […]
What Are Your Symptoms Telling You?
By Dr. Amy Davis, MD
Functional Medicine identifies the Root Cause of disease, and recognizes that symptoms manifest and provide clues to the underlying cause. The symptoms experienced provide key information to help identify and treat the root cause.
Symptoms that correlate with digestion and the gut microbiome are among the most common. They provide us with […]
What Do Growing Tomatoes and Developing Children Have In Common?
More than you think.
By Dr. Amy Davis, MD
In my container garden, I noticed some of my tomato plants were smaller with yellow leaves. These plants did not produce fruit. Next to the weak plants were others with deep green leaves, sturdy branches and lots of developing fruit. The vigorous ones had been planted in new […]
What Story Your Eyes Tell About Your Health
By Dr. Carrie Jardine
To truly know a person, take a long look into their eyes. This is true both mentally and physically.
Looking to the eye for health clues has a rich history in various countries. Warriors were chosen by looking into their eyes to detect courage, reaction time and physical stamina. The Egyptian hieroglyphs reveal […]
Who is Afraid of Alternative Medicine?
By Simon Yu, MD
Disappearance of Alternative Medical Doctors
A culture of fear and paranoia is probably the best way to describe the current state of alternative medical professionals. Several patients informed me by phone or e-mail that several alternative medical doctors in Florida and Georgia who were outspoken against vaccinations or chemo/radiation cancer therapies had died […]