
Articles from ‘November 2017’ Issue

A is for Acorn, Not Analog – Nature Words Gone From a Dictionary

By Linda Wiggen Kraft

Imagine our world with no acorns, apricots, blackberries, clover, crocus, ivy, mint, nectar, ravens, tulips, violets or wrens. These are just some of the words that the publishers of the 10,000 word Oxford Junior Dictionary, for seven year olds, deleted from its most recent publication. The editors at Oxford University Press claimed […]

Applicants Needed For 2018 Earthdance Farm & Garden Apprenticeship Program

The Farm and Garden Apprenticeship is a part-time, hands-on, education in organic gardening, market farming, and applied permaculture at EarthDance Organic Farm School.

The Program Runs April-September. Apply by February 1st.

The Program Includes:

Part-time gardening and farm shifts
Field and market training
Weekly classes
5 tours of nearby farms and gardens
Project opportunities in the Seven Generations Garden
Take home a weekly […]

ARTful Happenings November 2017


Through November 25
Bellwether Gallery of St. Louis Artists at The Sheldon, 3648 Washington; for info, visit www.thesheldon.org.

Through December 10
Highlights from the MOCRA collection, plus behind-the-scenes view of conservation work; Museum of Contemporary Religious Art on St. Louis University campus; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday; suggested donation […]

ARTful Living

St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts

Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor

This month, let’s talk about two ARTful spots that may not be on your radar.

Housed on Pine, in the middle of St. Louis University’s campus, is the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, better known as MOCRA. Unless you’re familiar with the SLU campus […]


With Cathy Schram

Kids’ Colds & Coughs

What is 5-HTP?

Q: Now that my kids have gone back to school, they keep coming home with either a runny nose, cough or a cold. What can I do to help prevent them from getting sick?
A: You are not the only parent going through this dilemma. The kids just seem […]

Biomats & Far Infrared Portable Saunas: Quantum Tools for Your Health, from A to Z

By Clint Willett,
Far Infrared Medical Foundation

The Far Infrared Biomat helps with 1,800 Medical Issues from A to Z, with the Biomat’s technology based on a Nobel Prize In Medicine. The Quartz Enhanced Biomat allows the Infrared to gently go into your body 6-8 inches, whereas most all other Infrared Devices and Saunas only go 1-2 […]

Climate Change Theatre Action Brings Home the Impacts of a Changing World

By Robin Saidenburg,
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Intern

Art has always been used as a way to highlight challenges that societies face, and make a commentary on social issues of the time. Music, pictures, paintings, and theater have the power to make people stop and think. One theater group in particular, That Uppity Theater Company, has done this […]

Coalition Report

By Ed Smith
Policy Director,
Missouri Coalition
For The Environment

MCE Pushes & Succeeds at Advancing Government Transparency at West Lake Landfill

Government transparency is driven by the public’s right to know. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a vital tool MCE uses to request documents from the federal government related to its activities and our environment. MCE […]

Earthworms’ Castings

With Jean Ponzi

State of Recycling 2017
Around St. Louis – What’s Working?

Recycling takes the spotlight on November 15, as America Recycles Day, like Earth Day, encourages us to practice Green.

I’ve worked with recycling, since 1996, as a community enviro-educator for the EarthWays Center of Missouri Botanical Garden. I also serve on the executive board of the […]

Green Dining Alliance Brings Sustainability to St. Louis Restaurant Scene Membership Grows To More Than 100

By Jenn Derose and Aspen Steiner

The Green Dining Alliance (GDA) is a nonprofit program of St. Louis Earth Day that provides sustainability certification for restaurants and helps them set goals to reduce their environmental impact over time.

Our 100 + member restaurants are provided with tools and strategies to improve sustainable practices throughout their operation. The […]

Guide to Green Dining in the St. Louis Area

Visit www.greendiningalliance.org for a complete list of participating restaurants – be sure to use our site when choosing where to dine out. This Green Dining Guide is cosponsored by The St. Louis Jefferson Solid Waste District.

4 Hands Brewing Company1220 S. 8th Street314-436-1559 • 4handsbrewery.com

Atomic Cowboy,4140 Manchester Road, 63110, 314-775-0775www.atomiccowboystl.com

Avenue Restaurant,12 N. Meramec, 63105, 314-727-4141.www.avestl.com

Bailey’s […]

Healthy Planet Happenings

November 4
Slovak Festival
Saturday November 4, 2017. Meals from 11 am to 6 pm. St. Lucas Lutheran Church. 7100 Morganford Road, 63116. Authentic Slovak Dinners and Slovak Bake Sale. Separate Carry-out line. Music with Larry Haller from 11am to 2 pm. Joe Polach and the St. Louis Express from 3 to 6 pm. Stuffed Cabbage rolls […]

Hurricanes, Molds and Death: Don’t Mess with Molds, the Undertaker

By Simon Yu, MD

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared the first Fungal Disease Awareness Week in August 2017, urging healthcare providers and their patients to, “Think Fungus” when symptoms of infection do not get better with treatment. This Call to Action was timely, as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and more are leaving […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: The Integral EcoHogan in the Sky

By Tom Braford

Forty years ago, graduate students at UC Berkeley School of Architecture were inspired to actually build their dreams for a better world by their beloved young renegade professor, Sim Van der Ryn, who some years later would come to be known to the world as ‘the intrepid pioneer of the eco frontier’.

The students […]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome A Functional Medicine Approach

By Dr. Amy Davis, MD

Functional Medicine provides a new way of thinking about chronic disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which can impact 1 in 6 people and is entirely correctable.

Typical symptoms of IBS include:

Diarrhea that often comes on after a meal

Each person with IBS may have a different cause even though the symptoms are […]

Meal Plan Project Helps Wellness Coach Thrive After Heart Virus

By Vincent Clardy

As a wellness coach with a viral attack to my heart, I was rushed to the ER, for the third time that year. I felt the most crushing chest pain that I had ever experienced and I didn’t know what to do to fix it. My heart rate, blood pressure, and C-Reactive protein […]

Natural Living Holiday and Gift Guide

Kim’s Herbs & Detox Center
Kim’s Herbs & Detox center is a specialty herbal store centrally located in Olivette, Missouri.  We carry high quality herbs that aren’t typically found at supplement stores in the metro area.  We carry Nature’s Sunshine, Cheryl’s Herbs, Pure Encapsulations, Essential Oils, Real Time Pain Relief products, Jean’s Greens teas, Organo Gold […]

Nature Wisdom

With Pat Tuholske,

The Custom Of Gratitude Wreaths

In this turbulent time of natural disasters, civil unrest and personal challenges, it seems essential to practice Gratitude. Gratitude is the key that unlocks positive energy in your life. It is the alchemy that turns problems into blessings and the unexpected into gifts. Find what channels your gratitude, optimism, […]

Plan For A Pet-Safe Thanksgiving

By Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM

Thanksgiving is that wonderful time of year, our woodlands adorned with fall flora, cool weather changes, and the portal for Christmas and New Year’s seasons following close behind. What’s to Worry?!?!? All that great food! Bad for our waistlines, and maybe, worse for our beloved pets!!

So many goodies! The general rule […]

Publisher’s Corner: I’m Exercising My Right To Be Thankful

As Thanksgiving approaches, I can’t help but think of how much we take our freedom for granted. Like a child who get’s tucked in by his mom or dad at night, we pull up the covers knowing our country will be there when we wake up. Yes, history has provided us with hiccups over the […]

Raintree School Goes Solar

Ranked 33rd among U.S. states for most solar-friendliness but with the potential to generate 42.7% of the electricity used in state from rooftop solar panels, Raintree School announces the completion of campus solar panels, moving Missouri one step closer to reaching renewable energy goals. The unveiling of Raintree’s whole-campus system, projected to defray over 80% […]

St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management News

The St. Louis – Jefferson Solid Waste Management District is a regional agency that was created in 1993 to assist the public, private and nonprofit sectors in establishing and expanding programs for recycling and waste reduction. The service area includes the City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Jefferson County and St. Charles County. Funding […]

Styrofoam Collection Discontinued at 2018 Recycling Extravaganza

Beginning in 2018, St. Louis Earth Day’s Recycling Extravaganza – the largest collection event in the St. Louis Metro Area for hard-to-recycle items — will no longer accept any form of Styrofoam. By eliminating Styrofoam collection from their annual Recycling Extravaganza event, St. Louis Earth Day aims to reinforce a fundamental recycling message: Styrofoam is […]

The Art of Relating

Christine Kniffen,

Sometimes the Sweetest Love Happens in the Second Half of Life


During one of my Blogtalk radio shows I had the unexpected pleasure of interviewing the author of a fantastic book titled, “Autumn Romance: Stories and Portraits of Love after 50”. I knew that I would like the topic, as I am a […]

Vitamin C and Cancer

By TJ Williams, DC, PhD

It is an unfortunate part of the day and age we live in that virtually every person reading this article will have been affected by cancer in some way or another, whether it be through a friend, a loved one, or even yourself. This is why we would like to introduce […]

Why Are People So Depressed Today?

By Nigel Lester, MD

Two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato said, “Life must be lived as play.” In many ways the huge rise in mental illnesses in our society, and especially depression, can be seen as a collective forgetting of the potential for joy and awe that human existence offers us. With so much […]