By Simon Yu, MD
Disappearance of Alternative Medical Doctors
A culture of fear and paranoia is probably the best way to describe the current state of alternative medical professionals. Several patients informed me by phone or e-mail that several alternative medical doctors in Florida and Georgia who were outspoken against vaccinations or chemo/radiation cancer therapies had died under suspicious circumstances and warned me to take extra precautions.
When I first got these phone call messages, I laughed it off as non-sense and just being paranoid. Then I received more phone calls and e-mails warning me about suspicious deaths of outspoken doctors. It made me wonder, what is happening to our medical profession?
The definitions of traditional, and alternative, complementary, or integrative medicine are not as clear as it may seem. Everybody seems to have their own definition of what is traditional medicine or otherwise. I consider myself as a Board Certified Internist who also practices alternative, complementary, and integrative medicine. I do not take any insurance in order to be independent of insurance company dictates. I simply practice as a solo, old fashioned, and fee for service medical doctor.
I offer medical advice based on 30+ years of medical and life experiences. Patients should be prepared to possibly receive a rude awakening from what may seem like blunt and politically incorrect advice, that your medical problems may not be what you think, what you have been told, or what has been diagnosed. For example, one of the most common medical mysteries comes from over-looked dental problems and parasite related hidden infections.
The symptoms and diagnosis are not as important to me as discovering the underlying problems. At the same time, I do not blindly oppose vaccination or chemo/radiation therapies. There are always roles for vaccination or chemo/radiation for specific indications.
I received all my vaccinations through 25 years of serving in the military as a U.S. Army medical officer. The only exception is that I did not receive an anthrax vaccination because I was not deployed to the Gulf War. I was sick with high fever, chills, and severe muscle pain shortly after the Yellow Fever vaccination but, fortunately, did not suffer any permanent side effects from it.
What I am against is the vaccination policy of too many vaccinations on new born infants whose immune systems have not been fully developed. As a result of their lack of development, they cannot fully receive the benefits of vaccination from a holistic point of view. Also, I have seen young soldiers getting ten shots of immunizations, five shots on each arm, before they get deployed to battlefields in the Middle East. That is too much vaccination in such a short period of time for the immune system to properly develop acquired immunizations. I wrote a short article raising the question of vaccinations as potential new health risks. (See the Articles page on my website shown below.)
Some of the outspoken alternative medical practitioners think any vaccination is for pure greed and evil without any scientific merit. Some even claim that vaccinations are used for population control in different continents. No wonder they may have been targeted as troublemakers by medical boards or pharmaceutical companies. However, I still believe there is no foul play except that we live in a culture of fear, magnified by the media, Internet, Facebook, and other easily opinionated and controlled outlets. Often, many alternative medical practitioners die early from the financial stress of not getting reimbursed for their work by insurance companies and the emotional stress of dealing with medical boards and traditional medical communities.
So, who is afraid of Alternative Medicine? Our medical systems, including medical education, are designed and controlled by insurance giants, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and traditional state medical associations. There are very few physicians willing to step out of “Pandora’s Box” for what they believe to be their true professional calling for helping sick people without undue stress.
There is more disappearance of alternative medical practitioners, not because of some suspicious circumstances of murder, but from the hardship of survival from financial and emotional stress. The culture of fear and paranoia is destroying the alternative medicine community from within.
We need to continue to promote alternative, complementary, and integrative medicine. We need to support and nurture young physicians to understand that there is a lot more they can learn by thinking “outside of the box” of vaccinations, antibiotics, surgery, and chemo/radiations, and that they can actually have fun practicing medicine. The first step is to dismiss insurance companies by not accepting their insurance. The second step is to learn the basics and advanced concepts of alternative medicine, such as at the Ninth International Alternative Medicine Conference in St. Louis on September 11-13, 2015. This conference is titled, “Curing the Incurables.” (For more information, see my website.) Another option is to go to the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM) Conference, titled “Energy and Medicine”, in Chicago on October 30-November 1, 2015. (See
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles on alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s revolutionary health book, Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, visit his website at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early. Also, on the third Tuesday, we welcome you to attend our Free Monthly Prevention and Healing Support Group to support your healing process. See details on our website.