
Articles from ‘March 2022’ Issue

2022 Missouri Native Plant Of The Year

By Abby Lapides

A beautiful Missouri native grass, Pink Muhly Grass, Muhlenbergia capillaris, is adored for its satin-like thin green blades and stunning clouds of rich pink fall flowers. Its tall 12″ wands of airy pinkish-red flowers last for months and remain attractive through winter. Its flowers make beautiful indoor arrangements, and birds love its tasty […]

5 Ways to Best Support Your Monthly Uterine Cleanse

By Kate Lamprich

The human body is made with many functions that support balance or homeostasis. At any given time our autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, and many other processes are functioning to keep our bodies moving and shaking and balanced and healthy.

“Homeostasis is defined as the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between […]

ARTful Living: March is a Month of ArtFul Options

By Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Healthy Planet Arts Editor

Photo Caption: Martine Gutierre: Hit Movie, Vol. 1 at Contemporary Art Museum

As I write this column, pandemic precautions are still in place, but loosening. Plan to present your CDC vax cards and wear a mask (properly: over nose and mouth) at most venues. Please always check the provided website […]

BUILDINGS: The Biggest Impact On Greenhouse Gas

By Cara Spencer Director of the Building Energy Exchange St. Louis,

When people think of greenhouse gas emissions, they often think of large vehicles and big factories. But buildings make up 39% of all GHG in the U.S. In cities, that percentage is even higher. In the city of St. Louis, for example, buildings produce a […]

Cat Clips — A Competition in Cuteness April 7

Animal House Cat Rescue and Adoption Center is thrilled to announce the return of Cat Clips – A Competition in Cuteness. Celebrating its 3rd year, Cat Clips, a film competition and fundraiser, will include a compilation of short cat videos which will be screened on Thursday, April 7, 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm at Third […]

Conservation Corner: The Dawn of Spring

By Dan Zarlenga, Missouri Department of Conservation

Photo Caption: Vernal Equinox sunrise at Woodhenge, Cahokia Mounds Historic Site. Photo by Dan Zarlenga

March is a very special month; it’s when daytime triumphs over night.

You may have heard that spring officially begins on March 20. But what exactly is so special about that date?

We experience the change of […]

COVID – How Long are You Protected?

by Dr. Amy Davis, MD 

There is a lot of information and misinformation about COVID immunity from various sources. Much of the information has been speculative and emotional. People are confused as to who they can believe and are looking for better answers. I am frequently asked by my patients “How long am I protected after […]

Earthworms’ Castings: The Restful Time

By Jean Ponzi

 I hear it often this time of year – “I cannot WAIT for spring!” – but this isn’t my refrain.

A Chicago friend lamented it recently, adding “If I could only garden all year, every day ….” OK, it’s a lot colder, longer, up where she lives, but she also hires a landscaping service. […]

Hands in the Earth, Seeds in the Soil

By Linda Wiggen Kraft Healthy Planet Green & Growing Editor

March is the time to begin planting seeds into the ground of our gardens. It is perhaps the most sacred of gardening connections to Mother Earth. It is a ritual of communion, hope and joy that a tiny seed that holds the universe of a plant […]

Healthy Planet To Host Natural Living Expo May 15 – Exhibitors Now Being Accepted

The Healthy Planet magazine will host its Natural Living Expo May 15 after a 2-year postponement due to the covid-19 pandemic. Exhibitors are now being accepted. For an expo exhibitor’s registration form, please email JBL44@aol.com or call 314-962-7748. We expect a large crowd and encourage exhibitors to sign you right away. The expo will be […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: The Ides of March Will Soon Be Upon Us

By Tom Braford 

As I write this article on the 15th of February a day after Valentine’s Day and a month before the Ides are upon us, the world awaits with baited breath to see what a modern-day dictator in Russia will do and to see what will become of our side-lined would-be dictator. Now, as […]

MCE Supports Mississippi River Restoration

By Jim Karpowicz

The Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is proud to support the Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative Act (MRRRI). Introduced on June 26, 2021, the bill is sponsored by Minnesota Representative Betty McCullum and co-sponsored by Missouri Representative Cori Bush. The bill would provide the means to protect drinking water supplies, build […]

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Covid-19 & Radical Cure: Build Natural Immunity by Do Nothing or Pull Your Teeth?

By Simon Yu, MD

About twelve years ago, I saw a female airline pilot, who appeared physically fit in her early 50’s, suffering from a Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) and no longer able to fly. Her fingers were so stiff and swollen that she cannot bend her fingers and is medically disabled to fly as […]

Nature Wisdom: Winds of Fate

By Pat Tuholske, Naturalist

I watch the wind. As the treetops swirl and tumble upon invisible air currents, I wonder from where the wind blows. I wrap the energy of the winds around me like a cloak of power. Lifting my face to the great sky, I seek what is coming. Early spring is the time […]

Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

By Dr. Brian Harasha

Neuropathy is a common condition that usually affects the feet but can also include hands (i.e. carpal tunnel syndrome). Recently, more and more patients are experiencing this condition which can be difficult to treat because there are several causes and sometimes concurrently. 

The most common causes of peripheral neuropathy include blood sugar control […]

Osteoarthritis: A Young Dog Disease

By Teresa Garden, DVM

Most of us are familiar with the pain and inflammation osteoarthritis (OA) can cause. We readily recognize its ravages on older people and older dogs. But new research is confirming OA has become a common disease in young dogs. This is a novel concept to both veterinarians and pet owners. New research […]

Publisher’s Corner: The Renaissance of Spring

Spring is a time of renewal. And if there is one thing our society needs it a rebirth. These past two years have torn us apart in so many ways. For the most part we have handled the pandemic well. Most people got their vaccinations and chose to help protect their families, neighbors, and communities. […]

St. Louis Earth Day Festival Returns To Forest Park April 23-24

earthday365 Hosts Two Full Days of Fun, Education, and Community-Building

After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the St. Louis Earth Day Festival returns to the Muny Grounds in Forest Park. Organized by the local nonprofit earthday365, the festival will take place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both April 23 and April […]


Ackermann’s Swim Program & Summer Swim Camp

Teaching children 4-11 the life skill of swimming and water safety since 1942. Family owned and operated at the same location, 1044 Curran Avenue, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Group swim lessons in 4 heated pools with different water levels for progressive safe learning. Enrollment by one or two week sessions. […]