
Articles from ‘February 2022’ Issue

5 Ways to Best Support Your Monthly Uterine Cleanse

By Kate Lamprich

The human body is made with many functions that support balance or homeostasis. At any given time our autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, and many other processes are functioning to keep our bodies moving and shaking and balanced and healthy.

“Homeostasis is defined as the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between […]

A Garden for Lovers

By Linda Wiggen Kraft, Healthy Planet Green & Growing Editor

“My love is like a red, red rose” — Robert Burns

 A red rose is the symbol of eternal love. We give red roses on Valentine’s Day to honor the lover that cupid’s arrow have chosen for us. The red rose and cupid are not the symbols […]

ARTful Living: Arts In St. Louis During A Pandemic

By Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky Healthy Planet Arts Editor

Photo Caption: City Lights, by Valerie Snyder, at Art St. Louis

As I write this column, various health-safety measures are in place at theatres, galleries and museums, with several opting for temporary closures. These include the St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri History Museum. The Pulitzer is closed through March […]

Breathe Easier With Houseplants

By Abby Lapides

Houseplants do much more than add decoration to the home; these hardworking beauties can help improve your quality of life.

In the early 90s the NASA that landed a man on the moon – released a study about air filtering houseplants. According to NASA one of the best air purifiers, mother-in-law’s tongue (pictured), also […]

Conservation Corner: Those Fabulous Flying Squirrels

By Dan Zarlenga, Missouri Department of Conservation

Photo caption: A pair of southern flying squirrels seem ready to take off on a night flight.Photo courtesy of the Missouri Department of Conservation

Nothing says February like those fabulous flying squirrels. At least that’s the case if you’re a nocturnal nature lover.

Southern flying squirrels are the overnight shift workers […]

Earthworms’ Castings: Illuminating! Jeannie Breeze

By Jean Ponzi

Teacher, poet, celebrator, spirit guide! Just some of the ways a friend to many, Jeannie Breeze, has grounded inspiration around St. Louis, over enlightening decades. In her month of Aquarius, may this ode to Jeannie send well wishes winging to light her way through health challenges, on strong beams of loving peace.

World Peace […]

Grow Your Own Field of Dreams with EarthDance Spring Training

By Laken Sylvander Development & Communications Manager

Would you love to grow your own food but don’t know where to begin? Or have your previous attempts at gardening fruits and veggies fizzled?

Get in the game: EarthDance is here to help you grow a delicious bounty! This 5-week course was designed for total beginners to gardening as […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: Healing the Broken Heart of America

by Tom Braford

I recently read a book with a pretty depressing title that tells the sordid history of our country and the prominent role my adopted city, St Louis, has played in that history. There were early hints of a possible upside of living and working at the epicenter of repeated attempts at redemption by […]

Make 2022 a Year of Hope: Take Climate & Racial Equity ACTION and Celebrate Community with Your USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter

By Fredericka Brandt, Education & Outreach Coordinator, USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter

At our recent State of the Chapter & Social, we learned how sustainability is integrated into every aspect of a learners’ day at Flance Early Learning Center, located just north of Downtown St. Louis. We were honored and excited to celebrate their achievement as a 2021 […]

Mandalas — Art for the Soul

By Linda Wiggen Kraft Healthy Planet Green & Growing Editor

Creating a mandala is exercise for the soul. Mandalas are patterned images surrounded by a circle that have a deep and lasting impact on people’s lives. They are symbols of wholeness and centeredness, and are used in many cultures, spiritual traditions and healing modalities to bring […]

Nature Wisdom: Musings on the Moon

By Pat Tuholske

The sun has dipped beyond sight. First star lights appear overhead as the sky moves closer to the earth. Night awakens. The wind stills as shadowed hues appear around hills and leafless trees.

I search for its glow through the dense cover of trees. As it clears the forest canopy at last, I gaze […]

Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

By Dr. Brian Harasha

Neuropathy is a common condition that usually affects the feet but can also include hands (i.e. carpal tunnel syndrome). Recently, more and more patients are experiencing this condition which can be difficult to treat because there are several causes and sometimes concurrently. 

The most common causes of peripheral neuropathy include blood sugar control […]

Osteoarthritis: A Young Dog Disease

By Teresa Garden, DVM

Most of us are familiar with the pain and inflammation osteoarthritis (OA) can cause. We readily recognize its ravages on older people and older dogs. But new research is confirming OA has become a common disease in young dogs. This is a novel concept to both veterinarians and pet owners. New research […]

Publisher’s Corner: The Path To Covid Freedom is Unity

Reshaping the Face of Hiking

By Chiamaka Chukwu 

The Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) believes everyone, regardless of race, income, geography, deserves access to clean air, safe water, sustainable food, and protected lands. We also believe it takes many groups working to accomplish these outcomes. One of those groups, Black People Who Hike, is led by two of MCE’s board […]

Strategies to Enhance Your Immune System!

By Dr. Amy Davis, MD

Natural immunity to COVID-19 is not lasting. People who have had documented cases of COVID-19 when I tested months later no longer are positive for antibodies. What that means is that 8-12 months after the initial infection, protection has diminished to the point that original antibody tests are negative and new infection with […]

T’ai Chi Ch’uan For Health and Fitness

By Paul MacFarlane and Bill Grivna

You’ve probably seen people practicing T’ai Chi on TV, in a movie, or even locally, in a park or at the botanical garden. You know it’s a slow moving, graceful exercise that is supposed to be beneficial. You may have heard that at advanced levels it is a formidable martial […]