
Articles from ‘December 2022’ Issue

“It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year”

By Natalie R. Toney M.F.A.,C.H.

“There’s No Place Like Home For The Holidays”, “Joy to the World”, “Winter Wonderland”…we’re all familiar with the carols of the season. They often begin pouring over speakers in department stores just after Halloween, and carry us through ‘til New Years. Songs of twinkling lights, sparkling snow, dancing sugar plums, snowmen […]

A View Into the New Year

By Dr. Gail Cloud, D.C.

Do you ever wonder what themes you might be experiencing in a new year? Do you think about what your dreams are and how you might achieve them? Do you look at your weaknesses and also your strengths and see how they can work together? I love to ask these questions […]

ARTful Living: December 2022

Tis the season — for ARTful living!

There are always oh-so many things to experience during this time of year—and it’s all wonderful

As you shop for holiday gifts, please remember that some of the very best gifts you can give are those ARTful experiences: take the family to a live musical performance, stroll through an exhibition together, […]

Balancing the Brain for Better Health

By Dr. Amy Davis, M.D.

What if there was a safe, non-invasive system that could improve conditions like Attention Deficit DisorderAnxiety, Depression, Learning Disabilities and chronic pain for good and even eliminate the need for medications?

Neurofeedback is a non-drug approach that can improve your quality of life dramatically. Imagine getting better sleepimproving memory, having more energy or being more alert and focused? Neurofeedback can do all […]

Christmas Trees and String Lights

By Jasmin Acosta

December is the time of remembrance and taking the time to reflect on what the year has brought us along with what we are thankful for. The smell of gingerbread, candy canes, and hot chocolate while jolly Christmas songs are playing and seeing bright lights while hearing people laughing brings us joy since […]

Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup

By Leigh Hendry, Healthy Planet Food Editor

As the days get cooler nothing warms you up like a nice bowl of soup and this is a perfect fall soup! It’s delicious and super easy to make.

Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup

½ yellow onion, finely chopped2 tbsp olive oil2 cans of pumpkin – 15 oz1 can of coconut milk […]

Conservation Corner: Ghost Pines of Christmases Past

By Dan Zarlenga, Missouri Department of Conservation

Photo Caption: A stand of shortleaf pines towers toward the sky. Photo by Noppadol Paothong, Missouri Department of Conservation.

Decorated evergreen trees in homes, offices, and stores are among the most conspicuous harbingers of the Christmas season. Favorites include spruces from Colorado, Douglas firs of the Northwest, or even Scotch […]

Donna’s Delights and Insights

Tis the Seasoning: Christmas With Andy

One of my fondest and most vivid memories is watching the Andy Williams televised Christmas special with my family. I was mesmerized by his smooth, laid back style and melodic voice. I can still see Andy in his glittering red and white Christmas sweater, something he’ll always be remembered for. […]

Earthworms’ Castings: Ginkgo for Xmas

By Jean Ponzi

Trees have taught me how Love and Capacity for Care branch out at different paces. And how leaving out Awareness can get you stuck being just a stick.

The Christmas my brother was hosting our family in his family’s new home, I wanted to give them what embodied love from me, a tree. Specifically, […]

Founder’s Forum: Holidays, Cats & Retirement

By J.B. Lester

There is snow on the pumpkin this morning. Thanksgiving is next week and the feral cat family on our front porch prepares for the winter ahead. Their coats are getting thicker, and the five kittens are now nearly the size of the momma cat. My retirement is becoming a reality as I am […]

GF/AIP Holiday Sugar Cookie with natural icing, that Can be Used for Thumbprints and Snickerdoodles

By Natalie R. Toney, M.F.A., C.H.

Cookies, cookies, cookies! It’s that time of year for office parties, school recitals, cookie swaps, and gift exchanges! Festive holiday gatherings are adorned with baked goods in every shape and size resembling neighborhoods of gingerbread, candy cane lanes, jolly Santa’s and Mrs. Claus, alongside reindeer with sleigh’s full of toys. […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: December – A Special Time to Come Together to Celebrate

By Tom & Carol Braford

This is the time of year when people all over the world gather to celebrate in community in many different ways. People of different nationalities, with different beliefs, and different ideologies, often within the same family, put aside their differences to come together in peace and love. 

So many Americans got out […]

Let it Go

Poem by Dr. Gail Cloud, D.C.

People frequently say, “Let It Go”; why can’t they just let it go

How can we let go of what we haven’t digested

It stays locked up inside of us and keeps us congested

Until we are able 

To dig deep and look at what is in us unstable

To see our core wounds

And from […]

Organized for Life: Organized for the Holidays!

By Deb Powell

I have a different view of ‘holidays’. Yes, I celebrate with my family, but I’m against so much fuss, work, and expense that come with it… My theory is this: I don’t need a calendar to tell me when to invite someone over for dinner, or buy them things… If we weren’t so […]

Pet of the Month: Milo, Cockapoo

Milo is a 5 ½-year-old boy who loves being with his mom and dad. He is an old soul who doesn’t like to play much and is completely happy just hanging out in his bed with a bone. He generally only comes out for food, and once the kids are in bed, he can get […]

Professional Patient Jane on Curing Stage 4 Cancer: Reverse Engineering Chronic Fatigue or Cancer

By Simon Yu MD

Several years ago, I wrote about a Wall Street lawyer who became ill, was unable to work with severe fatigue, and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He made a small fortune on the Wall Street, and he was able to quit his job, and pursue his medical recovery full time. I […]

Publisher’s Corner: Reflections of a Year Well Lived

I don’t have many traditions, but one I do have is every December 31 before midnight; I reflect upon the year since January 1. I’m happy to say that my reflections are always more positive than negative, with an overabundance of unforgettable memories and uplifting moments. I’m never sad or upset by the moments that […]

Setbacks and Opportunities

By Jared Opsal

This summer the broad-based movement to take action to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants suffered a major setback in the Supreme Court case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency. The court’s 6-3 decision stated Congress did not grant the EPA, in Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, the authority […]

Winter Getaways and Adventures to Shawnee Forest Country

Winter is a great time to enjoy the slower, quieter side of Shawnee Forest Country in Southernmost Illinois. The cooler temperatures mean no bugs or snakes and the trees are bare, allowing you to see much further into the forests. Bluffs hidden behind the summer foliage emerge dramatically into sight. The Shawnee National Forest can be magical any time of […]

Winterize Your Home For Better Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Comfort

By Malachi Rein, Building Energy Exchange Saint Louis Director

I live in an old South City house.  I’m not exaggerating by saying its first family was living there before many of mine set foot on this continent.  When we bought this house we were recent graduates, fresh in our jobs with student loan debt, and parents […]

Wise & Inspiring Nature & Garden Books

By Linda Wiggen Kraft, Healthy Planet Green & Growing Editor

Winter is coming on. Time to curl up with a book and replenish our deep love of nature. Books filled with wisdom can replenish us and push us into action, inspiring us to be guardians of nature not just gardeners. 

Mary Reynolds is a “reformed” Irish garden […]