
Publisher’s Corner: Reflections of a Year Well Lived

Susan Hunt-Bradford

I don’t have many traditions, but one I do have is every December 31 before midnight; I reflect upon the year since January 1. I’m happy to say that my reflections are always more positive than negative, with an overabundance of unforgettable memories and uplifting moments. I’m never sad or upset by the moments that didn’t go as planned because it all works out in the end.

2022 has been the same in many ways as previous years. Meeting amazing new people, and lucky to have friends and family that are always supportive and loving. My son makes me laugh as no other person can, and my two dogs are the epitome of dogs being too good for humans. I love Jazzy and Kiba way, way down to my soul.

Not everything went perfect.

Becoming an owner of a print publication has been a fantastic opportunity but certainly not without its challenges. I’m still learning how to be a publisher, and I suspect I’ll continue learning for a long time. I’m proud of myself for doing something I had never done before, and I think I’ve done well, not perfect, but pretty darn good. I’ll continue to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes, but I’m fortunate to have a lot of great people working with me at The Healthy Planet.

As I reflect upon my day-to-day activities, I’m satisfied with what has transpired. Thanks to being a publisher and a new business owner, I’ve started to venture out more to network, meet people I want to interview, and meet other business owners to tell them what the publication can offer them. And, of course, to meet pet rescues, other nonprofits, and the people behind them. It’s a slow process working on everything I want to accomplish. Sometimes I’m tired, but I keep going because I have to and want to.

December 31 is my time to reflect on 2022, celebrate wins, and learn from missteps. Every challenge allows us to grow and learn more about ourselves. I’m excited about the new year. I say that every December, and I’m never disappointed. I guarantee I will continue to learn new things about myself through the upcoming year, and when December 31, 2023, rolls around, my tradition of reflection will continue.

Susan Hunt-Bradford