Poem by Dr. Gail Cloud, D.C.
People frequently say, “Let It Go”; why can’t they just let it go
How can we let go of what we haven’t digested
It stays locked up inside of us and keeps us congested
Until we are able
To dig deep and look at what is in us unstable
To see our core wounds
And from where they arise
And instead of allowing them to expand like yeast in our bread
And throughout our body continue to spread
To see with compassion the root of our pain
Not as a stain with which to deny
But as a fault line which needs to be healed
Recognizing the story is not completely sealed
As we take new healing crumbs
To mold and slowly bake into bread
That new food nurtures our new thoughts
As we weave new pictures and feelings into our evolving plot
We create our new path from which to live a new story
It is then we can let go, we can just “Let It Go”
And from there we can go forward
No longer awkward as we go toward
In this Holiday Season, let us go forward in the spirit of being open to creating new images and stories
to our old ones and our old pain.
To learn more about bodypresencing and how to do this work, and to make an appointment,
check out my website: www.bodypresencing.com., and email me at
gail@bodypresencing.com., 314-996-9755