
Articles from ‘December 2012’ Issue

A Garden’s Holiday Wish List

story & mandala art by Linda Wiggen Kraft

If gardens could talk, they might have holiday wish lists too. Most of these gifts don’t cost money — just time, attention and a change in perspective. Isn’t this what we all want from those we love. Here are the things gardens would like, from their perspective.

Know Me For […]

ALERT: Christmas Trees Can Prove Injurious to Your Pet’s Well-Being!

by Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM

Who would ever have thought that those beautiful, warm Christmas symbols, the Christmas Tree, or Chanukah Bush, can be such a concern for our beloved family pets?!?!? Let me explain why!! The potential concerns arise in relation to behaviors that are innate to our family critters. Whether they are puppies, kittens, […]

ArtFul Happenings


Through April 20
The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, 3716 Washington Blvd.; free and open to the public; www.pulitzerarts.org.

November 30-December 29
Opening reception, 6-10 p.m.; Good Citizen Gallery, 2247 Gravois; 314-348-4587 or visit www.goodcitizenstl.com.

November 30-January 19
Opening reception, 5-9 p.m.; Bruno David Gallery, 3721 Washington; 314-531-3030 or www.brunodavidgallery.com.

December 1-29
3-D […]

ArtFul Living

With Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky
Healthy Planet Arts Editor

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing…

What is December without music?? Whether it’s the bell-ringers collecting donations outside stores, an elementary school’s holiday program, or just humming your favorite carols as you dash from errand to errand, this time of year is filled with sounds. Whether sacred or secular, the music […]

Celebrate ‘Merry Botanical Traditions’ With Your Family

Holiday Flower and Train Show Kicks Off Two Months of Garden Festivities

Celebrate the holidays at the Missouri Botanical Garden! The Garden is sharing the spirit of the season with an abundance of festivities sure to create lasting memories for your family. Enjoy the return of the colorful Gardenland Express holiday flower and train show, two […]

Coalition Report

Eating For The Health Of Missouri’s Economy

by Kathleen Logan Smith
Executive Director; Missouri Coalition For The Environment

Congress has made it to December and has yet (as of this writing) to pass a federal 2012 Farm Bill which is the legislation that impacts what food is grown, how its grown, and what we eat. The Senate […]

Disaster Preparedness: Are You Ready?

by Teresa Garden, DVM

Hurricane Sandy has come and gone. Left in the super-storm’s ruinous wake are shattered homes, businesses, and lives. Some will rebuild. Others will not or cannot. Could our brothers and sisters on the east coast have been better prepared for this freak-of-nature storm? Can we in the Midwest better protect ourselves from […]

EarthWorms Castings

by Jean Ponzi

Extinctions (more or less)

I’m embarrassed now to admit how excited I have felt while planning to expound on the fateful saga of Twinkies.

Not only because the apparent extinction of a mass-produced snack cake is reprehensibly goofy compared to obliterations of actual groups of living creatures. And not just due to how predictably commercial […]

Go Nuts For Good Health

Almonds used to get all the accolades in the nut family. Now research shows that nuts of all kinds are some of nature’s top sources of disease-fighting antioxidants, protein, fiber, and mono- and polyunsaturated oils.

Need evidence? Data from the University of Toronto show that replacing 50 grams of carbs (about a muffin’s worth) in your […]

Guide to a Great Cup of Coffee

Until the mid 1920’s, Saint Louis was the largest coffee roasting city in the world, with over 75 major coffee roasting plants. Chauvin Coffee is in its fourth generation as a family owned coffee roaster, continuing the coffee roasting tradition, catering exclusively to the specialty coffee and espresso beverage markets. We strive to offer […]


December 1
Cheryl’s Herbs Annual Holiday Sales Event
9:00 am – 6:00 pm We’re throwing a big party to say thank you, to all our loyal customers! Don’t miss this opportunity to receive 20% off all purchases and enjoy complimentary seasonal food & drink. Held at Cheryl’s Herbs. For more contact us at 314-645-2165 or visit www.cherylsherbs.com.

December […]

Healthy Appetizers For Your Holiday Gathering

by Kari Hartel, RD, LD
Program Coordinator, Cooking Matters, Operation Food Search

As we gather together with loved ones to celebrate the holidays, there is no doubt that an abundance of decadent, tasty foods will be at the forefront. But with so many tempting treats around, it’s easy to go overboard and overindulge. And since the majority […]

Humane Society of Missouri: ‘Tis The Season To Be Safety Minded

by Suzanne K. Gassner

While decking the halls this holiday season, keep Fido and Fluffy in mind. If you have a pet, it is comparable to having a perpetual two-year-old child around, so decorate with this in mind. Garland, ornaments, ribbon and wrappings are a tantalizing temptation to our furry friends and should be kept out […]

Missouri Organic Convention Provides Learning Opportunities for Farmers and Foodies

by Nancy Smith

The Missouri Organic Convention leads the nation in opportunities for hands-on learning about growing and eating organic. Right here in our home state, nationally-renowned speakers speak on topics that are on the cutting edge of food issues. The 2013 convention will take place in Springfield, MO on February 7-9, 2013.

At the 2012 conference, […]

Natural Beauty For Winter

by Cindy Gilberg

As leaves and temperatures drop in autumn, gardens take on a new look. Many gardens are designed for warmer seasons with flowers, foliage and fruit in mind. Yet the essence of a great garden is one with year-round structure and interest, especially in the fourth and often overlooked winter season. Native plants with […]

Nature Wisdom

with Pat Tuholske, Naturalist

Make A Holiday Wreath

The evergreen wreath had its beginning in northern Europe with the Celtic belief that the spirit of the forest was strongest in the boughs of the evergreen, which has long been a sign of hope during the coldest and grayest days of winter.

A symbol of everlasting light, these portals […]

Oil Pulling: Tooth and Body Phenomenon

By Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN
(Certified Clinical Nutritionist)

Many of my patients over the years have asked me questions about the therapeutic effects of oil pulling. Although I was familiar with this treatment, I never really examined the holistic benefits of this age old Ayurvedic process until now.

My research indicates that oil pulling not only can improve […]

Park Avenue Coffee, The Story…

by Dale Allen Schotte

Most people in the coffee industry did not grow up saying, “When I grow up, I want to be in the coffee business.” My story is no different.

In February 2004, I was a computer network engineer and had been for 20 years. A dear friend decided to open a coffee shop in […]

Protecting Forests & Other Ecosystems

by Don Fitz

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is pouring into the atmosphere at an alarming rate. During the first three Green Time episodes of December Jim Scheff, of Kentucky Heartwood, explores the deep interconnections between forests, carbon and climate. All three include footage from “A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert” which emphasizes rights of indigenous forest […]

Publisher’s Corner

Catalogs, Kewpie Dolls & Good Karma

Can you believe all the catalogs coming in the mail this year? Our poor mail carrier Carol must feel like a pack mule for Harry & David’s. Every day for the last four months at least two or three slick and shiny catalogs have piled up on my desk. And […]

Quarantine Iowa: Global Whining on Parasites

By Simon Yu, MD

People from Iowa are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Most of them are from Northern European descent and they seem always down to earth, polite, and considerate. Most of them were directly or indirectly related to farming and raising animals in one form or another. If you drive […]

Stop Losing Money in Your Home… Local Homeowners SAVED Up!

Anne Klein of Webster Groves knew her furnace and air conditioner were a little outdated, but had no idea that old heating and air conditioning units were costing her hundreds of extra dollars a year. After investing in an energy audit for her house, Anne replaced her 22 year old systems with new high efficiency […]

The $99 Thyroid — Gut Connection

by Dr. David Peterson, DC, FAAIM

What is the missing link most practitioners do not address when treating Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and other autoimmune disorders? It is recognizing that bacteria contribute to intestinal barrier dysfunction, and that by re-establishing intestinal barrier function an autoimmune process can be arrested. Understanding the role of bacteria between thyroid disease and […]

The Art of Conscious Parenting

by Vera Gabliani, Ph.D.

Are you tired of feeling insecure and confused about parenting your child?
You are not alone. We have all heard the saying that parenting is the hardest job you will ever take on and full of the richest rewards. What if you could let go of judging yourself as a good or bad […]

The Flowering of Peace: 27th Annual World Peace Day Celebration, Dec. 31, 2012

by Jeannie Breeze

Breathlessly we await the shift of energies so long anticipated in this year 2012. I find myself remembering my all-time favorite hand-made sign on the walls of Cloud Hidden Herbs, my little shop in the Central West End, 1976-82: “Blessed are the READY, for THEY SHALL GET TO GO!” So, are you ready? […]

The Herb Lady: Natural Help For Holiday Stress

With Cathy Schram

Q: Please help me. The holidays are here and I am stressed out to the max. I simply feel like there is too much on my plate. How can I get through the holidays without feeling anxious all the time?

A: You are just one of many, many people who are feeling the […]

The Personal Side of Yoga

by Yoga Six

In the last ten years the practice of yoga has gone mainstream. Contemporary devotees range from professional athletes and celebrities to high-powered execs and soccer moms, all of whom have embraced this multi-faceted physical and spiritual tradition. With over 20 million Americans now flocking to their yoga mats regularly, it is clear that […]

Three Quick Tips Help Maintain Sugar Levels During Holiday Eating

by Libby Quigley, RD

As a registered dietitian, I know it’s hard to enjoy holiday buffets, grazing, and dinners when you’re watching sugar levels. Here are three quick tips that can help anyone eat more healthfully during this holiday season:

Redo the family favorites
For example; make cranberry relish or holiday pie with a sugar alternative. There’s at […]

We Need Fuel – Good Nutrition – in Order to Function and Enjoy Life

by Noel Jensen, L.AC

What happens when your car runs out of gas? It stops working, right? It obviously needs fuel to function. The same is true of our bodies. We need fuel – good nutrition – in order to function and enjoy life. And not just the macro nutrients – carbs, fats, and protein – […]