
Articles from ‘October 2010’ Issue

10 Bike Safety Tips from Trailnet

By  Danny Orthwein


1: Watch Out for Pedestrians

A common misperception is that bicycles should travel on the sidewalk.  While you may be able to reach out and give your pedestrian friends a high five, while on your bike you are considered vehicular traffic.  Running red lights, shifting into the crosswalks, and weaving through pedestrians can quickly […]

2010 St. Louis Earth Day Symposium: Planning for Clean Water and Healthy Communities

By Cassie Phillips

St. Louis Earth Day Executive Director


The 11th Annual St. Louis Earth Day Water Symposium is hosting events throughout October. Exciting additions to the traditional line up include a barge trip along the Mississippi River and a free public lecture highlighting local and global humanitarian water projects, featuring representatives from Habitat for Humanity and […]

A Brief Tour of Sustainability Initiatives At The College School


Sustainability is alive and well at The College School, a local independent school program for children ages 3 through eighth grade. Projects underway are described on a series of signs placed around campus. The signs, designed to educate and inspire readers, highlight the following sustainability initiatives: • Permeable pavers on school parking lots to minimize […]

A Holistic Approach To Divorce

By Yvonne Homeyer, J.D.


Lawyers as problem-solvers, peace-makers, and conflict-resolution specialists? Have you ever thought of a lawyer in this way?

Actually, many lawyers, especially those practicing family law, are transforming their legal practices by working with clients in a holistic model, rather than an adversarial model in which clients are pitted against each other in a […]

ARTful HAPPENINGS October 2010



September 24-October 22


Photography by Sarah Carmody; opening reception, 5-7 p.m.; May Gallery, 8300 Big Bend; for info, call 314-246-7673 or visit www.carmodyphoto.com.


*September 26-December 12


Survey of 60 years of artwork; Museum of Contemporary Religious Art (MOCRA), on St. Louis University campus; for info, write mocra@slu.edu.


*October 1-10


Nationwide […]

ArtFul Living

With Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky

Healthy Planet Arts Editor


Art & Fine Craft Are A Part Of Everyday Life


We take a lot for granted, don’t we? Sometimes, we simply overlook what’s right in our backyard. That attitude changes this month.

October 1-10 marks the first-ever American Craft Week. This is a national grassroots celebration intended to raise awareness of […]

Artists Boutique Set For Nov. 6 & 7 In Kirkwood

On November 6 and 7, the Artists Boutique show returns to the Kirkwood Community Center. Billed as “The Quality Arts and Crafts Show,” Artists Boutique has a reputation for being a top-notch event.  Even after many years, this show continues to draw strong crowds and loyal shoppers.

The Artists Boutique group began forty-five years ago as […]

ArtStravaganza Moves To ArtSpace at Crestwood Court Nov. 5-7

Fine, Folk, and Fun Artwork by Best of Missouri Hands Juried Members


Treat yourself to an artful extravagance at ARTstravaganza! at its new home in ArtSpace in Crestwood Court on the first weekend in November.  The 9th annual ARTstravaganza! art festival features fine, fun and folk artwork by The Best of Missouri Hands (BOMH) juried artist […]


By Cathy Burkemper



Can You Tell Me About The Healthy Benefits

Of Coconut Oil & Prickly Pear Cactus?


Q: Can you please tell me what the benefits of coconut oil are?

A: Coconut oil (CO) has many benefits for health and beauty.  First, let me explain that CO is a fatty acid.  It is actually a medium-chain triglyceride […]

Body Awareness, Kinesthetic Sense & Proprioception

By Sally Cina


What is kinesthetic sense?  It is the sense that tells a home-run hitter that the ball will go out of the park, because he hit the ball just right & he knows before the crowd does that the ball is on the way to the bleachers.  The proprioceptors in his muscles as he […]

CD Release Concert Oct. 19 Celebrating 15 Years Of Autumn’s Child

In 1995 Mark Holland made a life changing discovery in the world of music – he found the Native American Flute (or did it find him?) The wood flute was just on the verge of a type of renaissance or re-awakening. When Holland began using the Native Flute he started a group, Autumn’s Child. At […]

Count on Aladdin Chem-Dry for The Cleanest, Driest Carpets – Naturally!

In a town crowded with carpet cleaners, you might wonder how Aladdin Chem-Dry has surged ahead. Our method is simple. First we always put the customer’s need first. Second, we send out only well trained and knowledgeable staff. Third we use the unique and superior Chem-Dry system featuring “The “Natural”.

We took a lesson from Mother […]

Danforth Plant Science Center to Commemorate World Food Day St. Louisans Invited to Special Event to Feed 200,000 Malnourished People

A child dies every six seconds from malnutrition and related illnesses according to reports by the World Health Organization.  St. Louisans are invited to help address this critical need at a community event on October 15 and 16 hosted by The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, a not-for-profit working to eradicate malnutrition and preserve the […]

Dave, add this listing at the beginning to the Career, Education & Enrichment Guide. Thanks, J.B.

A Gathering Place Wellness Education CTR

A Gathering Place Massage School teaches massage therapy and healing modalities from the heart!  With our small class sizes, we become like family.  And that is a key to helping our students prepare and Pass the National Board Exam.  Our National Board Exam pass ratio is 97%, on a cumulative […]

Dave, just add this to the Guide To Healthy Pets


Are they more than just pets to you?  Do you find yourself using words like “my baby”, “my grand-dog”, “fuzz-face”, “fur-baby”, or “my best friend”?  At 4-Legged Kids, we get it.  We provide safety and peace-of-mind for your “kids” with our Outdoor & Indoor Pet Fencing, Pet Sitting, Private Boarding, Behavioral Training, and PooPickUp.  We […]

Detox 101… Cleansing the Liver, Colon, Bladder and Lungs

By Dr. Rosa Kinkaid, MD


I am frequently asked about detoxing.  Not of the level associated with “rehab” facilities, but of the type discussed in the isles of your local health food store, at the yoga studio, or in the latest copy of “Detoxing for Idiots.”  Every other person is an “expert” who will tell you […]

Dierbergs Markets Offers Activities, Savings For October Celiac Disease Awareness Month

October is Celiac Disease Awareness Month…although for those living with the disease, the reminders come daily.

Celiac disease is a digestive condition triggered by consumption of the protein gluten, which is found in bread, pasta, cookies, pizza crust and many other foods containing wheat, barely or rye as well as potentially oats. Yes, it’s seemingly all […]

Earthworms’ Castings

By Jean Ponzi

My Day Of The Dead


The Mexican custom that celebrates death – by partying with departed loved ones – is one of my favorite ways in the world to make life fun.

Folk past and present, in my circle, join to embody the spirit of the day!

First we build the ofrenda, where our tributes and […]

FITNESS IN MOTION® Keeping Your Horse in Peak Performance

By Ava Frick, DVM


It’s great fun to attend training clinics by great riders and trainers and entertainers, but how frustrating it can be when you return home filled with this new knowledge and can’t begin to get your horse to comply.  Why is that?  One realistic reason is that your horse physically cannot respond appropriately […]

Fitness Tips from the Experts

By Terri Canis


As part of my operation of the website StlExercise.com, I constantly seek fitness tips from local trainers and fitness gurus.  This month, I have included tips from Rachel Bergman of Wholefit TM.  Her area of expertise is bootcamp and one-on-one personal training.  Rachel has been a runner and fitness enthusiast for approximately18 years.  […]

Freedom from Allergies, Naturally

By Dr. Hana R. Solomon, M.D.


Allergic Rhinitis is the fifth most common chronic illness in the United States, affecting tens of millions of Americans, resulting in a dramatic loss of productivity and dollars spent. Hay fever causes millions of people to miss work or school each year. Doctors write some forty million prescriptions every year […]

From The Pros Fall Color & Fall Gardens

Hillermann’s Nursery,

sandi Mcdonald Hillermann

Fall is a very refreshing season.  Lower humidity, lower temperatures and increased moisture are all things that make enjoying the season of Fall outside a great one!  The only thing I am not happy about Fall is the shortness of daylight.  It is such a clean-air time of year you want to […]

Green Scene

With Craig Jung

Healthy Planet Green Living Editor



A community-wide Electronics Disposal and Recycling Event is being held on Oct. 9th 9:00am- 2:00pm at MICDS (Mary Institute Country Day School) hosted by the Midwest Recycling Center.  The event is open to the public. MRC will accept the following items: anything with a cord or a battery going […]

Healthy Planet Happenings

October 2


11:30 – 1:30.  Join us at the Culver Way Ecovillage as the Citizens Climate Lobby kicks off its Million Letter March campaign with Bill McKibben as the guest speaker on this month’s national conference call.  Our Congressman, Lacy Clay, has agreed to be the lead Democratic cosponsor of the climate bill we […]

Holistic Help For Pets With Cancer

Part 2 of 2

by Teresa Garden, DVM


In the first part of this series we explored how nutrition, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in treating cancer.  In this article we will focus on herbal treatments and pain management for cancer patients.

The Hoxsey formula is a combination of about nine western herbs each […]

Inaugural Food & Farmer’s Expo: Big Crowd Samples Local Success!

By Nancy Smith, Board Member

Farm to Family Naturally


The driving rain on the morning of the first jointly-sponsored Food and Farmers Expo made things a little soggy for vendors who were setting up inside the Webster Groves Recreation Center, but the rain didn’t seem to affect attendance at the Expo as more than 1000 visitors made […]

Irresistible Community Builders Presents: The Million Letter March on Washington The Cool St. Louis Climate Summit & The 10/10/10 Global Work Party

By Tom & Carol Braford


October is International Climate Action month once again.  In St. Louis we are doing our part to save civilization and the planet.

After a summer that saw Russia on fire, Pakistan under water and record temperatures here in St. Louis and elsewhere, there can be no doubt that climate change is intensifying.  […]

Less Is More

By Gretchen Morfogen


When the over indulgence of the last decade came crashing down all around us there seemed to be an overall sign of relief. Aside from the obvious financial malady of the last few years the attitudes and lifestyle adjustments we have all been forced to make have initiated a movement of simplification. Ridding […]

Missouri Botanical Garden Conducts 30-day Food Waste Composting Pilot in Sassafras Café

The Garden is Partnering with St. Louis Composting

In an effort to further its commitment to sustainability, the Missouri Botanical Garden has launched a 30-day food waste composting pilot in Sassafras Café, the first Certified Green Restaurant™ in Missouri. The Garden recycles nearly 100 percent of its green waste and over 75 percent of solid waste-paper, […]

Nature Wisdom with Pat Tuholske Naturalist

Pledge to the Elements “We are the custodians of the future of the Earth. Unless we check the rapacious exploitations of our Earth and protect it, we have endangered the future of our children and our children’s children.” Margaret Mead, March 1977 With the human population approaching 7 billion, we are straining the ability of […]


Golden Eyes and Moonlit Flight…

Bats Are Our Ecological Friends


By Sarah Felumb,

Manager of Education Programs

at the Wildlife Rescue Center


Autumn leaves begin their cascading dance towards the forest floor, and daylight grows more scarce with each passing sunset. Out on the pond at the Wildlife Rescue Center, the last waves of our long, hot summer are […]

Parasites Down Under from this Wormy World: De-worming from Silk Road to Boeing 747 and Airbus 380

By Simon Yu, MD


I attended the 12th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA) Conference in the summer of 2010 in Melbourne, Australia. The main theme of the conference was “Understanding the Global Impact of Parasites: from genomes to function and disease.” Over 1700 scientists in the field of parasitology from all over the world participated in […]

Pesto Festo: EarthDance’s Celebration of Local Farms & Fundraiser Nov. 6

Pesto Festo is EarthDance’s premier fundraising celebration of the year and includes live music, dancing, local food, live art, a silent auction, The EarthDance Mission Awards, and much more. Located at the Savoy in Ferguson, Missouri, on November 6th, it is a confluence of community and an opportunity to give thanks for the year’s bountiful […]

Pet Lovers Expo Set For Oct. 30

Pet lovers in the St. Louis Metro Area should mark their calendars for the 2010 Saint Louis Pet Lover’s Expo, Saturday, October 30th, 2010 at the St. Charles Convention Center. This free event (with free parking!) attracts thousands of pet lovers looking to enjoy a day out with their furry friend.

Between the hours of 10 […]

Remineralize Your Teeth

By Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN

(Certified Clinical Nutritionist)


Several years ago, we began using a new dental product in our office called MI Paste. Introduced in 2002, it has received rave reviews for its effectiveness, not only from dentists, but also from dental hygienists and patients alike.

MI Paste is the only product for professional use containing […]


By Christine Kniffin, LCSW, Therapist & Relationship Coach


Addiction and Your Relationship


Don’t miss The Art of Relating

on blogtalkradio

ChristineKniffen.com (follow the link)

Featured show for October

“Autumn Romance:

Stories and Portraits of Love after 50”


A recent national study found that approximately 21% of Americans experienced at least one alcohol related problem in the prior year, and roughly […]


Dr. David Peterson, DC, DCCN


You’ve planned your life – college, career, marriage and now you want to get pregnant.  It is time. Do you hear it? You were careful. You took precautions and used birth control. Can you hear it? Your clock? Your biological clock? It has been ten years using birth control. It is […]

The Creatures Of Halloween Night Should we fear them or admire them???

By Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM


Halloween is a different sort of celebration today in contrast to its more sinister beginnings in very early Irish/Celtic culture.   This period of the year represented a change from sunny, warm and long lighted summer days to the onset of cooler, darker and shorter days of fall.  This time was also […]

The Gift Of Fall Colors

By Linda Wiggen Kraft


If all the gifts that plants give us, color is perhaps the greatest of all.   It is the living colors of plants that we miss during the dullness of winter and that we celebrate in spring.   Fall colors are their own unique celebration of vivid reds, oranges, yellows, purples and other rainbow […]

The Heart of Communication Between Parent & Child

By Dr. Vera Gabliani, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist


Good communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship with your child, gives her a positive view of herself and serves as her foundation and model for good relationships throughout her life.  When you truly listen to your child, you communicate to her that she is understood, valued and accepted […]

The Secret Women Won’t Share

By Linda Hoff


Where is a secret that many women share. They don’t talk about it with their friends, they don’t tell  their husbands or boyfriends, some can’t even confide in their mothers or sisters. They don’t realize  how common their predicament is or how sharing it can bring about solutions. We are talking about something […]

Toxic Overload: Improving Health by Ridding the Body of Harmful Toxic Metals

By Dr. Varsha Rathod, M.D.


What is a toxin?  A toxin is something that has a harmful effect on cell function or structure.  Heavy Metals can build-up within the body’s fat cells, central nervous system, bones, brain, glands and hair, which can cause disease and unpleasant symptoms.  Toxic metals that are commonly found at increased levels […]

True-Dose Natural Liquid Supplements for Pets: Quality Meets Convenience

True-Dose Natural Liquid Supplements make life easier for pet parents.   Finally, human grade supplements that taste great for your pets!

True-Dose uses a pharmaceutical dosing pump which gives pets the accurate amount they need without the need of having to hide a tablet in cheese or peanut butter.   True-Dose has formulated dietary supplements produced to human […]

UMSL’s Center for Humanities Announces its 16th Annual ‘What is a City’ Conference

The University of Missouri–St. Louis’ Center for the Humanities invites participants to the 16th Annual What is a City? Conference. This year’s program, Food in the City, is October 21–22, 2010, at UMSL’s J.C. Penney Conference Center. Speakers from around the country and St. Louis will examine the place of food in cities through the […]