
Articles from ‘November 2011’ Issue

“Recycling On the Go” On Track to Divert 40 Tons of Waste In 2011

by Cassandra Hage
Executive Director, St. Louis Earth Day

St. Louis Earth Day is excited to share some victories accomplished through our Recycling On the Go program this season. We have been actively involved 33 events in the St. Louis area between April and November, totaling 70 event days. Through these events, we reach approximately 700,000 people […]

A Good Night’s Sleep

by Ava Frick, DVM, CAC

Nothing is better than a good night’s sleep.  Right?  Well, for some pets that means day and night. Aside from looking out the window longingly, eating if they can find something, or grooming themselves, what do they do while you are at work?  Sleep.

Depending on who you are quality of sleep […]

A Mindful Thanksgiving

By Cheryl Wasserman, MA, LPC, NCC,
Licensed Professional Counselor

Does your traditional Thanksgiving consist of cleaning, cooking, and overeating followed by exhaustion?  If so, why not try a mindful Thanksgiving this year?

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to slow down, to be grateful for what we have and to really see what is important in our lives.

For example, […]

Ancient Healing Herb Finds Popularity in Missouri

By Nancy Smith, secretary, Farm to Family Naturally

For most of my life, I have been using elderberries as a source of healing for my family. Elderberries have a very long tradition in folk medicine, and they are readily available in Missouri, so I gathered them from the fencerows on our farm.

But nowadays, with more good […]



Through November






Bruno David Gallery, 3721 Washington; for info call 314-531-3030 or visit www.brunodavidgallery.com.


Through November 23



May Photography Gallery, 8300 Big Bend, 2nd floor; for info, call 314-246-7673 or visit www.webster.edu/maygallery.


Through December 11


Photography; S. Carmody Photography Studio, 2707 Sutton;  […]

Ask The Herb Lady

With Cathy Burkemper

Q: I am a bit overweight and practically live off of carbohydrates and sugar.  I know I need to change my eating habits because I am worried about becoming diabetic (it runs in my family).  Can you recommend any supplements that may help me?

A: You are indeed a candidate for diabetes, especially pre-diabetes.  […]

Bring Your Camera & Walking Shoes

By Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky

It was a beautiful autumn day –the kind of day I’d waited for all summer and one to treasure before winter arrives– when I arrived at Laumeier Sculpture Park in Sunset Hills with my camera and walking shoes.

Besides a fresh coat of red paint on the park’s signature “The Way” sculpture, a […]

COCA Family Theatre Series Offers Theatre, Music & Dance

by Nancy Goldstein

The COCA Family Theatre Series is a cultural jewel in St. Louis for families with children 3-12. Presented by PNC Arts Alive, the series is presented in an intimate, 400-seat theatre – where every seat is close to the stage. The COCA Family Theatre Series includes a wide range of theatre, music, and […]

Combat Technology’s Strain; Improve Your Ergonomics Today

by Dr. Stephen Costantino

With our increased sedentary lifestyle and dependency on technology, Americans are suffering more and more frequently from repetitive micro-traumas. There are three key factors to the science of ergonomics: force, repetition and posture.

If any one of these increases too much, we need to reduce the others to maintain balance. Nearly half of […]

Ethnobotany: Uses of Missouri’s Native Plants

by Cindy Gilberg

Life on earth would not be possible without plants and the relationship between plants and humans has been intertwined from earliest times. Early societies lived their lives in the rhythm of the seasons, collecting and harvesting plant parts to satisfy their daily needs—food, medicine, fiber, dye and building materials for shelter. Plants fed […]

Exploring Vegetarianism

by Kari Hartel, RD, LD
Program Coordinator, Operation Backpack and Cooking Matters
Operation Food Search


World Vegetarian Day and Vegetarian Awareness Month occur in October of every year, and even though October has come and gone along with the tree leaves, you can continue celebrating well beyond the month of October. According to the organization that founded the […]


by Kathleen Logan Smith

In this column, we’ve been learning more about the U.S. Farm Bill, the package of legislation that impacts our food system- what is grown, how it’s grown, and how much it costs. The Farm Bill, or the Food Bill as it should be known, is reauthorized every five years or so by […]

Got A Toothache? Remember to Check Your Bite

By Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN (Certified Clinical Nutritionist)

There’s nothing worse than having a nagging toothache. It will not only occupy your time but zap your energy while you try to find relief from the pain. Sometimes it may last for only a day or two but in some cases it could last for months and […]


A Pause To Give Thanks

by Linda Wiggen Kraft

There is a special garden time that takes place in the fall. It is a time of pausing, where the balance between garden growing and garden resting takes place. It is a like that pause between taking a breath in and a breath out. Sometimes that place of […]


With Craig Jung

Fall is in full swing and there are a surprising number of green events in November. We hope you can make it to some of these!

Early in the month is the fourth annual fundraiser and celebration for EarthDance, known as the Farmers Formal. On November 5th , this event is open to anyone […]


with Heather Hawk

Healthy Planet Fitness Writer

Holiday Survival

The holiday season has arrived! What you may not know is that the average weight gain from Thanksgiving to New Years is 7 to 12 pounds.  By January 1st, are your clothes starting to feel tight or even downright uncomfortable?  It is possible to avoid the holiday weight gain […]


November 2

Sustainability at Schools

A Green Schools workshop for St. Louis school personnel and interested parents will offer cost-saving examples of adopting up-to-the-minute sustainability practices.  The free November 2 sessions will explore operational cost-savings and political facts of going green, as well as student engagement in the process. The 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. program with […]

Imbalance Of Sex Hormones

by Dr. Rosa Kincaid, MD

Recently, a distressed woman showed up at my office.   She didn’t know what was wrong with her.  She started by stating how tired she felt, usually feeling like a noon-time nap, yet tossing and turning at night – in a pool of sweat, unable to sleep.  This very attractive 42 year […]

INFLAMMATION NATION: Linking Obesity, Depression and Fatigue


The St. Louis Institute of Integrative Medicine (SLiiM) announces its second annual, symposium focusing on prevention, wellness and finding the root cause for patient-disease states.

“Inflammation Nation: Linking Obesity, Depression and Fatigue” will be held on November 5, 2011 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Purser Center on the campus of Logan College. More […]

Irish Musicians Bring Celtic Soul to St. Louis

by Kim Schneider

Take one of the world’s most renowned voices in Sacred Music.  Put her on stage with a duo of Irish songwriting brothers who mix pop sensibility and hip-hop cool with traditional tunes.  Throw in Otherworldly harmonies, ancient acapella songs in Irish, Latin and English, a couple of guitars, a bodhran and a shruti […]

Let’s Talk Turkey

by Gretchen Morfogen

This month there is little else on the minds palate than the ubiquitous bird. There are two kinds of turkey people. Those who want the same traditional bird year after year because – well- it’s tradition. And the other adventurous cook who wants something different because it is after all- turkey and there […]

Local Farm Trains Aspiring Farmers and Gardeners in Sustainable Agriculture

Established in 2008, EarthDance is a nonprofit organization that provides education about local, sustainable agriculture. Since 2009, EarthDance has operated a season-long apprenticeship to train area residents in the principles and practices of organic agriculture.  Apprentices participate in all aspects of the farm’s operations from seed sowing to marketing the harvest.

The program is uniquely well […]


Fruit & Gift Baskets

Sappington Farmers’ Market offers special order fruit and gift baskets to customer specifications.  314-843-7848. We also have many party trays to pick from. Visit www.sappingtonfarmersmkt.com for more information and all your holiday entertaining needs.


Fine art, greeting cards, coloring book, jewelry and gifts are designed to bring the joy and […]


with Pat Tuholske


Lineage of the Wreath

When I weave a wreath of native Ozark plants, I’m creating a portal into nature.  A circle of life crafted from living elements of the prairie, meadow and forest that is a symbol of the cycle of the seasons and the web of life… a circle that enhances ones connection […]


by Karen Gelb, I-Act Certified Practitioner
of Colon Hydrotherapy

It’s a sensitive topic, but one you shouldn’t ignore – whether you suffer from it or a loved one.  Eighty percent of people will suffer constipation at some time during their lives.  More importantly, 16% of women meet the criteria for having chronic, long lasting constipation.  Many of […]

Pet Health Concerns Surrounding the Thanksgiving Holiday!!

by Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM

Wow!!  How did it get to be Thanksgiving time already? Every year I find myself spending a good deal of time, appropriately, re-educating my clients about special concerns surrounding holiday times.  Many of the problem areas surrounding this Thanksgiving, involve the gastrointestinal tract.  Holiday time provides the opportunity for many unfamiliar […]

Publisher’s Corner: Recycle Our Waste Before We Recycle Our Planet

The next time you toss that beer bottle or soda bottle in the trash instead of a recycling container, think about this. In the Pacific Ocean about 1000  miles off the coast of California is something scientists call the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch. Consisting mostly of bits and pieces of plastic waste, this giant floating […]

Pull the Trigger on a New Life Pattern!

Anne S. Kosem, CPC, CLC, MBA

As children, our paths are pre-determined. First we crawl, then we walk, then we run …and it’s off to school where more milestones await. The curriculum and standards for achievement are already set and the measure of success defined for us in a grading scale.

Not only do we have a […]

Recycling Matters: A St. Louis Update

by Jean Ponzi, Green Resources Manager, Earthways Center, A Division of Missouri Botanical Garden

Nature doesn’t mess around – she achieves ZERO WASTE!

Think about it: in the natural world, every organism’s waste materials – from lunch leavings to dead bodies, last season’s nest to this morning’s poop – become food or habitat for some other living […]

SMALL TOWN LEADS TO BIG SURPRISES Ste. Genevieve, MO is far more than just a Small Town

Ste. Genevieve is a small, quaint town nestled on the Great River Road and Mississippi River Trail. It boasts to be the oldest in Missouri and definitely has worked hard to preserve and restore its history, but this small town is far more than just history.  Ste. Genevieve is home to many original specialty shops, […]

St. Louis: A Magnet for Massage Therapy Training

Massage therapy is one of the most popular types of alternative medicine accepted by Western healthcare. Many people turn to massage therapy to help recover from injuries, relieve chronic pain, and reduce stress.

How popular is massage therapy? The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) reports that 48 million Americans had at least one massage between mid-2009 […]

Start Your New Life With A Green Wedding

by J.B. Lester, Uncle of the Bride

With the holidays rapidly approaching, so too are the anxieties of many young men who will be popping the question of their lives.  More than one in five couples get engaged at Christmas and twenty-one per cent of all the engagement rings are sold at this season of marriage […]

Suggested Protocol For Candida/Yeast/Mold/Fungus

by Kathleen Christ, NCMBT, LMT

If there seems to be an epidemic of Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Allergies and a weakened Immune System, I would like to suggest that the geographic area in which we live may be a factor.   The confluence of 3 rivers – Mississippi, Missouri, and the Meramec  – more creeks and streams than […]

Support New Sources of Green Power in Missouri For As Little As 25 Cents Per Day!

It all comes down to this –  if you are already recycling, making organic and local food purchases, reducing your energy consumption, and carrying your canvas bags to the store, why not consider using Ameren Missouri Pure Power to round out your home sustainability plan?  Offsetting the electricity you use at home with clean, green, […]

Sustainability of the Built Environment of the St. Louis Region

by Tom & Carol Braford

The St Louis Artists’ Guild has invited us to participate on November 15th in a panel discussion on this subject.

We will address how we as professionals can educate others on this subject through the projects we are involved in. As we develop Culver Way, the prototype Integral Urban Ecovillage, followed by […]

Taking The Mystery Out Of Yoga: Books On Yoga

By Gretchen Karros

This is a very interesting subject, especially for a “bookophile” like me.  At the last count, there were at least 50 million people “doing” Yoga and there are probably many of them who are also interested in seeing the asanas (poses) on a printed page, sometimes executed by an “expert” Yogi or Yogini […]

Ten Dollar Cure When One Hundred Dollar Cure Fails: “Wheat Belly, Corn Butt and More or Less”

by Simon Yu, MD

The biggest barrier from seeking medical advice in my practice has been the financial considerations, since I do not accept insurance. Actually, it is the other way around. The medical insurance does not accept my medical practice because I practice non-standard alternative/complementary medicine.

Because finance is the limiting factor, I educate my patients […]

The Art Of Relating

with Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW,

Therapist & Relationship Coach


Spoiled by Resistance

Sign up for my new Art of Relating Newsletter at www.christinekniffen.com Find out what’s coming up this month on my weekly radio show, as well as info on upcoming articles and free relationship tips.

Fixing your relationship does take work, but just how much work and […]

The St. Louis – Jefferson Solid Waste Management District Offers Special Community Recycling Information

The St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District has been working to expand recycling in the St. Louis region since 1993.  The District is a regional public agency that serves St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Jefferson and St. Charles counties.  Almost two million people reside within the District, making ours the largest of the twenty […]