
Archive for December, 2014

A Word To The Wise

With Kate Schroeder, M.Ed, LPC, NCC

A New Year Resolution You Can Keep

January, for many, is considered a time of new beginnings. We come charging into a new year, full of resolutions to lose those few extra pounds that we’ve gained, to be more productive, or to quit smoking. But what often happens, is that after […]

ARTful Happenings December 2014


December 1-January 16
Opening reception Dec. 6, 5-9 p.m.; Cathy Gregory Studio Gallery, 2000 S.39th Street; for info, call 314-773-3935 or visit www.cathygregory.com.

Through December 14
MOCRA on St. Louis U. campus; for info, call 314-977-7170 or visit www.slu.edu/mocra.

Through December 24
Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design, 6640 […]

ARTful Happenings January 2015


Through January 22
Framations Gallery, 218 North Main Street in St. Charles; for info, call 636-724-8313 or visit www.framations.com.

January 1-February 26
Opening reception, January 23, 5-9 p.m.; Green Door Art Gallery, 21 N. Gore; for info, call 314-402-1959 or visit www.greendoorartgallery.com.

January 9-March 1
Collaborative exhibition between […]

ArtFul Living: St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts

By Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor

What’s New In The St. Louis ART SCENE for 2015?

Maybe it happened to you over the holidays: you were at a party and someone asked you, “So, what’s new?” And maybe your response was, “Oh, not much. Same old-same old, you know.”

Right. It happens to everyone.

That is exactly the […]


With Cathy Schram

After the holidays, what can I do to get back on track?

Q: I hate to admit this, but I totally over indulged over the holidays. I am feeling bloated, sluggish and really tired. Now that the holidays are over, what can I do to help get back on track again?

A: Many people will […]

Caring For Backyard Birds All Year Long

By Mitch Leachman
Executive Director
St. Louis Aububon Society

Most people think only of birdfeeders when it comes to helping support our backyard birds. While feeders do provide supplemental food nutrition for a variety of common bird species, water and shelter can be even more valuable to the birds. Further, native plants are an exciting and sustainable way […]

Coalition Report

By Heather B. Navarro
Executive Director
Coalition For The Environment

Bracing for Impact: Justice, Health & the Environment

The new year always seems to start off with a big, deep breath, like the kind you take as a car on a roller coaster reaches the peak and hangs for a moment before barreling down the track. If those first […]

Discover Nature With Missouri Department of Conservation Eagle Days

Join wildlife watchers around the state to view our nation’s symbol in action.

Through February, Missouri’s winter eagle watching is spectacular. Discover nature with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) through Eagle Days events around the state, or enjoy eagle-viewing on your own.

Because of its big rivers, many lakes and expansive wetlands, Missouri is one of […]

Earthworms’ Castings

With Jean Ponzi

Attitude Adjustment

I asked for it from Santa and resolved to maintain it in the New Year. An adjusted attitude, and do I ever need it.

I’ve been stuck in a state of crabby reactions, angry feelings, an overall dim view of things. I sense that I am not alone, but social awareness does not […]

Fresh Thyme Farmers Market Sets Jan. 14 Opening for Fairview Heights, First St. Louis Area Location

Fresh Thyme Farmers Market is opening its first St. Louis area store Wednesday, January 14, 2015. The store is located in Fairview Heights at 6569 North Illinois Street. Fresh Thyme grand openings are known as an exciting event for the whole family and showcase a free bag of groceries to the first 250 shoppers through […]

Guide To Green Dining

Promoting Green Dining Alliance Members in the St. Louis Area



Atlas Restaurant,
5513 Pershing, 63112, 314-367-6800

Atomic Cowboy,
4140 Manchester Road, 63110, 314-775-0775

Bailey’s Chocolate Bar,
1915 Park Ave 63104, 314-241-8100

Bailey’s Range,
920 Olive, 63101, 314-241-8121,

Brasserie by Niche,
4580 Laclede, 63108,

1004 Locust St, 63101, 314-241-8141

Crushed Red,
8007 Maryland, 63105, 314-725-8007
140 S. Kirkwood Rd. 63122, 314-238-0100,

Extra Thyme Café and Catering,
11885 Lackland 63146, 314-573-5996

Flying Rolls,
3674 Forest Park […]

Healthy Planet Happenings

November 29 & December 1
Wilderness Act: 50th Anniversary
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 11/29 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 12/01 at 8:00 p.m. The year 2014 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act. Host Don Fitz explores why this law is important for protecting our country’s environment with guests Toni Armstrong […]

Indoor Air Quality & Mattresses

Mattress chemicals can adversely affect indoor air pollution. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has written extensively about indoor air pollution. Visit www.epa.gov, and you’ll find a section dedicated solely to concerns about what we’re breathing indoors. Much of this material was produced in collaboration with the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

According to the EPA, there are […]

It’s A New Year – How About A New You?

By Amy Davis, M.D.

The growing obesity problem globally has become too large to ignore. Almost one-third of the world’s population is overweight and more than one-third of Americans are obese. The estimated global cost per year is 2 trillion dollars. Being overweight is not just a cosmetic issue – it causes serious health issues. Obesity-related […]

January is National Pet Training Month!

By Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM

Statistics show that most new puppies, kittens and adult critters enter our homes during the period from Thanksgiving through the Christmas Holiday and New Years. Whether acquired from a breeder, or rescued from one of many rescue groups in the area, we pet owners are faced with the reality of a […]

January’s Seed Catalog Ritual

By Linda Wiggen Kraft

January is the beginning of a new garden year and time of the Seed Catalog Ritual. A time of dreaming, planning and planting those perfect gardens in the heart of a gardener, where gardens first need to grow.

The ritual is pretty much the same each year. A list of the seed companies […]

Learn To Be A Beekeeper!

By Cassandra Hage, Beekeeper

Five years ago, I came across a flyer that would change my life. It promoted the idea of learning how to “make your own honey,” which I realize now is silly – the bees do all of the work!

A blossoming DIY-er and urban homesteader, I saw the workshop as an opportunity to […]

Missouri College Offers Training For Careers In Health, Wellness & Fitness

Interest in health and fitness seems to spike in the new year as people resolve to replace holiday goodies with healthier choices. Of course, health and wellness are important year round, and some people not only want to stay healthy themselves, they want to help others live healthier lives.

If you’re interested in preparing for a […]

Nature Wisdom

With Pat Tuholske, Naturalist

Brigid’s Cloth

The beginnings of spring can be noted near the first of February if you pay close attention. Hours of light and warmth increasing each day cause seeds to begin stirring beneath the hard winter ground. The life force of the green world may even show itself with brave early shoots of […]

New Year Tips

Be accountable to a workout group
A very common new year’s resolution is to lose weight or to start exercising again. Make life easier on yourself by tackling this resolution with a friend or a workout group. Chiropractic Wellness Center starts new workout and weight loss challenge groups almost monthly. These groups keep each other accountable […]

Not All Body Wraps are Created Equal

By Linda Hoff

Women have been concerned with cellulite and inch loss since the beginning of time. And, women have been using various body wrap solutions to treat these conditions forever. But did you know that not all body wraps are the same?

Cellulite is a toxic body condition caused by waste materials being trapped between cells, […]

Our Resolution: Save Energy & Money with the 25×20 Campaign

By Johanna Schweiss, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator, USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter

Businesses, schools, municipalities, institutions, and houses of worship in the St. Louis region have stepped up to show their commitment to the environment and to their bottom line. How? By taking the 25×20 pledge to benchmark building energy use. Benchmarking is the process of measuring how […]

Pets And Winter

Pets are happiest and healthiest when kept indoors, especially during extreme cold snaps. In many areas, winter is a season of bitter cold and numbing wetness.

The best prescription for winter’s woes is to keep your dog or cat inside with you and your family. The happiest dogs are those who are taken out frequently for […]

Protecting Our Communities and Ourselves

By Don Fitz

People need to actively to protect themselves from poisons toxins like Agent Orange and rubber mulch. Challenges to communities include infrastructure issues such as storm water control and planned overdevelopment. January 2015 episodes of Green Time TV explore these issues.

Is it too extreme to talk about use of Agent Orange as chemical warfare? […]

Publisher’s Corner: Create Your Own Hope and Change

The New Year brings many reflections and resolutions. We take a look at ourselves and the way we live our lives and perform a self critique of how we are managing things. For the most part, our lives are usually much better than we give ourselves credit for. Just as the media mostly reports the […]

Resolve To Meditate in 2015!

By Shirley Stoll

Does your list of resolutions for the New Year include reducing stress and anxiety or leading a healthier lifestyle? If so, consider adding one more resolution to your list. Learn to meditate in 2015 and help make this resolution a reality in your life!

Thousands of scientific studies have shown that meditation is beneficial […]

St. Louis Fitness Alliance Announces Top 10 Healthiest Restaurants in St. Louis

The Fitness Alliance, an association of health club owners, managers and other industry leaders, just released their list of the top 10 healthiest restaurants in Saint Louis. Making the list is: Frida’s and Winslow’s in University City, Crushed Red in Clayton and Kirkwood, Athlete Eats and Purple Martin in St. Louis City, a local food […]

Start The New Year With Hearty Soup

By Kari Hartel, RD, LD
Program Coordinator, Cooking Matters, Operation Food Search

It is a brand new year, and what better way to ring in 2015 in a healthy way than with comforting, steaming hot, hearty bowl of healthy soup. This is a perfect dish to highlight considering January is National Soup Month, and many satisfying seasonal […]

Straub’s Fine Grocers and St. Louis Composting Work Together To Divert 50,000 Tons of Food Waste Since 2010

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that about 40 percent of the food produced in America never gets eaten. Supermarkets and restaurants discard much of it, with more than 30 million tons of food and organic waste ending up in landfills each year.

Fortunately, environmentally sound change is afoot. In October, 2014, Massachusetts began enforcing new […]

Structural Integration and Standing

By Sally & Alan Cina

One of the ways we assist our clients is getting them to be able to stand comfortably. This is useful for much of our life as we stand and talk with colleagues, and friends, or wait in line.

Part of what we do is assist our clients to create their own ease […]

T’ai Chi Ch’uan For Health and Fitness

By Paul MacFarlane and Bill Grivna

You’ve probably seen people practicing T’ai Chi on TV, in a movie, or even locally, in a park or at the botanical garden. You know it’s a slow moving, graceful exercise that is supposed to be beneficial. You may have heard that at advanced levels it is a formidable martial […]

The Art of Relating

By Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW

Shed the “Limiting Labels” for a Happy New Year

Like my Facebook page via my website in order to get alerts to new episodes of my “Quick Tips on Love” video series on YouTube and upcoming seminars. www.ChristineKniffen.com

Well here we are at the end of another year. It’s that time when […]

Time to Heal at Last: The Story of Ron’s ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

By Simon Yu, MD

When an advanced cancer patient or ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patient comes to see me for an evaluation, the patient and I understand that we are racing against time to beat the odds of the inevitable, dying and death. We often ask the question, “Is there time to heal?” I previously wrote […]

Whole Body Vibration Therapy Helps Ease Pain & Improve Health

By Janie Oelke & Myriam Boter, LCLMT

According to extensive research, Whole Body Vibration (WBV) has gained momentum on the health front with revolutionary ways that are improving the many health challenges people are facing today. When injured, our bodies can become stagnant and out of balance. When standing on the plate, the body moves in […]

Why Isn’t My Son Getting Better? part III of III

By Dr. James Feinberg,
Child Clinical Psychologist

In part I, I addressed how an inadequate psychological/psychiatric evaluation often results in boys not benefitting from mental health treatment. In part II, I addressed how other mental health provider (“MHP”) factors can contribute to treatment failures. In this last segment, common parental mistakes, leading to complications in treatment, are […]