
Articles from ‘January 2019’ Issue

10 Tips For Helping Older Adults Accept Help At Home

By Denise Pott, LCSW
Assistance Home Care

Many older adults refuse to have help in the home, even when it is desperately needed. Some seniors are vehement or downright belligerent in their refusal. Often they fear a loss of independence, and most are concerned about the cost of care. Their refusal of assistance can cause worry and […]

12 Strategies to Enhance Your Immune System!

By Dr. Amy Davis, MD

We are constantly exposed to potential infectious agents like viruses and bacteria that cause infections such as colds, flu, bronchitis and ear infections. The immune system defends us from invaders and repairs the damage that occurs with infections.

When the immune system is weak infections may occur frequently and be difficult to […]

Art of Relating

Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW

Self-Improvement In The New Year


Where do I start? Are we talking weight loss, less credit card spending or going back to school for an advanced degree? Much of the time it is these types of things that initially come to mind when asked to list typical areas for self-improvement. However, many […]

ARTful Happenings January 2019


Through January 18
Bruno David Gallery, 7513 Forsyth; for info, call 314-696-2377 or visit www.brunodavidgallery.com.

Through January 26
Norton Fine Art & Framing, 2025 S. Big Bend; for info, call 314-645-4040 or visit www.nortonsfineart.com.

Through May 26
St. Louis University […]

ArtFul Living

St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts

Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor

Happy ARTful New Year, Everyone!

I love every new year, even if I do usually write the wrong year on most things for at least two months. Each new year holds such promise. Even without formal new year’s resolutions (who needs that stress?!), a […]

Astrology And Your Evolving Self

By Dr. Gail Cloud, DC

Our astrology charts are made up of symbols which eloquently describe us, how our minds work, our strengths, our weaknesses (physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual), our early wounds and also our remedies as to how we can use these elements for our evolution. In other words, our charts are […]

Coalition Report

By Maisah Khan, MCE
Water Policy Coordinator
Missouri Coalition
for the Environment


Woe is WOTUS — Defending the Clean Water Act in Missouri

Imagine living in a state where you could jump into any river and know that the water was safe to swim in and the fish were safe to eat. What if we made it a 10-year […]

Healthy Planet Happenings

Through January 5
MDC encourages birders to help Audubon Christmas Bird Count
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) encourages experienced birders to become citizen scientists by helping with the National Audubon Society’s 119th Annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC) between Dec. 14 and Jan. 5 – including about 20 counts in Missouri. The CBC is an annual […]

Healthy Planet Spring Expo Set For March 31

Highlights Include:
Trout Lodge YMCA of The Ozarks drawing
Missouri Botanical Garden Ticket Giveaway 
Heirloom Seed Pack Giveaway
Wine & Beer Tasting
Special Mini-Talks

Click here to download the 2-for-1 coupon

The Healthy Planet magazine invites everyone to come celebrate Spring at its 37th Natural Living Expo, Sunday, March 31, 10 am to 4 pm, at the Webster Groves Recreation Center, 33 East […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: Pivot To Community

By Tom Braford

When we pivot toward a more cohesive society and regenerative economy in service to life, we are taking a huge step to create a civilization and planet that work for all with no one left out and with no offense to Nature.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in the development of net positive […]

Maintain the Momentum: St. Louis as a Climate Leader

By Mary Ann Lazarus,
Chair, Board of Directors,
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter

It’s been an important year for fostering green buildings in the St. Louis region and I’m very proud that our USGBC- Missouri Gateway Chapter has played a pivotal role. From existing buildings to new construction, buildings play a crucial role in meeting the urgent challenge of climate […]

MDC and Partners Host Eagle Days at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge Jan. 19-20

Visitors can discover our national bird in the wild and up close at this free eagle viewing festival.

Few words can describe the thrill of seeing America’s national symbol soaring through the air in the wild, or close enough to touch.

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and its partners offer the chance to discover a close […]

MERS Goodwill Eliminates Plastic Bags

MERS Goodwill is enhancing its green footprint and discontinuing its use of plastic bags starting January 1, 2019. Goodwill will have a receptacle to collect old plastic bags for reuse, and shoppers can opt to bring their own reusable bags to shop with as well. The initiative will also offer shoppers the chance to purchase […]

Nature Wisdom

With Pat Tuholske;

Essence of Winter

We run from our cars through the cold to the comfort of our heated homes. Shutting windows and doors tight against the cold, we sip on hot drinks and dig into the depths of fuzzy slippers. We struggle with cabin fever, feeding on sunny days, seeking warmth like a lizard basking […]

New Year Tips

Remember YOU are in charge of hiring your Health Care Team
My dear friend Judy said, you would never think to have YOUR kitchen remodeled without first inviting a contractor over to discuss YOUR needs. You would hire that contractor only after YOU felt heard and trusted that they would use their expertise to carry out […]

Past Life Regression and Personal Transformation Workshop January 29

January 29, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Held at My Office.
Visit www.claytontherapy.com for location and directions.

Join us for a special seminar as Peggy Levinson shares with you how you can uncover memories from your past lives. Using a technique called past life regression. Peggy will guide you through the process of recalling these memories located deep […]

Publisher’s Corner: New Year Tips… A Baker’s Dozen

1) Put down the cell phone when you drive! It’s bad enough we are addicted to these devices but now they have become the biggest traffic hazard since drunk driving. There ought to be a law.

2) Take responsibility for your actions. When you make a mistake, fess up, move on, and try to be a […]

Stem Cell Therapy as a New Regenerative Medicine: A New Hope – Seeing and Experiencing is Believing?

By Simon Yu, MD

I saw my good friend Dr. R.B., an elderly medical doctor from Ohio at the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM) conference this fall, and noticed he seems to have more youthful enthusiasm. At dinner, he described how he volunteered for stem cell therapy thru nasal injection at the previous ICIM meeting […]

T’ai Chi Ch’uan For Health and Fitness

By Paul MacFarlane and Bill Grivna

You’ve probably seen people practicing T’ai Chi on TV, in a movie, or even locally, in a park or at the botanical garden. You know it’s a slow moving, graceful exercise that is supposed to be beneficial. You may have heard that at advanced levels it is a formidable martial […]

The Ultimate Women’s Wellness Weekend is Coming to Trout Lodge Feb. 22-24

A squad, tribe, gal pals – whatever you call them, you need them. These are the ladies that are there for you no matter what. They answer your calls, celebrate your successes, and console your pain. A getaway with them can make tough times suddenly seem sunny, and the laughter can last you through the […]

Why Bees? Beekeeping Workshop Feb. 9

Explains What All The Buzz Is About

MAN’S LOVE AFFAIR WITH THE HONEY BEE began even before recorded history, man was gathering honey from honey bees living in hollow trees. But honey wasn’t the only reason for keeping honey bees because man soon learned that the honey bee was an interesting and exciting social insect. The […]

Winter Dreams of a Summer Garden

By Linda Wiggen Kraft

January is the beginning of the gardening season, when dreams are planted for the coming year’s garden. The ritual of looking through seed catalogs, whether printed on paper or illuminated by the computer screen, stirs the soul. The images of flowers, fruit or foliage in glossy colors and vivid descriptions plant seeds […]