
Articles from ‘January 2022’ Issue

ARTful Living: Here’s to a healthy, happy New Year as the calendar turns to 2022

By Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Healthy Planet Arts Editor

photo caption: Speak Truth by Jill Downen, Bruno David Gallery

January is cold, but the jazz is hot this month at Jazz St. Louis, 3536 Washington in Grand Center. Check out this lineup of concerts: The Bad Plus (Jan. 5-9); Joel Vanderheyden Quartet (Jan. 12), The Kaleb Kirby Quintet […]

Breathe Easier With Houseplants

By Abby Lapides

Houseplants do much more than add decoration to the home; these hardworking beauties can help improve your quality of life.

In the early 90s the NASA that landed a man on the moon – released a study about air filtering houseplants. According to NASA one of the best air purifiers, mother-in-law’s tongue (pictured), also […]

Colon Hydrotherapy Helps Achieve Body’s Natural Balance

By Kate Lamprich, Colon Hydrotherapist, Foundation Level 1-ACT certified

Colon Hydrotherapy is a great way to support your body in maintaining homeostasis ( a stable internal environment). Our colon (or large intestines), are filled with a balance of good bacteria and yeast for the purpose of digesting and eliminating the waste from the foods that we […]

Conservation Corner: The Leaf that Winter Forgot

By Dan Zarlenga, Missouri Department of Conservation

Photo caption: The leaf of the putty plant grows through winter, while its flowers (inset) bloom on a more conventional schedule in the spring.

Photo courtesy of the Missouri Department of Conservation

Green leaves growing in the middle of January? Impossible, right? Not so in the unusual world of nature. Take […]

Eagle Days Event Moves to Powder Valley Nature Center for 2022; Takes Place Jan. 15 with New Format

Due to a renovation work on the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge, Eagle Days programming is moving to Powder Valley Nature Center in Kirkwood this year.

Few words can describe the thrill of seeing America’s national symbol soaring through the air in the wild, or close enough to touch. During the winter, the Mississippi River hosts […]

Earthworms’ Castings: Night Sky

By Jean Ponzi

Staying an October nightwith friends in their forest cabin.Seeing starlight sparkleon Brazil Creek, a tributaryto the Meramec River,into Mississippi, Earth’s water cycle shining.

Step outside with dog friendfor the good-night pee.A pet for her headthen I look up . . .

Awestruck!Breathless!Ahhhhh! Behold:Night Sky, Celestial Glory!Silent scintillating brilliance!

Living in the City,my Night Sky is nice, but […]

Fat Cats & Portly Pooches

 By Teresa Garden, DVM

 COVID-19 has turned the world and everyone in it upside down and inside out. When the lockdown started it seemed beneficial to our pets. They were receiving more attention and affection from their families. Dogs were being walked more and several of my patients initially lost weight, but after a while COVID […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: Bring your Boatload of Knowledge!

By Tom Braford

Are there things about the current world you would like to change?

Anthropologist Margaret Mead is often quoted as saying, “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To […]

Nature Wisdom: Musings on the Moon

By Pat Tuholske

The sun has dipped beyond sight. First star lights appear overhead as the sky moves closer to the earth. Night awakens. The wind stills as shadowed hues appear around hills and leafless trees.

I search for its glow through the dense cover of trees. As it clears the forest canopy at last, I gaze […]

New Year Tips To Help You and Your Family Live A Healthier & Greener Life

1) Trust Your Gut with Aging Parents

Getting together over the holidays with family is usually one of the year’s top events, but much has changed with the pandemic. With our aging parents, these gatherings would often expose another side of life that you can’t always see over the phone. It’s more important than ever that […]

Promoting Green Buildings For 20 Years In St. Louis Area

By Hannah Roth 2021 Chair, Board of DirectorsUSGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter

2021 has been a significant year for the St. Louis region and the global community. This is our 20th year catalyzing green and healthy places. We at the U.S. Green Building Council-Missouri Gateway Chapter continue to play a vital role in the greening of our region. […]

Publisher’s Corner: From Warrior To Writer & Bottle Washer

The new year conjures up all sorts of resolutions and new beginnings. We often take this time to inspect our inner balance and try to adjust what has gotten out of whack over the past 11 months. For me, this new year gives me pause. I am exploring my relevance and purpose. At 70, I […]

Strategies to Enhance Your Immune System!

By Dr. Amy Davis, MD

Natural immunity to COVID-19 is not lasting. People who have had documented cases of COVID-19 when I tested months later no longer are positive for antibodies. What that means is that 8-12 months after the initial infection, protection has diminished to the point that original antibody tests are negative and new infection with […]

Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions — for Everyone

By Charlotte Renner

Looking for a New Year’s resolution that shows your commitment to keeping our environment safe? The following resolutions are doable no matter who you are and where you live. 

Stop buying single-use plastics 

Just by taking a trip to the grocery store, you’re probably buying more single-use plastic than you realize. Produce like potatoes or […]

T’ai Chi Ch’uan For Health and Fitness

By Paul MacFarlane and Bill Grivna

You’ve probably seen people practicing T’ai Chi on TV, in a movie, or even locally, in a park or at the botanical garden. You know it’s a slow moving, graceful exercise that is supposed to be beneficial. You may have heard that at advanced levels it is a formidable martial […]

Tree Poems

By Linda Wiggen Kraft, The Healthy Planet Green & Growing Editor

My nectarine tree grows in a garden bed next to the street where many people walk by. The tree grows along with several shrubs and many perennials. In the winter the tree is bare of its leaves, but late last winter it had tree poem […]

What is Shockwave Therapy?

By Dr. Brian Harasha

Most people know me as the ‘Laser Guy’, so why have I added shockwave therapy to my preferred modalities? To me, laser therapy is the king of promoting tissue healing, however, sometimes chronic issues and areas with lower blood flow are slow to respond. Even though special parameters used with a laser […]