
Articles from ‘July 2021’ Issue

Bringing a Vision to Life: Serving as a Missouri Green Schools Support VISTA

By Stacey “Parker” Parker, Missouri Green Schools AmeriCorps VISTA

For my 50th birthday last year, I visited a nephew who resides in New York City. Like me, he left the comfort of his home to seek out adventure, and to live his dream. I spent the last 20 years as an assistant professor and working in […]

Clearing the Way at a Historic African American Cemetery

By Josh Valeri, InternMissouri Coalition For The Environment

This summer, Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) will be working with the Greenwood Cemetery Preservation Association to help clear invasive bush honeysuckle plants from Greenwood Cemetery in Hillsdale, Missouri.

In recent years, volunteer teams have made much progress in uncovering graves at this historic cemetery through the removal […]

Conservation Corner: You Just Can’t Trust a Killdeer

By Dan Zarlenga, Missouri Department of Conservation

Photo Caption: What’s this killdeer up to? It could launch into an elaborate deception at any minute. Photo by Dan Zarlenga

Some creatures in nature are just plain deceptive. The killdeer is one of those types.

Killdeers are birds that belong to the group of shorebirds called plovers. Like most shorebirds, […]

Earthworms’ Castings: Why We Can’t Recycle Garden Pots

By Jean Ponzi

Very sorry to have to report that our regional Plastic Pot Recycling remains suspended.

Fellow gardeners, I know you are sustainability minded — and practical. I hope this summary of issues and some options will be useful, even while we cannot recycle our pots. 

Wasn’t Plastic Pot Recycling “suspended” in spring 2020? Why is it […]

Gateway to the Great Outdoors Presents Brain Teaser Bash in Tower Grove Park A Puzzle Hunt Through The Park August 7

Click here for flyer.

Gateway to the Great Outdoors (GGO) introduces the first ever “Brain Teaser Bash”! Solve mind-challenging, brain-teasing puzzles as you race through Tower Grove Park! All funds raised will be used for GGO programming and will directly benefit St. Louis Public School (SLPS) students in grades 4-8 throughout the 2021-22 school year.

When: Saturday, […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: Clear the Air and Let the People Breathe Deep

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – A Functional Medicine Approach

By Dr. Amy Davis, MD

Functional Medicine provides a new way of thinking about chronic disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which can impact 1 in 6 people and is entirely correctable. 

Typical symptoms of IBS include: 

BloatingGasDistentionConstipationDiarrhea that often comes on after a mealCramping

Each person with IBS may have a different cause even though the symptoms are […]

Many Summer Arts Have Returned

By Michelle “Mike” OchonickyHealthy Planet Arts Editor

Photo Caption: Christina McNealy. “Illuminating Entropy.” 2018. Porcelain, Luster, Candles, 7”x7”x3.

NOTE: Please use the links provided to verify any recent COVICD-19 guidelines that may have changed since this was published. 

Summer in St. Louis has arrived! The days are steaming and the lightning bugs are flickering each evening. Better yet, […]

Nature Wisdom: Screen Time vs Nature Time

By Pat Tuholske, Naturalist

Seems many of us today would rather sit inside with screens than explore our native environment. Plugged into laptops, video games, and television, our senses are consumed causing us to be alienated from the natural world. We may watch Nature programs and know a few facts about whales, the rain forest or […]

Publisher’s Corner: This Big Cat Is Turning 70 in July

July brings many things, hot days, muggy nights, cicadas, butterflies, fireworks, barbeque, swimming pools, baseball, picnics, fireflies and birthdays. My birthday is in July. I am a Leo. And in July my birthday will find me turning 70. I am glad to have made it to 70 since my father passed at 48 and my […]

Shawnee Forest Weekends

Photo: Trail fun in the Shawnee National Forest

Shawnee Forest WeekendsPrehistoric Mississippians stalked deer and lived comfortably atop a cliff overlooking what is now the Shawnee National Forest, named for the defiant ones lead by Tecumseh into these lands. Cherokees traveled the Trail of Tears on the forced march to Oklahoma, and their cries of injustice […]

Tackling Rising Summer Temps to Help St. Louisans Breathe Easier

Article courtesy of the Clean Air Partnership

Climate change is driving warmer temperatures, making ozone pollution more likely to form and harder to clean up, according to the findings of the latest “State of the Air” report from the American Lung Association. Although the three years covered in the latest report (2017-2019) were somewhat cooler than […]

The Deep Connections of Native Plants

By Linda Wiggen KraftHealthy Planet Green & Growing Editor

A garden isn’t only a collection of plants, it is a community of connections. It is a network of life forms and forces, an eco-system. Plants, insects, birds, soil, sun, rain are each part of the connection. The strongest connections are those of native plants and native […]