
Building a Better Environment in Missouri

by Don Fitz

From revitalizing Dr. Martin Luther King streets to “naturescaping” back yards and protecting the Ozark Riverways, Missourians are creating a better environment. February 2013 episodes of Green Time show how people can take concrete steps to improve their corner of the world.

During the first show, Mitch Leachman of Audubon describes naturescaping as landscaping with native plants. Jennifer Porcelli and Jan Freeman give perspectives of the Missouri Dept. of Conservation and a St. Louis homeowner. Planting native species instead of zoysia or Bermuda grass can save homeowners $1000 per year. They need vastly less water and no fertilizers or pesticide poisons.

On February 9, Melvin White, William Carol and Barry Jarmon discuss the use of green visions and technology in rebuilding Dr. Martin Luther King streets throughout America. Why is it that a legendary figure like Dr. King is associated with crime ridden pockets, poverty stricken areas that plague our nation’s MLK streets? Beloved Streets of America is out to change the perception of these MLK streets from being unsafe dilapidated streets to beautiful and prosperous ones across America. This Green Time includes the movie “Beloved Streets of America.”

The third and fourth shows in February look at one of Missouri’s greatest treasures: the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. The Sierra Club’s John Hickey, Greg Iffrig of the L-A-D Foundation and Kally Coleman, of Friends of Ozark Riverways review rivers known for their clear water, gushing springs, and long, clean gravel bars. Visitors enjoy floating, johnboating, fishing, bird watching and hiking. But the rivers are threatened by excessive use of illegal roads, ATVs (all terrain vehicles), scenic easements, and even horse traffic. Movies include footage by Tom Malkowicz and “Why We Must Save the Current River.”

Green Time now airs on KNLC stations in four Missouri areas. It appears at noon on Saturdays in St. Louis on Channel 24-1 and at 8 pm on Mondays in St. Louis on Channel 24-2, Springfield on Channel 39, Joplin on Channel 36 and Marshfield on Channel 17.

February Green Time programs air on Saturdays, Mondays & Wednesdays on these dates:

  • February 2, 4 & 6: “House Calls for Habitat;”
  • February 9, 11 & 13: “The National MLK Street Initiative;”
  • February 16, 18 & 20: “Ozark National Scenic Riverways;”
  • February 23, 25 & 27: “Threats to the Ozark Riverways.”

Also see Green Time on greentime.tv and facebook.com/pages/Green-Time-TV/186014811491714 If you would like to help produce Green Time TV call 314-727-8554 or email don@greentime.tv