St. Louis HELP (Health Equipment Lending Program) accepts donations of manual wheelchairs, electric hospital beds, shower chairs, canes/crutches/walkers, grab bars, elevated toilet seats, portable commodes, lift chairs, seating cushions, back supports, diapers/bedpans, folding ramps – every type of item except oxygen tanks and medications. St. Louis HELP loans the donated home medical items to individuals at no cost or fee. St. Louis HELP provides anyone in need with access to free home medical equipment through our recycle and reuse program enabling them to live as independently as possible and remain contributing members of the community. Additionally, our program diverts unnecessary waste from area landfills by providing a local resource for the reuse or recycling of unwanted medical equipment – over 150 tons each year. St. Louis HELP is an IRS 501(c)(3) charity – all monetary and equipment donations are tax-deductible. The program’s services are at absolutely no cost or fee. St. Louis HELP annually serves over 6,000 uninsured, underinsured, disabled, elderly, children, parents, Veterans, caregivers, equipment donors and partner charities – literally anyone with no geographic boundary. Our recycle and reuse program enables individuals to live as safely as possible promoting equity and opportunity for all. Mobility and independence are basic human rights and St. Louis HELP works to provide that for all people. Our program gives people a greater choice in living arrangements, transportation options and overall daily living issues as well as diverting tons of items from the solid waste stream. Clean the attic, garage or basement and pass your items on to someone in need. Volunteers, volunteers and more volunteers are needed to help clean, repair and stock donated items. Each year St. Louis HELP receives over 2,000 hours of volunteer service. If you would like to join our team, please call 314-897-HELP (4357). If you need equipment or would like to donate equipment, please call 314-897-HELP (4357) or visit the website www.stlhelp.org. St. Louis: 9709 Dielman Rock Island Ind. Drive, St. Louis, MO 63132. Jefferson County: 300 Baily Rd., Crystal City, MO 63019.