TALKIN’ TURKEY: It’s The Memories That Nourish Us
By Donna Linn, The Healthy Planet Columnist
As Thanksgiving fast approaches, I’m reminded of my grandma’s festive holiday parties with food enough to feed a small army. I’ve always loved the smell of a roasting turkey, gobble, gobble, but those creamy whipped potatoes held a special place in my tummy. And oh, those pies, all those scrumptious holiday pies. I vividly remember my aunts, uncles, and cousins, crowded around the table, vying for the creamy pumpkin, piled high with homemade whipped cream. My love for the taters was sinful, but it couldn’t compare to the conversation and camaraderie we shared. With no interruptions from electronic devices, laughter and delicious stories mingled freely. Let the turkey talk roll!
Uncle Maurice, a soulful and skillful storyteller, kept us spellbound with family folklore and tales of his travels abroad. We huddled around a roaring fire, hot cocoa in one hand, and a cookie in the other, beggin’ for more. We loved Maurice’s candor, and the trademark comedic spin on his coveted stories. I can still see him pursing his lips, pretending to kiss Ireland’s Blarney Stone.
Despite Grandma’s fatigue, she soldiered on with tales of our beloved grandpa, who, unfortunately, my cousins and I never had the pleasure of knowing.”Gone, but not forgotten,” she’d lament. Aunt Mae, our family “foodie,” savored nothing more than feasting on the delectable green bean casserole. She’d reminisce about her days as a young restaurateur, churning out her signature, homemade cherry and mincemeat pies. “I plugged away on those pies seven days a week. I’ll never forget the customer who devoured two pieces of the mincemeat, then hurried back the next day for a third,” she rhapsodized. A real pistol, my aunt couldn’t resist poking the Fannie Mae’s dark and decadent chocolates, scouring for her favorite. This is the stuff of memories.
Thanksgiving has evolved in many ways, from a very different Macy’s Day Parade to how we prepare the perfect turkey. Thanksgiving will always be the holiday of “coming home,” where conversation and companionship remain a constant. For that, I’ll always be grateful. Here’s wishing our readers and the Healthy Planet family a talkin’ turkey Thanksgiving full of love, laughter, and plenty of leftovers.
Donna Linn, M.A. is a communication specialist, educator, and interviewer. Contact Donna at: showmetalkradio@gmail.com