By Susan Hunt-Bradford
I’m sure the mention of November brings Thanksgiving to almost everyone’s mind. A time to be thankful, get together with friends and family, and of course, eat some specific food you’ve been waiting for all year.
When my family lived in St. Louis, I often cooked Thanksgiving dinner. About 14 of us were there, so it wasn’t huge, but it was still a wonderful time. After my parents died and most of my family moved to Utah, it has just been my son and me. We don’t fuss about a big Thanksgiving dinner or get togethers. That might sound strange to some people, but it’s not odd to us at all. I know others who willingly spend Thanksgiving and other holidays alone and are perfectly content. The upside is that I don’t overeat, I can nap when I want, I don’t have to watch football or that darn parade, and I can still count my blessings like I do every day. I’m happy for the people who love big Thanksgivings. People who spend days cooking and days eating leftovers. People that have to go to two or three Thanksgiving dinners because their family is that big. But that’s not for me. And it’s not for some other people either. I appreciate my friends who take pity on me and invite me for dinner, but I never go. It’s my time to have a 4-day weekend, recharge, and do what I want. As someone who typically works seven days a week, a 4-day weekend is a real treat.
I’m sad for the people who are alone on Thanksgiving, not by choice but circumstance. I hope they find some happiness and know that I and other people are thinking about them and sending them peace and love. Hopefully, their circumstances will change by next Thanksgiving, and they won’t be alone if that’s what they wish.
I’m looking forward to the quiet time, the no-work zone. I’m spending Thanksgiving 2023 in Utah, my new home away from home. Spending time with family that I haven’t spent Thanksgiving with in many, many years. Looking at the beauty of the snow-covered Utah Mountains with Salt Lake City and the valley below. This year I’ll miss my son and my dogs during this special time, but I’ll be back to them soon. So for now I’m thankful I have two beautiful homes, Herriman, Utah and Fenton, Missouri. Winter isn’t too far behind as darkness comes earlier and earlier each day. The cycle continues just as it should. And the memories of Thanksgiving of years gone by, when all my family could be together, are enough for me.
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving, whether alone or with others. And I hope you find some peace and solitude this holiday season. Being with nature or a pet can bring a sense of calm. And in the spirit of National Recycling Day, Nov 15, we can all commit to reducing, recycling, reusing, and buying recycled not just this holiday season but all year long. Giving thanks for Planet Earth and treating her with the honor and respect she deserves.