By Amy Davis, M.D.
The Standard American Diet is heavily laden with calorie dense nutrient-poor food and beverages, processed foods and includes few fruits and vegetables. It has been linked to the growing problem of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease to name a few. An inactive lifestyle, large portion size, and high stress worsens the negative impact.
Food is fuel. If you eat healthy fuel, your body can function optimally. Eat what your body is designed to handle – REAL FOOD! You wouldn’t put fake fuel in your car and expect it to run, so why would you consume fake food and think you would feel well?
A healthy diet provides nutrients needed to perform (physically and mentally), maintain wellness, and fight disease. People whose diet includes fresh whole foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean meats, and fish have a lower incidence of chronic disease.
I suggest you eat and drink real food which I’ve listed in order of priority:
- Water – drink approximately ½ your weight in ounces per day. E.g. 140 pounds = 70 ounces
- Green vegetables – 5-7 servings per day – this is difficult for most to achieve so consider a green smoothie each morning.
- Fresh fruits – 3-4 per day
- Healthy fats – olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, free range eggs etc. Fats are calorie dense and satisfy hunger without elevated insulin levels.
- Nuts – macadamias, walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, not peanuts
- Seeds – Raw is best – pumpkin, sunflower, chia, flax
- Meats – lean, grass fed is best. Beef, chicken, turkey, pork cold oily fish (contain all essential amino acids)
- Whole grains
- Legumes – beans
Limit or remove:
- Remove processed carbohydrates – whole grain bread, chips, crackers, muffins, sodas
- Limit grains, corn (it’s a grain – not a veggie), pasta, rice, wheat, beans, peanuts, peas, soy because they stimulate insulin which stimulates fat storage when consumed in excess
- Limit sugar – especially processed refined sugar. It’s easy to eat too many calories from sugar and refined carbs because they are low in fiber and aren’t filling. Sugar raises insulin levels and over time promotes Type 2 diabetes. It speeds conversion of calories into body fat which creates weight gain especially around the midline.
- Remove chemical additives, dyes, MSG, high fructose corn syrup. If it can sit on the shelf for a long time it is full of preservatives that your body can’t process.
Wishing you the Best of Health!
Dr. Amy Davis M.D.
Crossing Back to Health
485 Wildwood Parkway Suite 2
Ballwin, MO 63011