
Publisher’s Corner: The Renaissance of Spring

JB Lester

Spring is a time of renewal. And if there is one thing our society needs it a rebirth. These past two years have torn us apart in so many ways. For the most part we have handled the pandemic well. Most people got their vaccinations and chose to help protect their families, neighbors, and communities. But even a health crisis turned to political fodder and war was waged on science and medicine. As the Spring brings the blooms, we too shall emerge from our winter and covid slumber. Renewed and wiser to deal with all that life throws at us. I hope we are better prepared and the political tempest wanes. These are times that try all our souls and we must find a way to heal ourselves, our families, our communities and our nation. Perhaps the first crocus that pops out of the sun-warmed soil will be a harbinger of better things to come – a renaissance.

I was watching my 7-month-old grandson Cooper while he enjoyed a bottle the other day. I have to sit with him while he drinks because he is known for flinging his bottle across the room and then fussing for it to magically return like a boomerang. Cooper spent a good 5 minutes staring at his right hand while enjoying his bottle. He starred at it for the longest time, turning it around from back to front and wiggling his fingers. I wish I knew what he was thinking about his hand. But I know he was learning something. Curiosity is a big part of learning. What happens when I wiggle this and kick that with my foot? He is just learning to crawl, stand, jabber and test the waters with fussing for attention, food and sleep. I wonder how his curiosity is so different from ours as adults. It’s all cause and effect. We learn early on that our actions create reactions and consequences. Even at 7 months old Cooper is learning that if he doesn’t balance while sitting, he falls over. He will fall over many times before he discovers the effects of balance and gravity. Balance is something we can all work on achieving. We learn the basics of balance when we are infants, but then we sometimes let go of our balance as our lives go forward. Then somewhere along the way we fall, get up and remember that balance is the key to life. If only for a moment we realize it takes balance for the world we live in to thrive. Without this balance we flounder and fail. So the next time you are sitting with a child helping them sit up or stand up without falling, remember to think about not only the science of balance but the philosophy of balance, too, as you stumble through the gauntlet of life.

On a somber note, a good friend of The Healthy Planet and the host of World Peace Day in St. Louis, Jeannie Breeze has passed. Jeannie was one of those characters you never forget. She was a spiritual soul with as many fascinating stories to tell as years of her long life. I am happy that she was my friend and that she shared so many of her tales with me. She will be forever remembered as the host of World Peace Day in St. Louis, but she was much more than that. Just ask anyone who knew her. She was one of a kind and will be missed by many. I will never forget the sparkle in her eye — a bit mischievous, but full of love. The ambassador of Peace is now at Peace forever. Rest well Jeannie. 

JB Lester, Publisher