“Protecting My Hearing Aid Investment.” A Webinar December 15, 3pm
An essential element to get the most out of a hearing aid investment and preserve their maximum benefit, is to follow a maintenance routine. Some of the things you should know are:
Regularly schedule your follow up appointments. They are important because a specialist can use professional equipment, like the UltraVac to clean your hearing aids.
Hearing aids typically have a one-to-three-year warranty. Your provider should be able to repair most issues for free. If your hearing aids are out of warranty an appointment will tell you the cost of repairs.
You can get the most from your trade-in by maintaining proper care of your hearing aids. They hold the most value today and lose value every day.
There are several ways hearing aids can be damaged or become dirty. Normal actions in everyday life can be hard on hearing aids, such as working in the yard, pets using them as a chew toy, changing clothes or something as simple as buckling or unbuckling seatbelts. The webinar will also explain why regular cleanings are vital and distinguish when a hearing aid can be repaired or when it is time to invest in new ones.
No matter the brand of hearing aids, would you like to know how to protect your investment in better hearing?
These questions and more will be answered in the upcoming free webinar, “Protecting My Hearing Aid Investment.”
This webinar is for anyone who wears hearing aids, family of those with hearing loss and caretakers. Hearing aids allow those living with hearing loss to stay connected to the people and things they love. It is important to take care of an individual’s hearing devices to ensure they are always in top working order.
If you are interested in attending this free webinar with our certified specialists on December 15, at 3 p.m., please register by following the link below. Seating is limited, please click here to register now, or call 314-200-0888 and use promo code HP1221O.