This is the title of a new 106 page, affordable, and easy to read, book that is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble bookstores. The author is a local person named Dr. Larry A. Brown who has amassed and entire career of work in the community and with people, organizations, and corporations. This allows him to offer practical solutions to problems that all of us confront as we journey through life, no matter what our station in life might be.
The book offers solutions, quotations from famous people who have been challenged in life, scriptures from the Bible, and positive images that can often be used as one experiences uncomfortable moments in life.
Dr. Brown says that every home should have the book because it will be used over and over, again. It contains all positive and helpful information.
The book is available at Amazon, as well as Barnes and Noble bookstores. Dr. Brown also has copies and can be reached at 314-409-0965 or through Grace Chapel Ministries, P.O. Box 952, Florissant, Mo. 63032. He can be reached by email at gracechapeldevelopment@gmail.com.
In a world of challenges and unpredictable and often unpleasant experiences, it is very important to have a quick reference tool available that can be used independently, as needed, to overcome adversities as they occur.