Do you have trouble sleeping or concentrating because of a ringing, roaring or humming noise in your ears? If so, it is possible you could be experiencing a form of Tinnitus. The condition is common and affects nearly 15 percent of adults in the U.S.
Tinnitus is normally a symptom of a larger hearing health condition. There are several causes for tinnitus, such as prolonged exposure to loud noise environments, hypertension, stress, anemia, medications, age and hearing loss.
In addition, recent studies conclude COVID-19 has caused many to experience hearing loss and tinnitus. Over seven percent of people who were infected with the virus experienced hearing loss and over 14 percent suffered from tinnitus, according to an article published by the International Journal of Audiology.
Those who struggle with tinnitus can be susceptible to issues, like loss of sleep, anxiety, irritability, communication issues and depression that can have negative effects on the quality of life. There is no cure for tinnitus. Luckily, there are several options to treat it.
Miracle-Ear offers a wide selection of hearing aids with advanced solutions to help find lasting treatments and relief from tinnitus, including more discreet options. The free Miracle-Ear app can also be used remotely to control each individualized treatment program. There are three options for treatment, including amplification, noise therapy and Notch Therapy.
Scheduling a hearing test can determine if someone has a hearing loss and identify tinnitus and the possible underlying causes. Working with a trained hearing professional is essential to find the right therapy and treatment option for tinnitus.
Want to learn more? Join Miracle-Ear on November 18, 2021, at 3 p.m., for a free webinar focusing on tinnitus and treatments for the condition. Registration is required for the webinar, Click Here to register or call 314-200-0888.