Missouri local and regional organizations are working together to assure a Healthy Planet. The Missouri Product Stewardship Council (MO PSC) represents local governments, and other stakeholders and businesses working jointly to reduce waste, increase reuse, and help grow the economy. The Council was created by the Product Stewardship Institute who coordinated with many states to establish Product Stewardship Councils. The group is working toward product manufacturers sharing responsibility for managing their post-consumer product waste. The Missouri Council, missouripsc.org, is focused on Paint, Mattresses, and Pharmaceuticals.
Pharmaceuticals impact every household. Due to Covid, mail order pharmacies stepped up to service communities. Mail order medicine arrives either in small boxes with inflated plastic protection or Styrofoam buffers, or in padded envelopes. When possible, ordering from a local pharmacy where the medicine can be picked up instead of delivered by mail would have an impact on the amount of delivery waste generated. Proper disposal of leftover or expired medicines can be found at missouripsc.org/initiatives/pharmaceuticals.
Safe pharmaceutical disposal saves wildlife, waterways, and community water facilities. Check out your community for safe “Drug Take Back” programs usually coordinated by local police departments.
According to MO PSC, Missouri residents generate 1.3 million gallons of paint waste every year. Community HHW programs manage leftover paint costing taxpayers millions in disposal costs. MO PSC is an educational organization offering presentations and written materials about proper waste disposal strategies to the public. Extra paint can be donated to a local Habitat for Humanity where they often mix small batches of different paints to make a new color. More information can be found at missouripsc.org.
To ensure a Healthy Planet for all there are many options to consider for a healthier ecosystem. When possible, reuse as much of the packaging materials available to separate fragile items for delivery such as glass or pictures in frames. Be conscious when ordering paint to not have many gallons left over that may be discarded in an HHW facility. Educate your family about reuse and recycling options in your community.
The Missouri Recycling Association, the only statewide organization focused on recycling and reuse has advice and links on their website, www.MORA.org. MORA educates Missourians about recycling or reuse of Food Waste, Construction and Demolition waste, Textiles, and E-scrap. The MORA Annual Conference is being held in Branson on November 15-17 and we encouraged readers to check out the programs and speakers being presented at www.moraconference.org.