
Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents Foresight, Insight & Action: Planning from the Future Gives Reason for Hope

By Tom Braford

Last month we addressed owning the future. So, how do we accomplish that?

If we consider a wide enough range of critical data, we can see what it’s going to take to have the future we want. We call this Foresight, like an arrow pointing in the right direction, even if we can’t yet see the target.

This lets us go beyond incremental, chronological innovation to whole context solutions. We call this Insight, like a pair of high powered binoculars that lets you pick out realistic targets you want to aim for in the future.

Taking Actions related to resources, value creation, meaning and time keeps us moving in the right direction.

When we give up certainty and even a firm timeline, we can stay focused on the kinds of whole context solutions demanded by the future we have chosen.

This approach is called, ‘Full Spectrum Thinking’. 

Almost daily, we see news accounts of impacts of climate change that we thought were decades off. It’s clear that we are rushing towards dangerous tipping points.

We see that one very effective way to address this is to create networks of Reconciliation and Regeneration Ecovillages (RREV). There are three inflection points at which major shifts happen, all related to the cost of goods and services. Each one would make a difference, but why not offer people the whole enchilada?

Tortilla Grande:
The biggest inflection point is demonstrating that it is now cheaper to rely on renewables, rather than fossil fuels, if done comprehensively at the scale of an RREV community.

Ingredients Supreme:

Second, it is now cheaper to build communities that are net positive in carbon, food, renewable power, water, employment and transportation when utilizing local materials, labor and capital if you do it at the scale and complexity of an RREV community.

Sauces aplenty:

Third, freight and transportation will be cheaper once we’re at the scale of a hundred RREV communities in the area, each one sharing a fleet of electric vehicles that doubles as e-cab and freight service for the surrounding neighborhood and later serving as a RAFT station.

We call this whole enchilada approach our Trifecta of Irresistible Sustainable Community; it will reach a tipping point towards reconciliation and regeneration when just 17% of the population in the area chooses to live this way. 

We are aiming for an initial concentration in the central corridor. 

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