
New Year Tips

Breathe, Relax, Smile
You’re not “doing it wrong.” You’ve simply forgotten who you are, and why you are here. Dive into this moment and remember. Breathe. Relax. Smile. How do you know that you are exactly where you need to be? Because this is where you are. Everything You Need Is Right Here. Kimberly Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC is a transformational coach and speaker and the author of Everything You Need Is Right Here: Five Steps to Manifesting Magic and Miracles. Call 314-275-8188. Request Kimberly’s free eCourse at KimberlySchneider.com and receive introduction & sample chapter of her book.

Think About Setting a New Type of Resolution
I would like to encourage everyone to consider adopting a different type of goal this year. This is the goal of shedding the “limiting labels” that you place on yourself. “I’m not thin enough…… I’m not pretty enough…. I’m not successful enough…I’m not smart enough”, are some that are most commonly adopted. As someone who used to talk this way to myself as well, I also understand that the thought of shedding these internal labels can seem nearly impossible. However, some simple behavioral therapy techniques are all that is needed. Then, as the limiting labels begin to melt away and you begin to remove your self-imposed roadblocks, inertia will take over in many areas and you can achieve your self-designed life. Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW
314-374-8396 • www.christinekniffen.com

Take Action for the Animals
Will 2018 be the year the plight of animals is eased because of YOU? Volunteer at an animal shelter! Whether you are motivated because of sadness regarding conditions animals face, an inspiring story of a rescue or anger resulting from an abuse case, take action. Some shrug the stories off, some say “what a shame” and some shed a tear for the suffering but YOU stepped forward and decided to ACT, to HELP, to MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The animals will benefit because you gave your time, your most precious commodity. May you always know the joy of caring and sharing!
Suzanne K. Gassner, Director of Education, Humane Society of Missouri, 1201 Macklind Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110, 314-951-1578.

Be The Ark
for insects, pollinators, birds, bees, and small wildlife of your garden. Their lives depend on the gardens and habitats we protect and create. Some urban areas of the U.S. now have more diversity of insects and pollinators than rural areas. Recent studies in Europe have found a 75% decrease in insect biomass in 25 years. Ask what plants provide the most food and shelter for insects and other creatures? How can I lovingly care for the soil, plants and animals of my garden? The beauty of a garden is in the answers to these questions. Linda Wiggen Kraft is a landscape designer who creates holistic and sustainable gardens, a mandala artist and workshop leader. Visit her blog: CreativityForTheSoul.com/blog or website: CreativityForTheSoul.com -314 504-4266.

Learn to Relax and Improve Your Mood with Essential Oils
Essential oils are very powerful and can be used with wonderful results. Aromatherapy can change your mood, lift your spirits or totally relax you. Depending on the type of stress you are experiencing, you may want to try one of the following blends: For tension, lavender and orange are good choices. For anxiety, you may want to try cedar and ylang-ylang. For irritability or anger, try bergamot and chamomile. For relaxation or sleeplessness, lavender is the best.There are a variety of ways to use the oils, either by diffusing, in a bath, a sachet or just simply sniffing. With the exception of lavender oil, never put these oils directly on your skin without diluting in a carrier oil.
Cathy Schram, Herbs & More, 16021 Manchester, 636-207-6673. MoreThanHerbsOnline.com.

Do Things Differently For Change To Happen
Do you desire change in your life? What actions are you setting your intention to make? If we want different results, we have to do things differently! I would like to suggest that you look inward. We cannot change other people, only ourselves. We need to Be the change we desire. Maybe you are not sick, but are you enjoying “optimum” health? Why not schedule a thermography screening to monitor your health from a Holistic, Preventive perspective? Learn the self help tools of meditation, self hypnosis and imagery to be your emotional best and enjoy life the way you really desire. Linda Weber Spradling, Medical Thermography of Metro St. Louis, medicalthermography-stl.com and Hypnosis of Metro St. Louis, hypnotherapymetrostl.com.

Shop at Thrift Stores
One in six people are shopping in thrift stores for desire rather than need. So take time to browse purposefully and discover that lamp shade that can have a scarf added as an accent or those vintage jeans that can be dissected and turned into a hand bag. You can turn old broken jewelry into new statement items with a glue gun and a little wire. You can be the talk of the town for a fraction of the cost. It pays to be Thrifty.
The Thrifty Hanger at Feed My People Thrift Stores
171 Kingston Drive, St. Louis 63125
3295 Ottomeyer Road, High Ridge 63049

Plant Perinnials
Perennials cost more up front, but yield more over time, and don’t disturb the soil structure year after year like annuals, storing more carbon and lessening your labor! At EarthDance Organic Farm School in Ferguson, we grow over 37 varieties of edible perennials including gooseberries, Nanking cherries, paw paws, pears, Asian pears, and rhubarb. Molly Rockamann, Founding Director, EarthDance, www.earthdancefarms.org
314.521.1006, earthdancefarms@gmail.com.

Set Intentions, Be Grateful and Live Life of Abundance
2018 can be an empowering year, especially if we use all of the tools at our disposal. I am specifically referring to setting intentions, being grateful for the people and things in your life, and living a life of abundance. If each of us would take a little time each day to focus on these three items, we will make the world a better, brighter, and healthier place. T.J. Williams, DC, PhD, The Institute of Natural Health, 1034 S. Brentwood Blvd., Suite 415 St. Louis, MO 63117, 314-293-8123. www.theinstituteofnaturalhealth.com.

Celebrate Past Year’s Work
We all look forward to a new outcome with each year, however, let’s celebrate the work that we have done in the previous year. As we move forward in our healing, we can continue to acknowledge the care and consideration of our holistic bodies. Let’s celebrate the discipline, thoughts, actions and work that we have put into ourselves, so that we can freely move into the next phase of healing. You must accept the current you in order to create the new you. Happy Solstice!
Jamila Owens-Todd, Naturopathic Doctor
The Meridian Institute for Naturopathic Therapies
8748 Big Bend Boulevard
Webster Groves, Missouri 63119
(314) 677-4041 • www.minthealth.org

Get A Health Evaluation
Make 2018 your best year yet by getting a comprehensive health evaluation to determine exactly where you are in your wellness journey. So many people spend years trying to lose weight or improve their health by doing things that will not ultimately benefit them. You cannot possibly know how to get where you want to be if you don’t first figure out where you are starting from. Figure out your starting point and then work with a qualified functional medicine practitioner to map out a plan to get you where you want to be. Your 2019 self will thank you. The Institute of Natural Health Team, 1034 S. Brentwood Blvd., Suite 415 St. Louis, MO 63117
314-293-8123 www.theinstituteofnaturalhealth.com

Feed Your Friends and Family
Feed your friends and family at The Art of Entertaining with our Care Package! Choose any FIVE single-serve casseroles and TWO 16-ounce soups for only $40! Stop by The Art of Entertaining Monday through Saturday for a tasty, healthy, low calorie, low sodium or gluten free dinner that is already prepared for your convenience. We use fresh herbs, fruit, spices and vegetables for great flavor without all the fat and calories! Our affordable lunches, dinners, soups and appetizers are made fresh daily! The Art of Entertaining, 8796 Big Bend Rd., 63119, 314-963-9899, TheAofE.com.

Recycle Schlafly Products
Did you know that you can recycle every aspect of your Schlafly 6-pack from bottle, to cap and carrier? With almost every aspect of our packaging coming from local suppliers, we always encourage you to recycle them, just be sure to rinse out that bottle.
The Saint Louis Brewery, The Schlafly Tap Room
2100 Locust Street, St. Louis, 63103
Schlafly Bottleworks, 7260 Southwest Ave.
St. Louis, 63143, www.schlafly.com.

Increase Physical Activity
to help burn off stress and improve overall health. Get the muscles working! Get the heart rate up! Just get moving! Keep it simple. Being on your feet and moving stimulates bone density. Getting the heart rate up strengthens the heart and lungs, along with helping burn off excess calories. Let it evolve into something that you can do as a means to blow off steam in a healthy way. Keep moving! Keep moving! Keep moving! A healthy life depends on it. Dr. Paul Hyland, Committed to Health Chiropractic Center, www.committedtohealth.us

Have Kids Volunteer
Introduce your children and young teens to volunteering by getting them involved with organizations that have meaning and provide experiences that are fun, too. Join our vision for a world where every boy and girl takes action because they have experienced how their small act(s) make a big difference. Kids Who K.A.R.E. Camp opens hearts to a lifetime of compassion and giving back. Because Kindness is Contagious! Kindness. Action. Responsibility. Education. Stop by our booth at the Summer Opportunities Fair at Whitfield on January 27, or the Summer Expo at Parkway West HS on February 11.

Resolve to Meditate
Does your list of resolutions for the New Year include reducing stress and anxiety or leading a healthier lifestyle? If so, consider adding one more resolution to your list. Learn to meditate in 2018 and help make this resolution a reality in your life! Thousands of scientific studies have shown that meditation is beneficial for a wide range of health problems. Other benefits include better sleep, reduced blood pressure, and improved relationships. Doctors cite stress as a contributing factor to many illnesses. As stress is greatly reduced through meditation, our minds and bodies function with more effectiveness, creating health, vitality and happiness! Resolve to meditate in 2018!
Shirley Stoll is certified by Dr. Deepak Chopra
to teach Primordial Sound Meditation.
Contact Shirley Stoll for more information about classes and private instruction in 2018.
800-796-1144 • shirlstoll@gmail.com www.MeditationConnect.com

Make Friends With Plants
My work with the plant is a lifelong process and has been key to my personal welfare. Plants are incredible tools for self-transformation. Making wreaths and remedies from the wild native plants living on our land has furnished me with the tools to heal my body, mind and spirit. The intelligence within the plant can deeply influence your life and aid your journey. Plants are not innate objects but living, growing green beings that react to your presence, your energy and your thoughts. Plants are wise teachers and faithful friends. It is a rewarding and sacred relationship.
Pat Tuholske, nature guide, wildcrafter, wreath artist
WillowRainHerbalGoods.com. PatTuholske.com

Reshape Your Well Being
Whether weight loss is an issue and/ or you have a list of symptoms that are plaguing you or a loved one, regain your vitality and maintain the victory of your health with newly adopted eating strategies, hormone balancing, detoxification and immune enhancement all in one Dr. assisted program. Start the New Year off with guidance in the area of eating real food, with no chemicals or products to buy, while integrating very gentle exercise. We will profoundly reshape your well being, together, which is a gift to you for the New Year and forever.
Dr Sharon Fitelson; InMotion Health Center,
www.imhc.com. 314-644-2081.

Reduce Your Sugar or Caffeine Intake
Enhance your healthy diet with 90+ different flavors of teas and tisanes with no synthetic flavorings or additives (most are organically raised and processed). Tea can make healthy and tasty alternate to soda and coffee – ask about Tea Syrups. Tasty herbal tisanes with herbs and spices known for stress relieving or anti-inflammatory properties round out our offerings. What is the best and healthiest tea? The tea you will actually drink, because it tastes good. Keeping the world safe for tea drinkers since 2009. Kateri Meyer, Traveling Tea, 2707 Sutton Blvd Maplewood, MO 63143
314-647-8832, traveling-tea.com

HU, A Love Song to God
Singing HU can: Expand your awareness; Help you experience divine love; Heal a broken heart; Offer solace during times of grief; Bring peace and calm. Singing HU draws one closer to God. With eyes open or closed, take a few deep breaths to relax. Then begin to sing HU (pronounced like the word hue) in a long, drawn-out sound: HU-U-U-U. Take another breath, and sing HU again. Continue for up to twenty minutes. Sing HU with a feeling of love, and it will gradually open your heart to God. For more information about HU and the teachings of ECKANKAR, visit www.HearHU.org, call 1-800-LOVE GOD.

Don’t Stress Over Resolutions
As 2018 begins, people are making resolutions to be a healthier “You”. However, it’s okay to make resolutions; but, try not to stress out about it. Getting healthy by changing your current habits takes time and is a slow process. So…. take your time, keep the stress down, slowly remove ‘bad’ health habits, replace with better ones and you will eventually get there. Let’s enjoy this Journey to Good Health. Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. From the staff of Kim’s Herbs & Detox Center. 314-395-3767. www.herbshopstl.com.

it is the first and most important principle of our t’ai chi practice. A person who is relaxed is more able to approach life with an open mind and attitude. One is more likely to see people as human beings, more likely to hear what they are really saying and thus able to assess with a calm mind instead of an emotional one. A relaxed body allows for better posture and improved balance which in turn results in less back and joint issues. The simple act of learning to relax your breathing has a calming effect on your whole body. The St. Louis T’ai Chi Ch’uan Association, taichistlouis.org 314-961-1355.

Women’s Wellness Weekend Rocks YMCA Trout Lodge
Women of all abilities and ages (18+) take over YMCA Trout Lodge during its annual Women’s Wellness Weekend April 13-15. Spend the weekend enjoying classes YOU get to choose, along with group activities, multiple vendors and lots of laughs. There’s Dutch oven cooking, various workouts, horseback riding, crafts, paintball, riflery, archery, self-defense, gardening, winery tour and much more – with over 60 activities from which to choose. Or, you can kick back and relax. Rate includes lodging, meals and the activities you choose. At Trout Lodge every day is a grand adventure and every women is a goddess! For more info and registration form (that lists all activities) visit troutlodge.org/event/womens-wellness-weekend. For you who does everything for everyone else, start 2018 feeling inspired and refreshed.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Did you know we spend 1/3 of our life in bed? $20 Billion: The annual revenue of the U.S. weight-loss industry, including diet books, diet drugs and weight-loss surgeries. 1 Hour: The amount of time spent on daily exercise by people who lost and kept off at least 30 pounds of excess weight for five years. Source ABC. Is there anything you can do with less expense and less effort that can have such a positive affect on your overall health and well-being than getting 7-8 hours of sleep a day? Let STL Beds help you choose just the right mattress. 636-296-8540, www.STLBeds.com, “We Delivery Dreams”

Keep Calm and Carry On in 2018
How can a stressed, busy person calm themselves quickly? Find a quiet place. Take a DEEP breath in. Hold it for a count of four. Practice now: INHALE… 1 – 2 -3 – 4 ….and as you EXHALE drop your shoulders. Then repeat this three to five times. You may find it helpful on each out breath to think of a word or an image that evokes peacefulness. What this simple exercise does is allow you to reconnect with your breath. The more connected we are to our breath, the calmer we are. Try it. Anytime. Any place. Including this moment. All is well. Peggy Levinson, LCSW, LMFT

Find Peace and Balance
Ever feel like a tight-rope walker trying to find your balance with no net underneath? As you teeter back and forth your progress is slow and tedious. But when you find that point of balance, you speed across the wire. As you step into 2018, find your balance. Slide through tough times, and savor the good times. Find a word or phrase that speaks to your heart. My word is peace. When I feel peace I find the balance that leads to possibilities and solutions. Find your balance – and your way will be made clear before you.
By Phylis Clay Sparks, author of Forgiveness…It Is Not What You Think It Is! Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. For more information visit PhylisSparks.com.

Walk Your Dog
Think of your dog walks as being enrichment experiences for your dog and not necessarily always fitness walks for you or for them. How many times have you walked your dog for miles and they’re still fired up when you get home despite the fact you’re exhausted? From a wellness perspective, it could be better to play some brain games with your dog or a good game of fetch or tug for their increased fitness levels or perhaps as a running partner. Remember that 15 minutes of puzzle play is the equivalent of a one mile walk. Never underestimate the benefits of mental stimulation. The challenge is to keep our dogs both mentally and physically fit. Exercise and the proper diet can keep our dogs nice and lean which is important for their joints and overall physical well-being. Four Muddy Paws – The Healthy Pet Market
Jeff Jensen – Matt Brazelton. fourmuddypaws.com
Lafayette Square-St Louis & Edwardsville, IL

Explore Craft Beer
Don’t be afraid to explore the many flavors of craft beers. Urban Chestnut offers a Winter Warmer 8-pack that allows you to sample a few of our cold weather favorites. Brewed right here in St. Louis! Available in stores now. Urban Chestnut Brewing Company, 3229 Washington Ave. 63103, 4465 Manchester 63110, 4501 Manchester 63110. 314-222-0143. www.urbanchestnut.com

Achieve Optimal Health
Experience the difference of a local, family owned pharmacy and wellness center. As a full service pharmacy in business for 85 years, Neels Pharmacy offers a variety of products and services including clinical nutrition and supplements, herbal and homeopathic remedies and personalized consultations that are conducted by our in-house clinical nutritionist/pharmacist. We also offer individualized human and veterinary compounding, which we will be expanding on in 2018. Plus free delivery of prescription medications and over the counter products. Our goal is to help you and your family achieve optimal health, wellness and vitality and provide a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere in which you will receive the highest level of customer service from our knowledgeable staff and pharmacists. www.neelspharmacy.com.

Explore the Benefits of Essential Oils
Be Young Total Health (BYTH) is a family-owned business that is committed to growing and expanding in an effort to better the lives of those who desire expertly blended, premium quality health and wellness products. Essential oils are successfully used for skin care, pain relief, weight management, cancer prevention and treatment, asthma, and countless other ailments. To achieve maximum total health, Be Young also carries a full line of All-Natural, plant based and whole food health solutions. Contact Donna Langenbacher to learn more! 314-420-0564, Donna@BYOils.com.

Winter Farmer’s Markets
Your regular farmers market may be hibernating, but local farmers are still slinging fresh greens and groovy root veggies; Ferguson, Maplewood, and Tower Grove markets head indoors monthly during the winter. Keep investing in your health and a thriving local food system all year long by visiting a winter farmers market. Visit the Ferguson indoor market at St. Stephens Church each 3rd Saturday of the month, 9-noon, Dec-March to stock up on freshness from EarthDance Organic Farm School. – Rachel Levi, EarthDance Organic Farm School. www.Earthdancefarms.org

Switch to LED Light Bulbs
As your incandescent bulbs burn out, now is the right time to switch to LED. Some LED bulbs have an impressive lifespan of 20+ years. The light quality of LEDs vastly improved and are now very cost effective. Because there are so many different types of LEDs, choosing the correct LED is entirely different from picking up an old incandescent. You can do your own research before you head to the store, or trust seven time award winning ENERGY STAR Partner Metro Lighting to teach you what you need to know about choosing the correct LED bulb for each application!

Use Vitamin C
Pat Bauer, Nurse Practitioner, recommends using Vitamin C to heal yourself. Whether it’s taking tablets orally, 1.000 – 10,000 mg daily; or liposomal Vitamin C, 1,000 – 5,000 mg daily; or through IV if you need a higher dose, Vitamin C aids in the prevention and treatment of many different ailments. For more information contact Pat Bauer at Wildwood Integrative Healthcare, 16111 Manchester Rd., Ellisville, MO 63011, 636-489-2000. www.wildwoodintegrativehealthcare.com.

Shop At Local Markets
Shop Local markets that carry fresh local products and provide the best personal service. Freddie’s Market stocks USDA Choice, aged, hand-cut meats, grass-fed beef, fresh seafood, natural chicken and pork, honey-glazed boneless baked hams and Amish Turkeys. All of which can be prepared for customers in Freddie’s oven or smoker. Farm-fresh produce is hand selected and they carry pasture-raised, natural, antibiotic-free feed, non-GMO farm fresh eggs from seven local farmers. Freddie’s stocks over 100 local products and has an outstanding selection of wines, liquors, beers and Stringbean Coffee. Homemade breads, gooey butter cake, pies, bagels and cookies are baked fresh daily. Delivery is also available. 314-968-1914

Get Organized
Second Sitting Consignments can help you get organized this New Year! Resolve to be more environmentally friendly and buy on the second-hand market. Start by making an appointment to consign your unwanted and gently used furniture and home furnishings at Second Sitting. While you are putting away this year’s holiday decorations, start your box of unwanted items for next Christmas season. Mark boxes “For August Consignments at Second Sitting” and put a reminder on your calendar to call in June to schedule for August Holiday consigning. Take just 10 minutes a day to clean out or organize a drawer or shelf and by this time next year you will have a cleaner, neater, and more organized home. Carolyn Dickson, Second Sitting Consignments, 14081 Manchester, Road St. Louis, MO 63011. 636-527-4747.

See The Forest & The Trees
A “treemendous” year starts with getting outdoors and enjoying the wealth of benefits trees provide. Trees work for our well-being as much as they work for wildlife and the environment. Studies show that people who spend time around trees concentrate better. Contact with nature helps children improve their creativity, intellectual development and social relationships. Whether it’s a walk in the park, playtime in the backyard, or a hike through the woods, get outdoors and see how trees work for you and your family. Discover all the ways trees and forests are working for you at treeswork.org. From the Trees Work program at the Missouri Department of Conservation.

Make a Vision Board
A Vision Board is a visual representation of what you want to achieve. It works by shifting the energy you are sending out around your intentions. To make the board, you will need a poster board, pictures and glue. Go through magazines and pull lots of pictures. Select the ones you intuitively want and lay them on the board, then glue them on. Some people hang their boards, so they can see them often; others put them away and pull them out a year later to see what manifested. The intentions on the board are strong; this is a great way to manifest change. Deborah Zorensky, RD, LD, CCN, , The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit
7649 Delmar, 314.725.6767

Get Your Lifestyle Back!
At Kingen Chiropractic Wellness Center we address the cause of your pain, not just the symptom. We believe that education is a big part of your success. Chiropractic care is the practice of using spinal alignment to alleviate a wide variety of physical ailments, including muscle strain, neck pain, chronic back pain, and more. Our chiropractic team will help design a program that is right for you. We look forward to meeting you. Call today to schedule an appointment. Call today to schedule an appointment. Ask about our New Patient Special!
Dr. Brenda Kingen, 2001 South Hanley Rd., Ste 220, Brentwood, MO 63144. 314-646-0013

Dental is Part of A Detox Program!
Dental is Key to Holistic Health. On behalf of my patients, I urge you to work with a biological dentist for screening, biocompatibility testing, removal of toxins and infections, and future revision with materials “right for you” to remove barriers to health. Do the most important step first – amalgam removal and clearing infected teeth – that won’t break the budget. You can then plan restorations as your budget allows, there are many options. Report side effects from dental amalgam using the app, www.medwatcher.org. Come to my Free Monthly Seminar: January 16th, 7:30 pm.
Dr. Simon Yu, MD. www.preventionandhealing.com. 314-432-7802.

Make Time For Your Pets
Spending extra quality time with your pets after the anxiety of the holidays is very beneficial and can strengthen the human-animal bond. First make an appointment with your pet. A play date so to speak. Mark it on the calendar and don’t schedule anything else during that time. Second play interactive games with your pet. When engaging your pets mind, it makes you more interesting to them and will make them look at you for entertainment instead of perhaps a destructive alternative. This is relaxing for both you and your pet.Finally, spend time actually observing your pet. Really enjoy the essence of your pet. Concentrate on their feel, their sounds, their rhythm, their scent. You will be surprised what you see!
Maureen Keller HTAP, Reiki ART and Equine
Iridologist www.tranquilcompanion.com.

Consider Some Basics for Better Health
PROBIOTICS – A broad spectrum professional grade one to support your digestion, detoxification, and immune system. GREEN SMOOTHIES! – Rich in B-vitamins, fiber and ENERGY producing. MOVE! – Stretch – try the 8 movements of Qi Gong. 90 days and you will be amazed at the improvements you will see. BREATHE! – Six deep breaths while pushing the abdomen muscles out. Hold for 8 seconds and slowly exhale releasing the stagnant air. Please visit www.crossingbacktohealth for qi gong instructions, my favorite green recipes and more tips for your health. Cheers! Dr. Amy Davis M.D.

Reach Out To Seniors
Reach out to an aging friend or aging neighbor whom you haven’t seen in a while and spend an hour catching up on old times. It will make a huge difference for both parties and fill your hearts for the rest of the year! Allen Serfas, Assistance Home Care.
www.AssistanceAtHome.com. St. Louis.
314-677-1292 and St. Charles 636-352-4372.

Try A Biomat or Portable Sauna
To be healthier, sit on a Biomat or in a Far Infrared Portable Sauna for 30 minutes each day, or every other day, while watching TV or while relaxing. Far Infrared helps 1,800 medical symptoms and issues, relieves pain, increases energy, detoxes, helps weight loss, and improves your health. Is your optimal health worth 23 cents a day to you for the next 15 years? Invest $65 a month in your health this year with our payment plan, for a biomat or portable sauna that lasts 15 years. You and your family deserve the best health. You are worth it !! Call Clint (314) 562-0844

Treat Your Mouth Right
With the New Year approaching, you may have already begun to think about your New Year’s resolutions. Why not make your New Year’s resolution to improve your dental health? Brushing and flossing protect your mouth from tooth decay and gum disease, which is caused by your teeth’s most persistent enemy, plaque. Both brushing and flossing are equally important for good oral health. For this new year, resolve to treat your mouth right: improve your diet, quit smoking and improve your oral hygiene habits – your teeth and your body will thank you for it!
Joseph S Grimaud, DDS
Visit me at www.mywatsonpointedental.com
Watson Pointe Dental, 8537 Watson Rd
Webster Groves, MO 63119, 314-963-2000
New patients are always welcome!

Go Big! Go Bold! Go Whole!
New Year’s tip is to introduce a new way of thinking about health. We are not parts, but a whole. Our whole wants to be recognized and reintegrated into a healthy state of being. Homeopathy is the answer to the call by providing an individualized course of action for the totality of the person. So, this coming year; Go big! Go bold! Go whole! Amy Page, The Barefoot Homeopath – shamanicpassage.com – 636-748-0177

Be Catered To!
Whether your group is large or small, let Butler’s Pantry take care of it all! From grand celebrations to intimate dinners, boardroom lunches and at-home entertaining, relax knowing that Butler’s Pantry provides full-service event experiences to achieve your goals in a memorable fashion. Take advantage of 2018 event packages today! www.butlerspantry.com

Discover Your Inner Artist
Remember to discover your inner artist because everyone is creative! Visit Yucandu Art Studio and be inspired by the unlimited creative possibilities that are waiting for your artistic hand to mold them into original works of art. Join us for one of our many events, workshops, and summer camps or schedule a party of your own. Or drop by for Open Studio. No appointment needed. No clean-up. No problem. It’s art You Can Do! Our warm and friendly staff is ready to help you untap the artist we know is living within. www.Yucandu.com.

Enjoy Art SLOWLY!
Take time to really experience ART by visiting a museum s-l-o-w-l-y. Instead of trying to see everything in one visit, decide on just a couple of works to see. Then take your time to relax &study them unhurriedly. You’ll find the ARTful time much more enjoyable!
Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky
The Healthy Planet Arts Editor

Random Act Of Kindness
The impact of a random act of kindness can’t be overstated. Doing something nice for someone is the best use of human energy and the brightest of all the New Year’s lights. J.B.Lester; Publisher, The Healthy Planet magazine.

Read The Healthy Planet Magazine
We have something great to tell you each and every month!