
2nd Annual Maplewood Molly Groundhog Day Event

From January 1 to February 1, 2018, area businesses team up to raise awareness about native wildlife in urban areas.

Celebrate Groundhog Day with us by making a donation to Missouri Wildlife Rescue and cast your vote: will Molly see her shadow, or not? All participants’ ballots go into a drawing for prizes from local businesses.

100% of donations passed on to Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center, a registered non-profit that rehabilitates injured, sick and orphaned native wildlife and releases healthy animals back to their natural habitat; and provides educational and environmental awareness about native wildlife. www.mowildlife.org

Maplewood Molly’s Winter Shelter and a list of participating businesses can be found at Traveling Tea, 2707 Sutton Blvd, in Maplewood.

For more information please visit travtea.com.