
Fair Trade Market: Find Ethical Chocolate, Coffee, Home Goods, Food & Gifts

Fair Trade Market

The 10th Annual Fair Trade Market Offers St. Louis Hundreds of Wholesome Fair Trade Items this November

On Saturday, November 17, Sunday, November 18 as well as Friday through Sunday, November 23, 24 and 25, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., more than 2,500 sq. ft. of space will be filled with fair trade items from all over the world at Manchester United Methodist Church.

Market attendees enjoy cultural entertainment, chocolate and coffee tastings, movie showings, fair trade cake, a fashion show, food and more. Certified fair trade items from Plowsharing Crafts, Partners for Just Trade, Just Sweets and Roots-n-Streams will be available. Dedicated volunteers with a passion for social justice spend hundreds of hours throughout the year to make sure the market is successful.

Buying fair trade products provides artisans, farmers, and producers a living wage for their work. It also supports care for the environment, gender equality, child labor prohibition, safe working conditions and more.

Today, approximately $4,000 of fair trade retail dollars provides one artisan or farmer’s family a living wage for a year, through work, not charity. The Fair Trade Market’s 2011 sales were $132,000 in just five days. As a result of those sales the equivalent of 33 artisans in developing countries can support their families with Fair Trade wages for their work for a year in dignity, without exploitation or harm to the environment.

The choice to buy fair trade is easy, but choosing what to buy might be difficult. Come browse the Fair Trade Market’s huge selection of products including: chocolate, coffee, tea, clothing & accessories, home decor, toys, clothing, musical instruments, stationary, holiday decorations, soaps, and more. Find all of your holiday shopping items, including something for yourself, at the 10th Annual Fair Trade Market located at Manchester United Methodist Church, 129 Woods Mill Road, Manchester, Missouri 63011.

For more information visit online at www.manchesterumc.org/ftm.