Purify Your Body of Toxins for Better Health
by Hugh St. Onge,
Nutritional Services, Inc.
Co-sponsored by eight health clinics in the St. Louis area, an August 2 evening lecture at the Doubletree Hotel, Chesterfield, attended by 75 people, outlined a 21-Day Detox/Purification Program.
Although our bodies are designed to rid themselves of the harmful, external toxins to which we are continually exposed (including pollutants, pesticides, and other chemicals), our bodies can become overburdened. The 21-Day Detox/Purification Program helps the body purify and rebuild itself from inside out by stimulating the specific detoxification organs in the body—the liver, kidneys, and intestines.
Research has shown that many of the chemicals we are exposed to can disrupt our immune, endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems. A recent study of the 21-Day Detox/Purification Program by the Metametrix Institute determined that this program can remove toxic chemicals from the body. Toxins can contribute to a wide range of conditions, including:
- Fatigue & Difficulty Sleeping
- Stuffy Head
- Digestion & Other Gastrointestinal Problems
- Food Cravings & Weight Gain
- Low Libido
- Reduced Mental Clarity
The 21-Day Detox/Purification Program consists of eating fresh fruits & vegetables (twice as many vegetables than fruit), along with taking whole food supplements and a smoothie/shake from Standard Process, Inc., during the 21 days—with the option on days 11-21 of adding up to 2 servings daily of light poultry, beef or fish. The benefits of this program may include:
- Improved Weight Management Results
- Increased Energy/Vitality
- Better Digestion
- Less Bloating
- Clearer Thinking
- Clearer Skin
- Shinier Hair
- Better Sleep
In some cases, a person who begins the 21-day program may experience generalized aches, a throbbing sensation in the head, or fatigue—which are normal occurrences in the body’s purification process and will subside in a day or two. Those wishing to do the program are first screened by a health professional.
Many people, upon completion of the program, are amazed at how good they feel, as well as by how much increased energy they are experiencing. They learn to transition to a new, healthful way of eating that continues the journey toward looking and feeling their best.
Here’s what one woman (age 50+) had to say after recently completing the program: “…I’m happy to say that my blood pressure did improve, which was my primary goal, but as an added bonus I lost six pounds, had fewer headaches and noticed a clearer complexion…If I had to do it all over again, I would not hesitate. This was a very positive experience for me.”
See the back page of this issue to see Before/After Results (lipid profiles, weight & body measurements) of recent participants in this program and to learn about the next lecture in January.