

by Karen Gelb, I-Act Certified Practitioner
of Colon Hydrotherapy

It’s a sensitive topic, but one you shouldn’t ignore – whether you suffer from it or a loved one.  Eighty percent of people will suffer constipation at some time during their lives.  More importantly, 16% of women meet the criteria for having chronic, long lasting constipation.  Many of you readers know the feeling of having discomfort and bloating due to this debilitating condition.

Beyond being uncomfortable, constipation can be very harmful to your health.  Long term constipation can lead to diverticulosis, wherein “pouches” form in the intestines as the body struggles to move waste.  Once there, these pouches can last a lifetime – so prevention is very important!  Also, toxins can be reabsorbed into the body as waste is held for the long period before finally exiting the body.

A series of colonics can help you with constipation.  Also, our therapists can provide you information so you can make informed choices about foods and beverages which may be causing your constipation.  Our website includes articles on how doctors are finding colonics to be more helpful than other therapies for the relief of constipation.

Some people resist getting colonics because they worry that they will be uncomfortable or it’s not private enough for them.  Our state-of-the-art equipment makes colonics comfortable, and our therapists help you relax by providing privacy and draping.  But don’t just take our word for it, read our reviews on Google and Yelp.  Our clients love how colonics make them feel, and come back whenever they aren’t feeling their best.

Other digestive complaints also respond well to colonics, including IBS, skin conditions due to toxins, and others.  Many of our therapists are individuals who suffered from one or all of these conditions, and their successful healing through colonics encouraged them to become practitioners.

So, put aside any resistances and give us a call today.  Our friendly staff can answer any questions you have.  Also, check out a video on our website showing a hospital which now provides colon hydrotherapy.  With all of the benefits, we expect more and more acceptance in the medical community.

Karen Gelb, I-Act Certified Practitioner of Colon Hydrotherapy. Holistic Fitness, 7501 Murdoch Ave., Shrewsbury, MO  63119.  314-647-3999,  www.holifit.com.