
Live a Six-Sensory Life with Sonia Choquette

Linda Potter

You could call Sonia Choquette a revolutionary psychic, a vibrational alchemist, and a healer. You could also call her a highly successful, internationally acclaimed bestselling author. What she calls herself, however, is a six-sensory instructor and intuitive.

The sixth sense is the voice of your Spirit and the most important sense, she says. “Once you choose to love yourself and align with your Spirit, life aligns with you. Obstacles give way to openings, and struggle turns to support.” The five-sensory life most of us live is one of limitation and fear, she claims. Through accessing our sixth sense, we can create a far more effective, spirit guided, successful life which is in perfect alignment with our “natural way.”

Her no-nonsense protocol for tapping into your sixth sense and reconnecting with your own Divine spark includes:
● Fueling your Spirit with the healing power of creativity and laughter
● Ignoring your need to control by detaching from your ego and following your heart
● Learning to recognize members of your soul line who can foster your Spirit connection
● Identifying what you love and always starting your day with gratitude
● Choosing to be true to yourself no matter what!

A third generation intuitive and prolific writer, her books have sold over a million copies worldwide including her NY Times Bestseller The Answer Is Simple…. Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit.

Highly trained and apprenticed in both the Psychic Arts and Metaphysical Law, Sonia was educated at the University of Denver and the Sorbonne in Paris. She then pursued a spiritual education at the American Institute of Holistic Theology resulting in a BA, MS and PhD in Metaphysics.  However, she credits her more than thirty five years of working “in the trenches” consulting directly with people, and reading for them one-on-one, all over the world as her best education.

That “hands on” education includes stints as a personal Intuitive Advisor to such New Age Leaders as Louise Hay, Julia Cameron, Caroline Myss, Dr. Wayne Dyer, pop icon Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins rock band, and a professional consultant to international business leaders such as Charlotte Beers, Fortune 500 Company CEO.

Sonia has also been a regular guest on ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, Lime, Sirius, and WGN as well as featured in New Woman Magazine, New Age Magazine, USA Today, Body and Soul, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times and Crain’s Chicago Business Journal.

As a presenter, she has come to be known as one of the most dynamic, passionate speakers in the spiritual/self-help arena today. Known for her high-energy, no-nonsense, down-to-earth presentations, Sonia provides audiences with transformative experiences that are both inspiring and just plain fun.

BellaSpark productions is bringing Sonia Choquette to St. Louis on Thursday, February 11, 7pm at 560 Music Hall – 560 Trinity Avenue (Delmar Loop-University City). Tickets to her talk, The Answer is Simple . . . Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit! Are available through www.BrownPaperTickets.com or by calling 800-838-3006. For more information contact Stacy Hunsicker at 314-965-6133 or go to www.BellaSpark.com



Linda Potter

