
Ste. Genevieve Jour de Fete Named Midwest Travel Treasure

In addition to the article in Midwest Traveler magazine July/August issue, the Jour de Fete was named a Midwest Travel Treasure by AAA’s Magazine, AAA Midwest Traveler. AAA Midwest Traveler’s popular Travel Treasure series is part of each bi-monthly issue. Ste. Genevieve Jour de Fete received a certificate for the designation. AAA Midwest Traveler circulates to more than 700,000 AAA homes in Missouri, southern Illinois, eastern Kansas and southern Indiana. More than 68% of readers choose the Midwest for their vacation destination. “We’re pleased to add the Ste. Genevieve Jour de Fete to the growing list of “reassures” in our region,” said Michael Right, editor/publisher of “AAA Midwest Traveler.” “Our members recognize the Midwest has endless travel and recreational opportunities. We try to offer events like this to our readers to encourage more exploration of local sites and attractions.” Ste. Genevieve Jour de Fete is celebrating its 45th year, August 13-14.

For more information, call (800) 373-7007 or visit www.stegenevievejourdefete.com.

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