
Irresistible Community Builders Presents: The EcoVillage is Back! Back the EcoVillage!

by Tom & Carol Braford


We could easily have gone under, as many other real estate development projects have in the last couple of years, but we are not just another real estate development. We are a community and communities are resilient. A dedicated team of souls hung in there with their financial support, time and talents, and the result is a new direction for the Culver Way Ecovillage and way, way more!

By the time you read this, a group of us will have had a two-day work session with Dr. David Martin at M-CAM in Charlottesville, Virginia, to put together a Fusion Enterprise Plan with financing commitments for the Culver Way Ecovillage as a Prototype, leading to creating a whole network of Integral Urban Ecovillages in the Greater St. Louis region.

This will kick off a plan to green up and transform the Greater St. Louis region from the bottom up as a key step in earning the moniker of EcoCity USA within the next ten years. M-CAM has created innovations in finance, using a system to measure community values and well being, as well as more traditional commodities. Financing is based on the future value created when people are free to be creative and innovative.

To fulfill on this plan, the first step will be to get the Culver Way Ecovillage under construction by this fall and completely built out within two years. We will also be identifying sites for several other Integral Urban Ecovillages and breaking ground before this first one is even complete.

We are asking you, therefore, to host a launch party, where people can learn about Integral Urban Ecovillage opportunities near you and in the region and give input on the myriad other things that it will take for our region to be known as EcoCity USA, including things you know about that are already putting us on this path that we should be supporting and connecting with.

Integral Urban Ecovillages include green, affordable, community based housing, opportunities for participating in cooperatively owned businesses and opportunities to invest in green, social enterprises.

To learn more, please join us on Saturday, July 16th, for our monthly tour and open house at 11:00, followed by a potluck lunch.



Culver Way Ecovillage: Tom & Carol Braford





Green Beings Urban Farm: Michelle Erhard



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