
Articles from ‘March 2025’ Issue

The Incense Journey™: The Spiritual Teachings of Incense & Fragrance Hypnosis

Embark on self-discovery and relaxation with The Incense Journey™: The Spiritual Teachings of Incense & Fragrance Hypnosis. This 3-hour session blends the ancient art of incense and its profound spiritual teachings with powerful hypnosis techniques, providing a unique experience to unwind and rejuvenate

Discover the Power of Aromatherapy

Experience the most potent form of aromatherapy using high-quality, all-natural, smokeless incense that… [click headline to read more]

Hypnotist Terry StokesCan You Use Hypnosis?

Attend the Heartland Hypnosis Conference to Learn How Hypnosis Can Help You

By William Mitchell M.Div., BCH, CI

When people find out that I am both a Protestant Minister and a Hypnotist, they want to know what can be done with Hypnosis. Most people immediately think of entertaining hypnosis stage shows. However, Hypnotism is much more than… [click headline to read more]

Shawnee Forest patchSpring Break in Shawnee — Bring the Family Together Outside

The days are growing longer, and the birds are starting to sing again, that means spring is on the way. It’s time to get the family back outside and take time to reconnect with nature and one another. There’s no better place to do that than with a spring break adventure to the Shawnee National… [click headline to read more]

Dr Simon YuMarch Update from Dr. Simon Yu at Prevention and Healing

By Simon Yu MD

Would you like to become a patient at Prevention & Healing, Inc. in St. Louis? Join my next Free Monthly Seminar Tuesday March 11, 6:30 pm CST via Zoom. In addition to Q&A, I will talk about my next book, Accidental Cure 3. RSVP below for the link. Note the start time for your time zone: 7:30 pm EST/6:30… [click headline to read more]

Dr Amy DavisPractice Breathing and Improve Your Health

By Dr. Amy K Davis, M.D.

People frequently live in a chronic state of fight or flight. This creates a long term drain on your energy and health. The negative impacts on your body may include fatigue, weight gain, poor digestion, sleep problems, memory and concentration impairment, anxiety and depression, heart disease, osteoporosis etc. It’s very… [click headline to read more]

Dr Gail CloudMoving Forward to Create a New Life

By Dr. Gail Cloud

I watched a series on Netflix the other week called, American Primeval. It is a realistic and well written story about the development of Utah and the intersections of the settlers, the Indians, the United States military and the Mormons. What a fascinating period of time and history we as a nation… [click headline to read more]

2025 Perennial Plant of the Year — Blunt Mountain Mint

By Ann Lapides

Don’t be fooled by this beauty’s low-key presence. Blunt Mountain Mint, Pycanthemum muticum, packs a wallop of top features. In summer, a flat flower cluster of pale lavender-pink is set off by silvery bracks. The bracks create a soothing yet fascinating display, looking like they have been dusted by white powdery snow. A strong… [click headline to read more]

Elevate Your Massage Experience with CBD

March is a time of renewal, making it the perfect opportunity to refresh and prioritize your well-being. At Vitality Unlimited Spa, we are excited to offer our CBD Massage and CBD Service Add-On to help you feel your best. With the natural power of CBD, your massage can go beyond relaxation to deliver even more… [click headline to read more]

Longhorn BeeCONSERVATION CORNER: Pretty In Pink

By Dan Zarlenga, Missouri Department of Conservation

Photo caption: A spring beauty bloom with its special companion, the spring beauty mining bee. Photo by Noppadol Paothong, Missouri Department of Conservation

The month of March is the first to welcome spring. And one of the very first signs of the new season is the spring beauty. You may… [click headline to read more]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: We are the Ones!

By Tom & Carol Braford

WE are the ones we have been waiting for.

Our ancient ancestors survived the ice ages, including periods known as Snowball Earth, by joining together in tribes of 150 in the later years. 

We will need to do that again if we are going to survive the coming self-inflicted, “Fireball Earth.” Yes, more… [click headline to read more]

Susan Hunt-BradfordPublisher’s Corner

March Madness: I’m Not Talking About Basketball

By Susan Hunt-Bradford

I’ve always had a soft spot for March. The weather begins to warm up, the days stretch longer, and I start dreaming about summer vacation. Spring is in the air, and with it comes the feeling that something brilliant is just around the corner. While I get… [click headline to read more]

ARTful Living

Spring Events for the Whole Family

By Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Healthy Planet Arts Editor

 Image: Divadlo Studio Tanca from Slovakia performs in Tapestry.

Paper and fabric define St. Louis-based artist Sukanya Mani’s identity as an immigrant woman. Absence of what: Presence of whom reflects on everyday rituals on culture, gender and personal history. In COCA’s Millstone Gallery, 6880… [click headline to read more]

Stew-pendously Grand Vegan Irish Stew

By Natalie Toney, M.F.A., C.H., Healthy Planet Food Editor

Spring is nearly here, and as we look for the sun peeking through and parting the heavy clouds of Winter, we all know that snow laden days linger about in the Midwest well through March, even into April. What better way to keep the whole body and… [click headline to read more]

Put an Energetic Spring in Your Step

By Diane K. Wilson

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your energy, shed the heaviness of winter and renew! If you want to experience more vitality, clarity, and positivity, raising your frequency is key.

Here are some tips:

1. Eat Lighter, Seasonal Foods

•Swap out heavy winter comfort foods for fresh, seasonal produce.

•Opt for cleansing greens, sprouts, berries,… [click headline to read more]

Earthworms Castings

By Jean Ponzi

Word Families

I’m a Word Nerd by nature. Being also an ecological educator by trade and vocation – and Ecology studies life through relational lenses – I love to go exploring relationships among words.

My curiosity gets jazzed and piqued by contemplating who’s etymologically related to whom, how their connections shape culture among us human… [click headline to read more]

Ready, Set, Go Plant Seeds

By Linda Wiggen Kraft, Green & Growing Editor

March is springtime, not just for the official day of spring, but for the time seeds can be planted for the garden. There are seeds that can be planted outside and seeds that can be planted indoors.

For outdoor planting there are vegetable and flower seeds that can go… [click headline to read more]

JB Lester The Healthy PlanetFounder’s Forum: I Need to Sing the Song of Spring

By JB Lester

Another snow storm approaches and children eye a day off school. The milky sky hides the diffused sunshine which is helpless in warming this winter day. February in St. Louis can bring us blizzards or early bulbs a blooming. A real climatological mixed bag of tricks. March is also a mixed bag with… [click headline to read more]

Jasmin AcostaThe Power of Journaling

By Jasmin Acosta, Healthy Planet Staff Water

Journaling is more than just a hobby, it is a transformative practice that nurtures self-awareness, emotional well-being, and personal development. Writing can be leveraged to our benefit to be able to record our gratitude, reflect on daily events, or even to keep a record of our memories and life… [click headline to read more]

Let’s Calm Down About Sleep!

By Lou Stemmler

Okay, we hear those stressful warnings: if we don’t get enough sleep, we’ll age faster, we’ll never win the Lottery, and our toes will fall off. When we wake up at 3 in the morning, these worries will not get us closer to our goals, so let’s see what might actually be helpful… [click headline to read more]

Recycling 101: Avoiding Plastic When We Can

By Steve Davies, Healthy Planet Columnist

Over the years, I have to say some things have gotten easier with recycling, like having your own recycling bin on wheels where all you have to do is put all your recyclables in it, roll it out to the curb and then your city will pick it up.

On the… [click headline to read more]

Lots of Surprises Await Visitors

To Hot Springs National Park

By Kathie Sutin

Photo: Buckstaff Baths, one of only two historic bathhouses that still operate as bathhouses in Hot Springs National Park, operates as it did in 1900. Photo by Kathie Sutin.

Hot Springs National Park is not what you usually expect in a national park. The park, about 55 miles southwest of… [click headline to read more]

Steve Calloway World Space ConservationNature-Based Solutions to Protect against Flooding

Photo: Steve Calloway Executive Director World Space Conservation

Nature-based solutions are amongst the most cost-effective ways to protect against flooding. Every 1$ spent to restore wetlands, conserve watershed areas, results in direct flood reduction benefits.

 A watershed is a land area that collects and directs rain, snowmelt, and runoff into a single body of water, such as… [click headline to read more]

Spring Training for Gardeners — Grow Your Garden by Learning from Local Experts!

Photo: Spring Training for Gardeners coaches Will Delacey (left) and Jena Hood (right) teach soil basics in the EarthDance greenhouse.

Are you looking for ways to better nourish your mind, body, and even your community?

Have you ever wondered if maybe your food supply was the place to start?With food insecurity on the rise, and rising uncertainty… [click headline to read more]

2nd Annual Builders Spring Home Show Fenton to be Held March 15-16 at STL Athletic Center

The Builders Spring Home Show Fenton will be held Saturday and Sunday March 15-16, with free admission and parking. The new home show, located in a great Southwest St. Louis County location near the intersection of I-44 and I-270 in Fenton, MO, gives area residents the opportunity to shop the latest home products and services in one… [click headline to read more]