by Simon Yu, MD
Fasting can save your life. Or, it can be a sure way of starving to death. At least, you will be imagining starvation and agonizing in hunger pain. Just the idea of fasting will make you hungry. Is there a therapeutic role for a medically supervised fasting? I am not an expert on fasting. I cannot stand the idea of going hungry. I did a five day fast with great difficulty some years ago. I have not tried it again.
I had one case of a 40 day fast about 10 years ago. He was a new patient and wanted a medical doctor to supervise his fasting for 40 days. He was doing a Christian fellowship of “group fasting” based on the Bible’s teaching of Jesus’ 40 day fast in the desert. My patient was connected by email and phone for support for his fasting. He did not have any particular medical problems or complaints. His fasting was part of a spiritual journey based on the Bible.
His physical exam was normal. He was physically fit with a normal body weight. Acupuncture meridian assessment indicated several meridians were out of balance. Normally, I would try parasite medications to re-balance the meridians. However, because of his unique request, I did not start him on parasite medications. I gave him instruction on how to make a clear vegetable broth to drink for fluids, salts, and minerals. You can get the instruction on the articles page of my website in the article Each New Season Calls for Cleansing and Detoxification. He was instructed to be evaluated with meridian testing on the 20th and 40th days of his fast.
On the 20th day, he said he was feeling fine and wasn’t hungry. He was still physically fit. I noticed his acupuncture meridians were more balanced than before starting his fast. On the 40th day, he was still in good spirit, still physically fit, and only lost about 15 pounds. His acupuncture meridians were all perfectly balanced with no indication to use parasite medications. He broke the fast after the 40th day with a light meal. I saw him a few years later. He was doing fine, his acupuncture meridians were still all balanced, and there was no indication to use parasite medications.
Is it possible that a 40 day fast might be a way of eradicating parasites? Parasites might leave the body when there is no food available for them or they may transform into a dormant cyst like cocooning and wait to re-grow when the conditions are right.
I have successfully treated many cases of irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, asthma, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, TMJ, nocturnal coughs, etc., with parasite medications. I even wrote a book, Accidental Cure, based on my medical experiences.
I just finished reading a book on fasting by Herbert M. Shelton. The title of the book is Fasting Can Save Your Life. His book described a clear difference between a fast and a starvation, how to fast in nine steps, and how to break a fast properly. He had many successful cases from simple colds, multiple sclerosis, asthma, arthritis, peptic ulcer, migraine headache, hay fever, high blood pressure, heart problems, colitis, psoriasis and eczema, prostate hypertrophy and urinary problems, gonorrhea, Parkinson’s, kidney failure, gallstones, tumors, infertility and of course weight loss.
A lot of successful recovery from fasting, as described in the book, reminds me of my descriptions of recovery of many chronically ill patients with parasite medications. I’ve written many articles on parasites, unexplainable medical symptoms, and using parasite medications as the fastest means to re-balance your meridians.
Maybe a 40 day fast eradicates parasites and rejuvenates the body and spirit. If so, you may not need expensive herbal or prescribed parasite medications. Fasting may be a simple, yet elegant, way of treating parasites. Why not try this old fashion way as described by the Bible? How many patients do you think will try a 40 day fast, even if it may save your money and your precious life? I do not recommend fasting on your own without some sort of medical supervision.
A 40 day fast for parasite eradication is not for everyone. Those of you who are interested in alternative medicine and alternative treatment for parasites, consider attending a three day conference in St. Louis on September 13-15, 2013. Dr. Dietrich Klinghart, MD., Ph.D. is a special featured speaker. Plus 15 outstanding speakers from around the world will present the scientific basis of alternative medicine. During bonus evening sessions for healthcare practitioners, I will teach physicians how to measure the meridians as an investigational tool and how to treat parasites.
Spread this valuable information to your friends and medical professionals so they know about this important International Alternative Medical Conference at Fasting, or this alternative medical conference, may save your life.
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles on alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s revolutionary health book, Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, visit his web site at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.