By Deb Powell, Healthy Planet columnist
GO for it! Life is too short to live without your true desires. Put your efforts into getting them, and set fear and doubt aside.
This is segueing into my next set of articles. I started writing for the Healthy Planet magazine with a year of monthly organizing tips, then a year of inspirational articles, and now I feel it’s time to share with you tips for the little things in life that we don’t like to do, frustrate us, take time, or cost a lot… So next month’s article will be just that. Tips to make life easier!
It will be full of wisdom, cleaning shortcuts, hacks, how to save time and money, health tips, and yes, inspiration… all with results to have more time to live and enjoy a better life.
So for this last inspirational article I want to encourage you to be open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. Look into meditation, energies, hot/cold therapy, other cultures, spirituality, veganism, fasting, qigong… anything that is presented to improve life and health. Remember, in turn, these improve our environment.
With all the inspiration I’ve given you, I hope you believe in yourself and are doing things that make life better. Choose to be happy. Think positive. Get organized. Look after your health. Step out of your comfort zones. Try new things.
Learn about yourself. What are your best colors? How does your body react to foods, toxins, pollutants, or stress? What do your grandchildren like the most about you? Do you have faith? Do you want to improve something? Whatever it is, do what you can to live your best life. Reach out. Find someone to grow with. Join a club. Volunteer. Start a group. Have fun!
I’ve started a new journey as you will see by my photo. I took this from the kitchen door of the 30 foot camper trailer I bought in a lakefront camp. One of my dreams was to have a place on the water. It’s only for 5 months a year, but it’s my little piece of paradise!
What we think about, believe, and visualize, can transpire. Live!!!
Join me next month for Tips for Life!
For questions and feedback: debmag04@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you! ☺