caption: Hands on experience at the EMBA apiary – The Eastern Missouri Beekeeping Association has mentors, monthly meetings and hands on workshops to guide you through a year of beekeeping.
The Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association will hold it’s annual Beekeeping Workshop on February 10th, 2024, at the Aviator Hotel & Conference Center at 6921 South Lindbergh, in St. Louis. Our program will provide instruction for beginning and experienced beekeepers. The Beginners Course is designed for those with no prior experience and focuses on everything you need to begin beekeeping in the Spring. The Experienced Course is tailored towards intermediate and expert beekeepers, and will emphasize colony behavior, queen rearing, swarming, varroa management and marketing your honey and hive products.
The workshop will also host a vendor show centered around beekeeping equipment and crafts. Our speakers will include those listed below:
- Greg Burns with Nature’s Image Farms
- Nathan Coleman with Duck River Honey
- Jeff Horchoff (Mr. Ed) with Abbee Honey
- Jim Masucci with JDM Honey
- Jennifer + Stanley Evans with Whiskey Trail Bees
- And EMBA board members with 50+ years beekeeping experience
You’re also invited to join us for our annual Mardi Gras Banquet, held the night before the workshop. It’s a great kick-off to our beekeeping weekend. We will have a Mardi Gras themed buffet dinner with cash bar, a fun presentation and prizes! Our keynote speaker for the evening will be Michael Chippendale, talking about “The Honeybee: 400 Years in the US”.
Please join us for this fun and informative weekend of all things beekeeping. Visit our website to sign up, it’s just $85 for a full day of learning, including breakfast, lunch, refreshments, raffles and prizes! See you there! https://easternmobeekeepers.com/ event/2024-emba-beekeeping-workshop/ 2 SCAN TO SIGN UP FOR WORKSHOP