
Natural Health: Is It A Thing of The Past?

By Joyce Grivas, Teacher and Health Educator

Are you confused by all the voices selling health ideas? You must have good information from reliable sources, but it can be difficult to distinguish between the persuasive salesmen and the knowledgeable practitioners. With decades of study, research, and practice backing members of our team, the staff at A Pattern Health Retreat works to present validated health information in a way you will enjoy learning and practicing. You will be excited to learn about the power God has placed in your mind, body, and spirit to accomplish restoration to health and wellness.

Did you know your brain does not really turn to concrete as you mature?  If you continue challenging your mind, neuro-plasticity built in by the wise Creator will develop new pathways and connections that will keep you athletically learning during your lifetime.  This burgeoning field of brain research has exploded many myths, and you can be on the “ground floor” of a building experience that defies time and subject. You just have to start now!

You, too, can participate in this potentially life-changing health restoration/prevention event.  The Natural Remedies Seminars will be held at CENTRAL SDA CHURCH 5 NORTH SKINKER, ST. LOUIS, MO 63105. Register @ (314) 727-2404. Our presentations on Stress Management and Overcoming Negative Habits and Addictions will encourage you to step beyond the past with confidence by sharing simple concepts and practices that are easy to learn, while the Health and Spirituality and Simple Steps to Wellness addresses will introduce you to more of the knowledge and equipment you need to begin and complete that journey.  We will also present on Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, plus conduct workshops on Natural Remedies, Botanical Agents, Hydrotherapy, and provide one-on-one health consultations.

A Pattern Health Retreat is located in east central Missouri, only an hour from St. Louis.  Our staff is headed by a physician who is not only certified in internal medicine, but has twenty-eight years of practice in lifestyle medicine, being competent and knowledgeable in integrating alternative/complementary medical approaches with the conventional application.

A Pattern has a vision of world-wide service and a mission to:

  • Provide overseas assistance to mission projects
  • Hold community cooking schools
  • Teach health topics and demonstrate the efficacy of natural remedies
  • Conduct successful online Weight Loss Program
  • Conduct seminars focused on Whole Person Health

For more information please call 314-727-2404.