By Tom & Carol Braford
Sketch by Jason Winfrey
What if a big chunk of what ails St. Louis, Civilization and the Planet could be solved with one optimized existential opportunity? An existential opportunity is defined as a development that dramatically accelerates the progress of Humanity.
We invite you to join our rapidly growing team at Irresistible Community Builders to refine and roll out such an opportunity, right here in Mound City.
We know that this will work because Nobel prize-winning chemist, Ilya Prigogine, observed that when any system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence can shift the whole system.
We know that networks of Islands of Coherence Communities of Practice, like the ones we are creating, can be established quickly because the National Academy of Sciences issued a white paper just months before Covid, called “Social Tipping Dynamics for Stabilizing the Climate by 2050” that demonstrated that a combination of social and green technology breakthroughs follow the same laws of contagion as viruses.
The problem was that the white paper came out a few months before COVID hit, so only a handful of people around the world really understood these universal laws of contagion.
The good news, if you can call it that, is that by now we have all had a crash course in how to cause a contagion. The white paper even went into some detail on how to cause a contagion in a region when introducing a new, greener, more just form of housing community, like ours.
So, if you want to take part in causing a positive pandemic that will transform St. Louis, civilization and the planet, please contact us and let us know what lights you up and what you are good at. Then we can explore how you might participate in making this happen. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please contact us at braford@sbcglobal.net or at ArizmendiEcovillage.com.