By Simon Yu MD
Is it possible to reverse what were once considered irreversible neurological disorders by merging new brain neuromodulation technology with acupuncture meridian assessment (AMA)? Reactivation of dormant partially injured neurons with electrical stimulation is based on neuroplasticity principles.
Based on your learning about the dangers of “silver” mercury dental amalgams, root canals, and cavitations, you may have gotten rid of these and yet had no real sign of improvement in your unexplainable medical symptoms. Your last unsuspected tooth might be standing in the way of your recovery from weird and seemingly irreversible neurological disorders. Even after your last unsuspected tooth is extracted, you may need brain neuromodulation to reboot, restore, and reset your brain. Let me explain why, and what is possible.
I have been sharing my experiences with AMA and unexpected “accidental cures” for 30 years for many incurable chronic conditions. First, I use parasite medications to improve and restore gut health. Second, I use AMA to detect hidden dental problems beyond what can be seen on x-rays and cone beam scans and refer for dental treatments and oral surgery. Third, I use therapies such as brain neuromodulation.
The oral cavity is the gateway to the airway, the brain, the gut, the heart, the lungs, the lymph system, the nervous system, and more. Brain Neuromodulation is a new concept and emerging field. I can see how we can merge and combine these two fields of ancient and emerging neuroscience to create a new field of Radical Healing.
Some of the indications for Brain Neuromodulation include: ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety/ Depression, Bipolar, Chronic Post-Operative Pain, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Migraine Headaches, Post-Stroke, PTSD, and Neurological Disorders including Parkinson’s and MS.
Brain Neuromodulation Therapy is an exciting new field in neurology and neuroscience, and I am compelled and committed to promote Dr. Kattou’s teaching in the United States. In September 11-14, he and I will offer a 4-day training, combining AMA and Brain Neuromodulation at my clinic in St. Louis. Information and how to register for my AMA training seminars is on my website.
My talk at the recent Vienna Brain Neuromodulation conference was that Acupuncture Meridian Assessment can be used as an early detection and warning system for neurologic disorders, complementing and guiding brain neuromodulation.
From my perspective, dental is the most difficult part of the healing process when you have dental-medical complex problems. I am all for combining AMA, Brain Neuromodulation Therapy, and Biological Dentistry. Let your physician and biological dentist explore and get trained in neuromodulation and acupuncture meridian assessment. Get assessed by a biological dentist, and don’t let your Last Tooth be standing in your way from recovery.
Dr. Simon Yu, MD is a Board-Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Integrative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s latest book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at www.preventionandhealing.com and sign up for his monthly newsletter. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on Integrative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm or join via zoom. Subscribe to his newsletter to get monthly invitations and RSVP to receive the link.
Simon Yu, MD
Prevention and Healing, Inc.
10908 Schuetz Road
St. Louis, MO 63146 314-432-7802
Weaving Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer