By Dr. Gail Cloud
Today I want to talk about how our connection with each other is much greater than we think it is or that we are aware of.
Our connection with each other surpasses those we know or those that are in this world. We are all connected by an eternal heartbeat of life. In other words, energy never dies; it just gets transformed. There exists an energetic field in which all live; those alive and those who have transitioned. Our ancestors are still alive within us and also in that field that I am calling the eternal heartbeat of life.
This is why as we break the chains of dysfunction in our families and we heal from within. It also heals those that came before us, and even those that come after us. This may sound strange to some of you, but in my experience, this is true whether we believe it or not. Can we expand our idea of our world and include all our ancestors? As much as this can be mind-blowing for some of you, coming from this place in our hearts connects us all to each other.
I think about what we name, death, in this way. Transitioning, or letting go takes us to the very heartbeat of everyone and everything.
So our actions, our words, our judgements, our shame, our embarrassment, all have consequences beyond our comprehension.
Let’s be aware of the words we tell ourselves and the words we speak to others. Let’s be aware of our actions and how they affect absolutely everyone. It’s a tall job, and we are only human. As a friend of mine says, we are all the walking wounded. What is important is that we do the best we can.
If you would like some help with this process of “seeing” with the larger eyes of connection, and how this can help your own healing, feel free to reach out for an appointment. I also have a book which talks about my path to becoming myself without disconnecting from those who I have been hurt by. The book is, Therapist’s Daughter. I also have an accompanying workbook which you can purchase which is designed to help you to work through what comes up for you while reading it. Go to www.bodypresencing.com to purchase both. Or Amazon as well.
Cal: 314-995-9755, or email me for your own session: gail@bodypresencing.com
Gail Cloud, D.C.
Healing the Root of the Matter
BodyPresencing; be-ing through presence