World Space Conservation
Photo: Decurrent False Aster
It’s a new year. The Canadian snow geese are migrating here, and the Monarch butterflies have already left us, and are now arriving in Mexico. People are overcoming the obstacles of 2024, and are planning for the future, baking fresh bread for 2025, and making New Year resolutions.
This New Year you might want to make it a resolution to improve the health of natural environments close at home and all throughout the state of Missouri. One resolution people can make is to revitalize your living space. One way people can do this is by planting pollinator gardens in preparation for spring, and decorating your windows with bird safe decals. Another way to help is by removal of poisonous honeysuckle or other invasive species, and remember to plant native species for a healthy area.
Another resolution people make is to travel, to get away and see the world. Visit the national parks and stop at wildlife reserves, which are vital to the preservation of endangered species, and for some species are the only habitat they have left. You don’t have to go too far, because Missouri and Illinois have a number of wonderful locations and parks to visit. It’s always important to have spaces where the public can connect with nature. Put your hand on the wheel and experience great recreational opportunities in your area!
Resolve to take the time in our busy world to notice the little things. Be aware of your local environment and of the endangered species close to home. Like the Decurrent False Aster (Boltonia Decurrens), which is currently only found in St. Charles county. The population has declined greatly over the years, and now has endangered species status, as their native wetland habitat has degraded, or has been drained and converted into agricultural use. Any known river land parcels that are available to convert into protected native habitat, contact us at WSC, so we can add it to our Missouri WSC endangered species project and wetland protection.
An easy resolution everyone this year can make is to donate or participate in one of our WSC Missouri projects, for larger community actions that benefit the whole neighborhood.
Connect with us and make a donation at or (314) 530-9317. Your tax-deductible gift works to address climate issues, funds educational initiatives, and conserves natural habitats throughout the United States and more.