By Jasmin Acosta, Healthy Planet Staff Writer
I live in a world that is indigestible to me,
To know that my mind has the capacity to replay and recount a grim fairy tale that was once my reality.
My mind is shaped and carved by my sheer horrors, predestined to play a melancholy symphony, and I am forced to dance on the points of my toes, bearing no net to catch my inevitable fall.
The depths of my mind’s remembrance of the past defy the ocean’s depth and the endless realms of space.
I desire escape as I call upon the stars to bury these sorrows beneath the earth’s crust, but within a sky of vast stars, there seems to be no star within my reach willing to strip me of this agony.
Perhaps the stars do not lie within the night sky, but sit within the crevices of my mind…
I wish upon the stars once more, and my toes begin to lightly dance like a swan’s feather blowing through the gentle pushes of the wind, with a new melody born from harmony.
The stars embrace my past as a part of me, and not a piece of me that needs to disappear into the ocean’s seafloor.
At last, I remember I live in a world where the ocean is boundless, capable of keeping me afloat above its unknown depths, and now I lie on the ocean’s surface, resting with the stars.