By Diane K. Wilson
A few Testimonials of Energy Sessions & Products. Check out more info. on my website!:
Kathy O.“I have rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, & migraines. I still feel really wonderful! I even walked our… dog yesterday! Woke this morning, NO PAIN! I haven’t woken without pain in 4+ years!”
Fatima U.“My Stomach is much calmer. I feel more connected to my intuition.”
Katie M.“Sleeping better & my mind has been much clearer this week.”
Sandy S. (Lost vision 24 hours after vaccine)“Vision was much improved. Looking forward to another session as I have no desire to live like this.”
Debra B.“I am feeling much better. The pain in my hips has significantly decreased.”
Mike K. (Diabetic Neuropathy/Drop Foot) “Right leg & foot (including toes): balance, flexibility, movement & feeling/sensation is better & continues to improve. Less numbness. Sleeping better. My attitude is more positive, calm & happy. I have more focus.”
My Evaluation: 1st session: feeling came back to right leg & 3 larger toes. 2nd session: sensation increased in right leg & all toes. Groin & lower back area pain relieved each time. Ethereal Blockages Exist: Physical pains in groin & back areas, have emerged from childhood/teen traumas. This is then resulting in feelings of unworthiness, negative self-talk, lashing out, anxiety, regret, despair, hopelessness, humiliation etc.
Karen M. (Son has stroke/intraparenchymal hemorrhage – communicates with blinking) Energy Session & Wearbles: “Things are good. He seems more relaxed. Even the RN notice he was easier to stretch out this morning. He had Aqua therapy & they said he did really well, doing leg squats, push with his legs 8 times!! (normally none/one)…We just got home from Neuromovement, they thought he was easier to sit up & he has been sitting better this month & last month. More on his bottom not so much on the lower back.”
Megan R. Energy Session: “Feeling great! Shoulders, Back – feeling intense healing/energetically.” Body Product: “After 2 days I can feel clearing of pain with Sciatica, Glute, herniated discs/L4-L5 back area. Headache all week has eased up.”
Dr. Jeremy F. Energy Session: “Overall my body felt lighter & more relaxed. thinking a bit clearer, less heavy,… Right hand has been better. Little more motivated on certain things that need to be done but not my favorite that are normally put off. (…I noticed it & so did my wife).” Body Product: “Really enjoying,,,! Do feel a difference in the shower each morning. I fill the gold mesh bag provided with product then set this on top of my head (crown area). I feel it working throughout the entire shower.”
GIFT an energy session, program or product to help live the BEST life!
Together we can succeed!
Diane K. Wilson • Energy Therapies