By Jasmin Acosta, Healthy Planet Staff Writer
We are often caught in the gravitational pull of our heart’s desires, drawn irresistibly toward people even when they may not be what is best for us. The heart, by nature, seeks to give and receive love, sometimes at any cost, blind to the consequences that may follow. It pursues what it craves with a force that defies reason, regardless of the impact that love may have. In its relentless search, the heart can lead us into places where passion and pain intertwine, unaware of the price that may come with the love it chooses.
The desires of our heart can impact the course of our life, often without us fully realizing its impact. Without understanding its true cost, we let these desires guide us, unaware of how they can alter the very trajectory of our existence and, at times, lead to our demise.
Our heart is not a conscious vessel that sides with reason, and at times it is merely guided by its longing to fill emotional wounds. The heart on many occasions confuses its idea of love by what feels good within the moment, and can long for a love that is an intoxicating poison.
The heart’s longing can easily overshadow the mind’s sense of reason, blinding us to what we know is rational. It is crucial to be mindful of these desires and ensure they align with our best interests, guiding us toward what truly serves and fulfills us, rather than leading us astray onto a path of our own self-destruction, as not every person that walks into our lives will positively leave an impact.
Unfortunately, it is the intoxicating love that will bend us to abandon our mind. This undying passion grips onto our fingertips and convinces us that by surrendering who we are that it is a necessary sacrifice needed to fill our wounds, but rather this acid seeps through and hollows our entire being until there is nothing left but a shadow of who we once were.
The fact of the matter is, love has the potential to be dangerous and could lead us to places we never thought imaginable. However, it is essential to note that love can exist without being poisonous, as it is not love that destroys us—it is how we love and who we love. And in that, we have a choice.