By Dr. Gail Cloud
Many of you may or not know, I have written a memoir called, Therapist’s Daughter. Writing it is a big departure for me. I usually do not share such vulnerabilities with many people; I am or have been a private person. As I got older it felt like it was time for me to share some of my life experience, not just for me, but as inspiration for others.
As many might say I lived a privileged life, that is also true. Privileged in the sense that we had a home, food, clothes, good schools, etc. As in most of our homes and families, secrets lurk in the shadows, and they affect us all in profound ways. In my life, a secret was how my father psychically invaded me, taking his place inside of me. Having a depressed mother, who wasn’t available to support and protect me, he was who was available. I lost much of the sense of myself and who I am. My job as an adult and in my desire to live my own authentic and full life, is to reclaim myself and my life, and be in touch with myself. So I wrote my book in honor of all of those who experienced your own version of being taken over by an important person to us in our lives. And as inspiration towards living your authentic life and being in touch with who you are.
This is my story, but I also hope it inspires you.
If you feel moved to read it, I hope you find it helpful.
I also wrote a journal that goes along with it with guiding questions to help you along with feelings and memories that might come up for you in reading it. If you would like some individual guidance in doing this work for yourself, please also reach out to set up an appointment. You can reach me at: 314-995-9755; www.bodypresencing.com. Check out my website, www.bodypresencing.com and see what other services I offer.
I enjoy being a guide to you, being your own agent of health.
Gail Cloud, D.C.
Healing the Root of the Matter
BodyPresencing; be-ing through presence