By Benjamin Winkler
Big smiles on small faces is just one reward from various classroom visits, while other reactions range from feigned disgust to newfound curiosity, as students hold red wigglers for the first time. The worms are brought in as a lesson on compost to coincide with the class’s Green Schools Quest (GSQ) project of expanding their campus garden.
This story comes from my first year participating as a GSQ Mentor but is not an isolated incident. This will be my fifth year as a Mentor and each experience has led to students learning about sustainability, exploring the spaces they inhabit, and helping to foster ideas of making their schools a greener place to grow.
The Green Schools Quest is a program in Show-Me Green Schools, a partnership between Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and Missouri Environmental Education Association. Participating schools in the Green Schools Quest are paired with a Mentor with expertise in a field related to a project designed by students. The completed projects are submitted for review and the top projects receive prizes that are put toward enhancing the winning schools. The variety of projects is especially encouraging, because the ideas originate from the students. The Mentor is there to help facilitate brainstorming and guide them toward an achievable project. The amount of time a Mentor dedicates is flexible and varies based on the school’s needs. There are years I have met with the lead teacher a few times, helping them stay on track to meet the deadline. On the flip side, there are years I have made multiple classroom visits, engaging with the students. The Mentor and lead teacher determine the schedule and level of need.
I first heard about this program through my job teaching waste diversion to schools within St. Louis County. Serving as a Mentor with Green Schools Quest allowed me opportunities to build deeper relationships with schools, given me great ideas for future projects, and inspired hope through their children-first approach. I am excited to work with the next group of students towards making their school a greener place! Every change starts with an idea!
Show-Me Green Schools is currently recruiting for experts. Learn more and sign up to be a Green Schools Mentor today at showmegreenschools.org/gsq
Benjamin Winkler
School Programs – Waste Diversion
Saint Louis County Department of Public Health}
(314) 615-7808